Monday, January 31, 2011

Gabrielle Giffords, Madness and Violent Behavior: The Food Connection.

"The U.S. is still reeling from another tragedy -- the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, and the murder of several civilians during the attempt.

Many are asking what the cause might have been -- whether it was pervasive, over-the-top violent rhetoric in the culture, or simply mental psychosis.
But, even if the former, there is still the underlying cause of mental psychosis to consider.
And what if people are lashing out with such destructive force, at Columbine, Virginia Tech, and now Arizona, not because of what they are hearing, but at least in part because of what they are eating?

"Loughner bought a doughnut, energy bars at a gas station at 2:34 a.m., source says"
It's not presently known whether Jared Loughner, the young man who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and killed several civilians, was taking medication, but there are indications that he did not have a healthful diet."    
"I have long thought, it is not what’s eating our young people that causes them to lash out with such destructive force, but, what they are eating."  says Kimberly Hartke:
Kimberly Hartke is the publicist for the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nutrition education non-profit based in Washington, D.C.

Complex and Hidden Brain in Gut Makes Stomachaches and Butterflies

Angry white male syndrome

"Hamburgers and fries are rarely accused of causing violent behaviour in male youth who subsist on them. But the standard junk food diet of North America is dangerously low in many nutrients, notably the omega fatty acids found most easily in fish and walnuts, fats that were likely crucial in early human evolution.
I say “dangerously low” not only because of the body’s physical need for such fats, but because these fats deliver mental health benefits that counter depression. Washington-based National Institute of Health clinician Joseph Hibbeln created a momentary stir in 2001 with research showing lower murder rates among prisoners who ate fish regularly.

Harvard’s Andrew Stoll wrote about EFAs as “the new pharmacology of aggression” in his 2001 book, The Omega-3 Connection, and expressed “hope that at least part of the answer” to such problems as intermittent explosive disorder “may be as simple as omega-3 fatty acid.”"  From:

Once again, we come back to "You Are What You Eat"!


Jay wanted to cash a check, I thought we were going to do some work first as it was going to be such a beautiful day, but he wanted to go right away.
But I still had to drive to Huntsville (TX) to pick up a door handle and lock for the guest house that I had ordered at McCoys.  Neither Home Depot or Lowes had the right one, so as the door had been bought at McCoys, that is where I had to order it.  So we decided that he could cash it in Huntsville.

As Convenience RV store is on the way, we picked up the cargo trailer's water tank drain faucet, so we can get that installed on the outside of the trailer.  But they only sold the tank filling water line, that white and turquoise plastic stuff, and the vent and drain line in 10' lengths.

Jay looked in my Huntsville phone book, but still took us to the wrong bank.  We finally went to the one in the Huntsville Walmart, and as you can imagine, anyone that receives a government check was there.  So while he was waiting in the long line, I picked up a few groceries.  I was done before he was.  It is a much nicer store than our Walmart in Conroe, as it is newer, larger, with wider aisles. 

We picked up the lock at McCoys, and tried to get the barb fittings for the water tank, but they didn't have them, so we just came home, as it was lunch time.
Later, I had to go into our little town to our very well stocked True Value to buy the rest of the barb fittings, plus the drain and vent line.

I still don't have the tank filler water line, so I will have to drive down to Camperland RV store another day.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Recycling sewer water into drinking water growing more popular.

If you watched Prophets of Doom on the History Channel last night, you would have learned that this country is running out of drinking water, debt, and oil.   If any one of these is depleted, that makes everything else collapse.

About our vanishing water:

Ogallala Aquifer
"The Ogallala Aquifer, also known as the High Plains Aquifer, is a vast yet shallow underground water table aquifer located beneath the Great Plains in the United States.
One of the world's largest aquifers, it covers an area of approximately 174,000 mi² (450,000 km²) in portions of the eight states of South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas.

The deposition of the aquifer material dates back 2 to 6 million years to late Miocene to early Pliocene age when the southern Rocky Mountains were still tectonically active. From the uplands to the west, rivers and streams cut channels in a generally west to east or southeast direction. Erosion of the Rockies provided alluvial and aeolian sediment that filled the ancient channels and eventually covered the entire area of the present-day aquifer, forming the water-bearing Ogallala Formation."
More at:

Aquifers are now a significant source of water for many Americans.

