Saturday, December 6, 2008

12 Little Breakfasts. Snack & Pepper Portraits.

Well, I have a houseful. Mindi's neighbor's dogs didn't come, as her mother got back in town and is going to take care of them. I am glad really, as I have enough to do to take care of the 11 critters that are here.

The minute I got up, I turned on the coffee maker, I only make 2 mugs at a time, as I don't like old coffee. By the time I had turned on the computer, and donned a thick robe, I could carry a cup outside with me when I took the dogs out for their "first call". When I got them back inside, I turned on the dog room TV, opened up the blinds in there to let the sunlight in. As soon as I was dressed, it is still T-shirt and turtleneck weather, it was time to start on all twelve little breakfasts. Mindi's 8 eat one thing, Bobcat eats another, MaeMae another, and then Snack and Pepper (cats) another. 12 little dishes all in a row ! Sheba had to have her medicines, and then I took the dogs outside again. They always seem to have to 'go' after they eat. Sheba wanted to be in the house with me, so I let her lie on my bed while I got other things done. If she lies still, she doesn't cough.

I was answering emails when the doorbell rang, that got Sheba stirred up, so she started coughing again. It was Jay, and their neighbor. Jay was back from Houston, and said his Mom was coming home, so he had come to pick up MaeMae. So my little black poodle boarder is gone, for now.

I was just going to groom little Jakey, as he is looking straggly, when the phone rang. It was Kenya asking me to bring Snack and Pepper to Petco in the next town. A professional photographer had offered to take pictures of the fosters awaiting adoption, so that their pictures, and history, can be listed on Once they get on there, folks ask about them, and the pets can be brought in for Adoption Day for viewing, so that is a start in the right direction. I quickly took all the dogs out again, counted noses twice as they came in, and got myself ready. I called Jay to see if he wanted to go, and he did.

I got the two carriers ready, and Jay helped me load them in the back seat of the truck. Snack didn't want to leave her big cage and get in the smaller carrier, so I had to do the upside down trick....... Put the carrier with the door facing up, and put the cat in, feet first, and shut the door. Works every time !

At Petco they didn't want to pose. Pepper wanted to be away from the Christmas setting they were using as a backdrop, and chase around the room. Snack just glowered in front of the camera, with her eyes as big as saucers, and wanted to slink away to a corner. Neither of them got their way. I think they got some shots that will be OK.

There was just enough time to get to a couple of thrift shops before they closed at 3.00pm. I found a couple of comfy dresses. Jay got a long sleeve T-shirt and a cutting board. We hadn't had any lunch, so we stopped at McKenzies BBQ, and had chopped beef sandwiches.

By the time we got home, it was time for me to start all over again with 11 little dinners.

Another busy, sunny day.

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