For “Scripture Sunday”:
Should Christians Observe Easter or Passover?
“To find the right answer, you must look to the right source.”
Transcript at:
Passover Christian? Unleavened Bread Christian?
“Most think Passover and Unleavened Bread are Jewish only. Are they really New Testament observances for Christians today?”
Transcript at:
How is Christ's Resurrection Properly Observed?
“What is the correct New Testament way to observe the resurrection of Jesus Christ? The answer is different than most believe.” Transcript at:
Clarification on the Resurrection and Days of Unleavened Bread
“Here's more discussion about the resurrection of Christ and the Festival of Unleavened Bread.”
Transcript at:
What Does Unleavened Bread Symbolize?
“The next step beyond Passover.”
Transcript at:
Communion or Passover?
“What is communion and how does it relate to the New Testament Passover?”
Transcript at:
A Personal View of Passover
“In Christ's gaze on Peter the night He was arrested, we learn an important personal lesson.” Video:
Video Transcript: “Christians who observe the biblical Passover described in the Gospel accounts are right now in the middle of that season, the Passover service for Christians who observe the Passover according to the New Testament pattern. It's a very personal event for anyone who observes the Passover in the manner in which Jesus did that with His disciples on the night before He was crucified.
As I think about the Passover from time to time I go back to a story that is from the Gospel of Luke where Christ predicted to Peter that before the night was out he would deny Him, Christ, three times, which Peter did. After Christ was arrested Peter followed Him around to the home of the High Priest. And in Luke chapter 22 it shows, beginning in verse 54, that particular story where twice Peter denied Christ and on the third time when he said to the man there around the fire in the courtyard, he said, "Man, I do not know what you are saying," when it was pointed out that Peter had been with Jesus. "At that moment," it says in verse 61, "The Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He said to him, ‘Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times'" (Luke 22:54-62
I like to imagine that in that gaze where two pairs of eyes met, the eyes of Christ and the eyes of Peter, there was a moment of intense scrutiny and introspection, especially on the part of Peter. The account shows that Peter wept bitterly and went out. Peter, however, came back and became a major apostle and one of the twelve who took the gospel to the world. But in that moment on that night Peter saw something about himself that he had not seen before. And it was in that look from Christ that it all came home to him.
And so as I look at that for the Passover in examination at this time of year, I have to understand that Christ's gaze is upon me. And that helps me to not only prepare for the Passover, but to prepare to let my life be one that is patterned after that of Jesus Christ as He lives His life in me.”
This morning's sermon on WGN TV:
Christ's Resurrection: Our Hope of Life
Religious traditions have obscured the truth of the resurrection. You need to discover its real meaning.
Transcript at:
On This Day:
Jews to be expelled from Spain, Mar 31, 1492:
“In Spain, a royal edict is issued by the nation's Catholic rulers declaring that all Jews who refuse to convert to Christianity will be expelled from the country. Most Spanish Jews chose exile rather than the renunciation of their religion and culture, and the Spanish economy suffered with the loss of an important portion of its workforce. Many Spanish Jews went to North Africa, the Netherlands, and the Americas, where their skills, capital, and commercial connections were put to good use. Among those who chose conversion, some risked their lives by secretly practicing Judaism, while many sincere converts were nonetheless persecuted by the Spanish Inquisition. The Spanish Muslims, or Moors, were ordered to convert to Christianity in 1502.”
Dalai Lama begins exile, Mar 31, 1959:
“The Dalai Lama, fleeing the Chinese suppression of a national uprising in Tibet, crosses the border into India, where he is granted political asylum.
Born in Taktser, China, as Tensin Gyatso, he was designated the 14th Dalai Lama in 1940, a position that eventually made him the religious and political leader of Tibet. At the beginning of the 20th century, Tibet increasingly came under Chinese control, and in 1950 communist China invaded the country. One year later, a Tibetan-Chinese agreement was signed in which the nation became a "national autonomous region" of China, supposedly under the traditional rule of the Dalai Lama but actually under the control of a Chinese communist commission. The highly religious people of Tibet, who practice a unique form of Buddhism, suffered under communist China's anti-religious legislation.
After years of scattered protests, a full-scale revolt broke out in March 1959, and the Dalai Lama was forced to flee as the uprising was crushed by Chinese troops. On March 31, 1959, he began a permanent exile in India, settling at Dharamsala in Punjab, where he established a democratically based shadow Tibetan government. Back in Tibet, the Chinese adopted brutal repressive measures against the Tibetans, provoking charges from the Dalai Lama of genocide. With the beginning of the Cultural Revolution in China, the Chinese suppression of Tibetan Buddhism escalated, and practice of the religion was banned and thousands of monasteries were destroyed.
Although the ban was lifted in 1976, protests in Tibet continued, and the exiled Dalai Lama won widespread international support for the Tibetan independence movement. In 1989, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in recognition of his nonviolent campaign to end the Chinese domination of Tibet.”
As I said in my previous journal, my daughter and I had our Saturday phone call with the distressing news that a relative has cancer again. It was found out that a prescribed medicine she had been taking for diabetes caused this. Big Pharma putting profits ahead of people again. Of course, I had to spout off about her going on a better diet with more fresh veggies, and NO processed, or GMO foods.
"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food." Hippocrates.
“Doctors give drugs of which they know little, into bodies, of which they know less, for diseases of which they know nothing at all”. – Voltaire
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human body, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” - Thomas Edison
“All that man needs for good health and healing can be found in nature, it is the job of science to find it.” - Paracelsus, Father of Pharmacology, 1493-1541
“…the estimated total number of iatrogenic deaths—that is, deaths induced inadvertently by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures— in the US annually is 783,936…….while 553,251 died of cancer.” – Gary Null, et al., Death by Medicine
“Leave your drugs in the chemist's pot if you can heal the patient with food.” – Hippocrates, 420 BC
“When diet is wrong medicine is of no use.
When diet is correct medicine is of no need.” - Ancient Ayurvedic Proverb
“Our lives are not in the lap of the gods, but in the lap of our cooks.” - Lin Yutang
“Let nothing which can be treated by diet be treated by other means.” – Maimonides
“[It shall be] a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood.” - Leviticus 3:17
"Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see." So he agreed to this and tested them for ten days. At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food. So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead. To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.” - (Daniel 1:12-17) NIV
Then I got ready for church. The Bible Study was about Jesus’ Miracles of Healing. Key text Mark 2:1-12. He healed the paralyzed, lepers, blind, deaf and mute. Also about the woman who had so much faith that she just wanted to touch the hem of His garment, and knew it would heal her, which it did.
The sermon was about Spiritual Food, and how one should always put God’s wishes and commandments before even those of your family.
The potluck was great, as usual, with good fellowship, and unleavened bread with our meal. It will be the ‘Days of Unleavened Bread’ until Monday.