"Water quality in aquifers tends to be cleaner, but they replenish at a much slower rate. As a result, the water level in many aquifers across the country are dropping, unable to replace the withdrawn water at the same rate it it being removed.
Although it has previously relied almost exclusively on surface water, energy production is beginning to make greater and greater aquifer withdrawals to their needs. See the Energy Production Demand map for the magnitude of impact this could have on aquifer levels."        Sources used for aquifer depletion map

See the Energy Production Demand map

"Electric power plants are among the greatest users of water in the United States, especially in northern and eastern parts of the country. The colored regions on the map are watersheds where 50 percent or more of the water withdrawals go towards energy production. "

So saving electricity is also saving water.

Water is the most important, so what are we doing about it?

"Sewer to Spigot: Recycled Water"

"Cities and counties across the United States have increasingly been turning to recycled sewer water as one way to meet growing drinking-water demand. Recycling sewer water, or turning toilet water into drinking water via purification, has often repulsed opponents due to the high costs of treatment and the drinking-former-toilet-water gag factor. However, despite sometimes vocal opposition from the public, communities with huge projected increases in water demand have been pursuing the option anyway in the face of stagnating supplies.

Earlier this year, Orange County, Calif., completed the largest and most high-tech water-recycling system in the world that churns out 70 million drinkable gallons of water a day from effluent. Los Angeles just announced plans to recycle 4.9 billion gallons of wastewater by 2019, and Miami-Dade County, Fla., is planning to convert 23 million gallons of wastewater a day into drinking water. So far, environmentalists have offered measured praise for water recycling; some have said that if the practice is adopted on a large enough scale, it might eventually make up for people crapping in drinkable water in the first place."
Source: The Wall Street Journal

Toilet to Tap: Orange County Turning Sewage Water into Drinking Water:

"Trying to build public support, waste managers have launched a campaign to inform residents of Southern California that they are already drinking treated wastewater. Large amounts of heavily treated waste is discharged from cities upstream that also tap into the Colorado River, like Las Vegas.
Orange County’s wastewater recycling system currently produces water for $600 an acre foot, and experts predict the price of imported water will rise to $800 an acre foot in just three years. An acre foot provides a year supply of water to two families.  Southern Californians are going to have to accept wastewater recycling if they are going to continue to provide water for all residents in times of drought."
More at:


I wrote about "precious water" twice last year:  and:

I hope you have been doing your part to save our precious water.

It is drizzling here, and even though it is warm, over 65 deg., it is still an overcast gloomy day.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Transmission Towers. Onions. Strokes. Heart Attacks. Misty. Cargo Trailer.

I know folks are always interested in earning additional income, for the upwardly mobile amongst us,  a 1,700' climb to get to work, how would you like this job: 
Someone has to do it!  Do you think about that when you use your cell phone?

I think doing this would give me a stroke or heart attack.


Add These to Your Sandwich to Stop Strokes

"Whether you're noshing on a lean turkey with tomato or a veggie delight, add these to your sandwich to reduce your risk of stroke: onions.
Onions are brimming with flavonols, and new research suggests that these nutritional goodies could downsize the risk of stroke by as much as 20 percent.

Fabulous, Flavorful Flavonols
The key flavonol compounds for stroke prevention appear to be myricetin, apigenin, luteolin, kaempferol, and quercetin. But don't worry about pronouncing them. Just know that they have inflammation-cooling effects -- especially the quercetin -- and that translates into a lower risk of stroke-inducing blood clots. Flavonols also appear to relax and dilate blood vessels, another buffer against strokes."

Deb, take notice!

What a Heart Attack Feels Like

Different for men and women:
heart attack signs, symptoms
"Surprisingly few people have the classic Hollywood heart attack, the kind that leaves them clutching their chests and staggering.
Chest pain is the most common symptom of a heart attack. Victims typically suffer shortness of breath, jaw pain, arm pain, nausea and vomiting.
"I didn't fall to my knees""

More at:

Yesterday, when I saw Misty's bill, I nearly had a heart attack.

 She had to go back to the vet to get the catheter taken out of her arm, and I had intended to stop at a couple of places on the way home.  She is well enough to walk into the vet on a leash now.

But, in usual TX winter weather style, (if you don't like the weather, just wait a day), it was 76 deg. and the windows in the van heated up the inside so much that there was no way I could leave her in the van.   So I had to come straight home, running the AC.

I had bought a twin size bedspread and sham for my full size bed at a thrift shop the other day.  There was method in my madness,  I couldn't see when Paco took over Misty's larger bed, as if I bunched up the larger comforter, it looked stupid.   She and I hate it when he does that.  I want her to be comfortable.  All I have to say, now that I can see him, is "Get in your own bed", and he does.

Another-kitchen window

Jay and I cut out for the second kitchen window, too, before I took her to the vet.



Illustration of a base cabinet toe kick.
Ray was been able to get away from his sick father-in-law's bedside, and he put another coat of sealer on the roof of the cargo trailer.

Jay and I put the corner countertop on the floor in the trailer, and traced out the pattern on the lino with a pencil. Then we deducted for the toe kick area, which is 3" deep. 


Then we put the fridge on the markings, and marked where it would be, under the corner sink. 
We laid out these sticks to get an idea of how it would look. The counter is 3" deeper than the sticks, to allow for the toe kick.  There won't be much cupboard space, but it is a small trailer.

All three cats are on the screen porch, as it is a lovely, sunny, warm day.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Pyometra Will Affect Almost All Unspayed Females Over the Age of Five. Challenger.

After what I went through with Misty yesterday, I advise everyone not to let their pet, or their pocketbook, suffer like this.
If Misty's late "Dad", had had her spayed years ago, she would not have developed Pyometra.
"Pyometra is a uterine infection where the uterus fills with pus. Pyometra is common in unspayed dogs."
"Pyometra is an important disease to be aware of for any dog owner because of the sudden nature of the disease and the deadly consequences if left untreated. It has been compared to acute appendicitis in humans, because both are essentially empyemas within an abdominal organ."  From:

Misty had breast tumors also, which spaying might have eliminated.
Misty's surgery was at least $800! 
(I don't have the complete bill, yet, as she has to go back.)

Our local Animal Control charges $45 to neuter males, and $65 to spay females, cats or dogs.

There are some places that will do it free, or low cost, for those who cannot afford to have it done.

"Research studies have shown that a spayed or neutered pet lives an average of 2 years longer than their unspayed or unneutered counterparts.

Reduction in Disease

Aside from the behavioral benefits and preventing unwanted pregnancies, fixing your pet can help your pet's health.
According to PAWS, neutered males are less likely to develop problems with their prostate or testicular cancer and spayed females are less likely to develop cancer of the uterus or breast.
Spaying also helps decrease the risk of urinary tract infections."
Read more: The Benefits From Spaying & Neutering Your Animal |

"Why sterilize your dog? Why not?   Myths abound!   Here are the facts:
Come? Sit? No way!  His brain is somewhere else!!
Most bites to humans are by UN-NEUTERED MALES.
The largest percentage of roaming dogs

The largest incidence of dog to dog aggression
Early spay/neuter? Is it safe? How early?

Spaying eliminates uterine infection and reduces the risk of mammary cancer. Neutering prevents testicular and prostate cancer. In addition to the health benefits, your pet won't face the danger of being in fights, run over or exposed to diseases while on the prowl in search of a mate."
More at:

Spay & Neuter

Spaying and neutering has a number of benefits to your pet. Besides reducing the pet overpopulation problem. Research studies have shown that a spayed or neutered pet lives an average of 2 years longer than their unspayed or unneutered counterparts.
Spaying female dogs prevents:
Mammary tumors
Once your dog has gone through a single heat cycle, her chances for developing cancerous mammary masses increase by 98%. Spaying her before her first heat eliminates this possibility.

In layman’s terms, this is an infected uterus. This is a very serious condition that will affect almost all unsprayed females over the age of five. Pyometra can and will result in death if not taken care of immediately – the cure is surgical removal of the infected uterus, which is often 2-3 times more expensive that a routine spay.

C-section for difficult birth
Not all pregnancies end with a happy picture, some females need emergency care while delivering. C-sections can cost thousands of dollars at emergency facilities, and failing to assist the mother can often lead to death of the mother and pups.

95% of dogs hit by cars are unspayed or unneutered. When in heat, a female dog will often run away from her home in search of a mate. In addition, many dogs will get into fights or get injured while breeding.
Spaying female cats prevents:
Contagious disease
Most of the deadly viruses cats get are spread through saliva or other bodily fluids.

Spraying and Inappropriate Urination
Unspayed females advertise their condition by urinating in different areas outside of the litterbox, which can include spraying on vertical surfaces to mark their territory.

Female cats in heat burn a lot of calories and often lose weight or develop other metabolic disorders.

Even well-behaved strictly indoor cats will find ways to get out of the house when in heat, putting them at risk for being attacked by other animals or hit by cars.
Neutering Male Dogs and Cats Prevents:
A neutered male does not develop testicular cancer and male dogs are far less prone too developing prostate or rectal cancer if neutered, neutered males do not develop Perineal hernias.

Behavioral Problems
Unneutered males (both canine and feline) tend to be more aggressive with other animals and people. Unneutered males are also very prone to urinating or spraying (cats) inappropriately. Thousands of dogs and casts get relinquished to shelters every year for inappropriate behaviors like these.

Disease and Injury
Unneutered males will fight with each other, causing injury and spreading disease (cats). Unneutered males are also far more likely to be hit by a car than neutered males.

Curious as to what happens when your pet gets spayed? Shuttle Challenger

Where we you when the Challenger met it's fate, 25 years ago, today?



Misty slept through the night, and hardly moved at all, but has to go back to the vet to have her catheter removed today.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Misty Rushed to Vet. Dogs Rule!

The minute I got up, I knew something was wrong.

Misty had managed to nose my bedroom door open, and had soiled my living room carpet.  This was totally out of character for her.  Then when she did get back out of her bed, which is under my bed, she could hardly walk.  I had to carry her outside, and she nearly fell over.  At first I thought she just had a tummy upset, though I couldn't imagine from what, as she is never out of my sight, so I gave her 1/2 tablet of Metronidazole.( which is often given to dogs when their tummies get upset.  One dose seems to clear it up, so I hoped that would do it.

When I got Misty six months ago, she went in for her teeth-cleaning and spaying, but her teeth were so infected, that they didn't want to spay her then, because of all the infection in her body.  She was on antibiotics for quite a while, and became a happy, tail-wagging, bouncy gal, something she hadn't been for ages in her previous life. 
As she is 15 years old, we assumed that her late "Dad" had had her fixed, but they could not see a scar. 
So the spaying was delayed to make room for other foster dogs who are adoptable, especially as she might not come into season again.   Also, I have no intact doggie males around here.  At her age, she is not considered adoptable, so I had planned on giving her a good life for the rest of her days.

But then, this morning, I could see that there was something else going on, and assumed that she had  Endrometitis, ( a serious infection of the uterus and is a veterinary emergency).  I called the best vet in Conroe, who I have used for years for emergencies, and they said to take her on in.  Jay went with me, as he knew this was something serious.  The doctor took her temperature, took a swab, and did a sonar gram on her.  He said that there was definitely something bad going on in her uterus,  but seemed to think that it was her gall bladder that was making her hurt and feel so sick right now.  She was so good while all this was going on.    Poor baby, she is shaking with pain.

I had to leave her there, as he wants to do a complete blood work up on her to see if there are other factors (kidney, liver function etc.) which would make it dangerous for her to have the anesthetic. 

We know what will have to be done, if she is considered ineligible.

So I am at the 'sit and wait' stage today.

"Pushy" Dog:

"Happy"  as a baby

Here is Happy all grown Up:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Flood. 5 Germy Mistakes You're Making Everyday. Myths of Common Cold. Pig Flu.

First this, maybe we can help these poor critters by remembering to click each day?

Australia Floods - Help Animals Now - Donate Today! 100% goes to charity

If you would like to get a daily reminder:

During this season of colds and flu, here are some pointers:
"You wash your hands frequently, do your best to avoid coughing strangers, and generally consider yourself to be a germ-avoiding pro. Still you may be surprised at five little things you're doing that may be leaving you susceptible to harmful bacteria and viruses.

1. Fruit peels: You buy lots of fruit to eat -- bonus points! But, when it comes to fruit you peel (think: bananas, oranges), do you ever wash them first? If you grab that banana, peel it, then handle the fruit as you eat it, you're potentially putting harmful bacteria right in your mouth. Think of all the people who handled that banana: the banana farmer in another part of the world, the guy at the grocery store who stocked the bunch, 19 customers who picked over it to get to the greener bunch they wanted, the checker at the market, the bagger -- and then you!

2. The handles/railings in your house: Did your roommate have a cold this week? Sure, you kept your distance and washed your hands frequently, but did you think to wipe down the stair rails and doorknobs?  More…..

3. Your shoes: Do you keep your shoes on in your house? Yes, this is a controversial issue -- those who like to keep their shoes on, thankyouverymuch, may take offense to rhetoric about removing shoes at the door. But, there has been a mounting amount of research in the past years indicating that what we track in on the bottom of our souls could be making us sick -- from chemicals lingering on sidewalks and roads to the microbes you picked up in the public restroom. In fact, some health experts consider taking shoes off in your home as a way that anyone can improve their health. Even the super-doc Dr. Mehmet Oz suggested this year that it was on his top-5 list of things he'd recommend people do. So take those shoes off, darlings!

4. Touching your face: We all do it -- a scratch here, a nose rub there. But every time we're touching our face (especially our nose, mouth and eyes), we're giving germs a free ride into our bods. Even if you can be a teensy bit more aware of when you touch your face throughout the day, you can reduce your germ exposure. No, don't be compulsive about it, but if you avoid rubbing your eyes now and then, you're doing your body a good service.

5. The water glass in the bathroom: When's the last time you sent it for a run in the dishwasher? How about now? Frequently used items like glasses -- especially when shared or left out on a countertop where droplets can accumulate from various sources -- can be a breeding ground for germs. Wash those glasses frequently, and don't share them!"
More at:

"Common Misconceptions About the Common Cold

Myth #1: Taking vitamins and zinc lozenges will make a cold go away quicker.
Myth #2: Echinacea prevents colds.
Myth #3: You’re more likely to catch a cold on an airplane than in someone’s house.
Myth #4:   A certain effervescent vitamin supplement will reduce the chance that you will catch a cold even if you are surrounded by sneezers and coughers.

It’s sneezing, coughing, and breathing that transmits droplets filled with virus particles. In addition, the virus can live on skin for 2 hours, so if you shake someone’s hand and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth, you can become infected. Hand washing is actually the #1 way to prevent transmission of the virus."
More at:


You Should Feed a Cold and Starve a Fever.

"The truth is: In both cases, eat and drink, then drink some more.
"Staying hydrated is the most important thing to do, because you lose a lot of fluids when you're ill," says Sears, who adds that there's no need for special beverages containing electrolytes (like Gatorade) unless you're severely dehydrated from vomiting or diarrhea."


How You Gonna Keep Pig Flu Down on the Farm?

Pig Farms and Public Health:
"An article just published in Scientific American says that American pig farms are virtually "flu factories."
Industry results of pig flu tests are kept confidential, and the pork industry is reluctant to share data with health officials.

Earlier in 2010, the CDC and U.S. Department of Agriculture finally implemented a surveillance system for pig-borne illness -- but the program requires the support of pork producers.

NPR reports: "National Pork Producers Council ... spokesman Dave Warner acknowledged that some producers may be averse to reporting sick pigs because they're afraid that the government will quarantine them.""

Just How Widespread is Swine Flu on Pig Farms?

Given that there are about 1 billion domesticated pigs around the world, humans have close contact with them, and the virus, like all flu viruses, is capable of spreading from pigs to people and from person to person, it's not unreasonable to suggest that pig farms could amount to "flu factories."
As the CDC states, "H1N1 and H3N2 swine flu viruses are endemic among pig populations in the United States and something that the industry deals with routinely."
As it stands there's no way to know exactly how many cases of swine flu occur on pig farms each year because the pork industry is keeping quiet. But given the close proximity that large numbers of pigs in factory farms are raised in, coupled with their often-poor health due to inadequate feed, inhumane treatment and stress, I wouldn't be surprised if it's rampant.
Currently the CDC and the U.S. Department of Agriculture are in the process of developing a surveillance system to monitor swine flu and other ailments in pigs, but if they really want to curb the spread of swine flu, abolishing factory farms and returning to small, family-run farms -- where pigs are kept healthy and raised in natural conditions -- would be the first step.
As in people, flu will spread like wildfire among animals that are immunocompromised, unhealthy and crowded together in close quarters. The solution lies not in better monitoring, but in establishing healthier, more sustainable farms that raise a small, manageable number of pigs outdoors, and on their natural diet.
More at:

Last night, it unexpectedly dropped down into the 20's, so it was too cold to work, so went shopping instead today.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Eternabond. Butterfly. Cargo Trailer Tank and Window

If you have a leaky RV roof, this will fix it up:

Now, if you have a leaky forehead, this is the way to fix that:
The butterfly bandage shown here is used to hold together the edges of a cut. 
This allows the wound to breathe/release stuff, but keeps edges together.
Gotta spoiled pet? Get him an Airstream



SAM_0531-1 It was breezy up here on this hill, but Jay and I worked on making the sturdy stand for the water tank over the wheel well, inside the trailer. 

We stuck weather membrane in the tray to water proof it, in case of leaks.  This stuff is like black Eternabond, but 6" wide, and is used for ice dams up north.   It will be hidden under the dinette.  The tank has a drain in the bottom, so we had to allow for that height, too.  That drain will be connected to a little faucet outside.

As it had warmed up slightly, we moved to the outside of the trailer, and  cut the hole in the metal siding for the window over the kitchen area.


It isn't finished yet, but that was enough for today.

Monday, January 24, 2011

How to exercise your dog indoors. Almost Another Window in Cargo Trailer.

I got this email from Eric the Dog Trainer, and with this nasty cold and often damp or snowy weather, I thought it was a good topic for today, especially as we have several new puppies in our circle:

"Penny, Here I am sitting in my house watching the snow falling at a very rapid rate. I really don't a mind some snow but this year we are getting nailed here in Western MA. The big problem is that after the last snow storm, it rained which put a thin sheet of ice over all the snow making it next to impossible to walk in.
Yesterday I was going to go for a walk with my pup but by the time I made it to the backyard I felt like I had run a marathon. This can be a tough time of the year to exercise your dog. As I was sitting here watching more snow dump on us, I decided to make a list of all the ways to exercise your dog inside and I am going to share it with you.
Dogs need physical AND mental exercise. I've included both in my list.    Here you go:

Search and Rescue - Especially good if you have kids.
Tell your kids that you going to play a game with your dog. They have to go and hide somewhere in the house. They have to be very quiet and let them know that their dog is going to rescue them. Hold your dog as they go hide. Once they are hiding tell your dog "Find them" and let him go. Your kids will love playing this game. Make sure you tell the kids to make a big deal when the dog finds them.

dog-knows-more-commands (Small)

Find it - A variation of the above but done with toys. Stuff a kong toy with some of your dog's favorite treats right in front of her. Tell her to stay and go hide the toy. Once it is hidden release your dog from the stay command and tell her, "Find it."  As your dog gets good at this make it more and more difficult to find the toy.

Tug o war - One of my favorite games. Can be played in a very small area and really gives your dog a good work out.

Retrieve up stairs - This was a favorite for my Belgian Malinois, Suede. I would stand at the top of the stairs and drop a ball down them. He would run down, retrieve the ball and haul back up the stairs. Ten minutes of this can wear out any dog.

Tricks - What better way to give your dog some mental stimulation than tricks. Teach your dog to roll over, sit pretty, shake and play dead. These are easy tricks to teach and it will tire your dog out.

Obedience - Another great way to mentally stimulate your dog when he is bored. Work on sit, down and stay. Start working on the time your dog does a stay and distractions.

Work on nagging behavior problems - What better time to finally put an end to those behavior problems you've been putting up with. Now is the time to teach your dog to stop barking on command.  End begging at the table.  Teach your dog to never steal anything off the table ever again.

Turn a snow day into a productive day with your dog."

As we all know a tired dog is a good dog!
See the 40 tricks that this adorable dog learned:



It was wet, cold and dreary this morning.  So Jay and I went into our little town for two reasons.  Three, really, as Jay wanted to buy cigarettes at the cheap place.  One was to buy some screws for installing the windows.  The other reason was for me to go to the chiropractor.  I had called their office and they said come on in.

When I was grocery shopping by myself on Saturday, the cashier put the two bags up on the top of the carousel for me to put in my cart.  As I reached over and picked up the second bag, I blurted out "Oh, this is too heavy", but the damage was done, I had put my back out.  She had put all the heavy things in one bag!  I asked her for another bag, so I could transfer some before I loaded them in the car.  So I have been suffering since Saturday, hoping that the lower back pain would go away, but it didn't, so I had to cough up my co-pay for that.

Future-kitchen-window We had hoped that the drizzle would stop, and hoped even more that the sun would come out, but we had dressed accordingly, so went to work inside the cargo trailer, and framed up for the window over the kitchen counter.

Our high, 52 deg. was last night at midnight, and it has been dropping steadily during the day.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dump Stations Closing. Loveable Loos. Egress Window in Cargo Trailer.

RV Dump Stations

"Many of the free dump stations available to RVers are closing because of chemicals that are harmful to septic systems and because RVers are abusing these dump stations.
If we want to have access to these dump stations it is absolutely essential that we use septic safe chemicals (no formaldehyde), and that we clean up after ourselves and do not abuse dump stations.

One golden rule for RV holding tanks is to never dump the black water tank until it is at least two thirds full. You want the tank nearly full so the weight and the gravity will force the contents of the tank to drain properly. Another golden rule is to never leave the black tank valve open at the campground and expect the toilet to drain or flush like the toilet in your home. It won't work."  From: RV101.

If they keep on closing dump stations, we might have to resort to doing what the Swedes have done at the lakes:
Now before you say anything, the Swedes have a better living standard than the Americans:

or have "Loveable Loos" which operate on sawdust:


Bill's Hints
"Most RV toilets are made from some form of plastic and have a highly polished finish. Do not use abrasive cleaners. Once the finish has been dulled, waste will be hard to clean off without hard scrubbing." --From Trailers and Fifth Wheels Made Easy.

"Take your standard issue, off-the-shelf-from-Walmart sewer hose and remove the factory equipped hose-to-RV adapter. Toss it out! Now replace that opaque and mysterious fitting with a clear sewer hose adapter, available in both straight and 45 degree angle varieties.

Yep, when you hook up your hose, you can literally see when that (with apologies to the Dooby Brothers) old black water is no longer rollin'. You can bet your Mississippi moon that this system will get you out of the dump station a lot quicker than the old guessing method.  More at:



It was a lot warmer, and so Jay and I installed the egress window in the back door of the cargo trailer.
You can't open that door from the inside, so we knew this would be the best place to put it in case a fire started in the front kitchen.


PS: After Judy's comment, I thought I had better add this picture of the other door on the side:

The trailer doesn't look very big, but the floor plan will make it roomy inside.

We started to make the frame for the water tank, over the wheel well, but time got away from as, as it does most days.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Avoid Processed Meat Says Cancer Research. Unclean Meats.

red meats
WCRF International logo
Limit consumption of red meats (such as beef, pork and lamb) and avoid processed meats.
"There is strong evidence that red and processed meats are causes of bowel cancer, and that there is no amount of processed meat that can be confidently shown not to increase risk.
Aim to limit intake of red meat to less than 500g cooked weight (about 700-750g raw weight) a week. Try to avoid processed meats such as bacon, ham, salami, corned beef and some sausages."
Animal Foods
"PUBLIC HEALTH GOAL Population average consumption of red meat to be no more than 300 g (11 oz) a week, very little if any of which to be processed.
PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION People who eat red meat. 
1) to consume less than 500 g (18 oz) a week, very little if any to be processed. 
2) 'Processed meat' refers to meat preserved by smoking, curing or salting, or addition of chemical preservatives, including that contained in processed foods.
Meat is valuable source of nutrients (protein, iron, zinc, vitamin B12) •For those eating flesh foods, amount of red meat can be limited by choosing poultry, fish. Animal Foods and Cancer: History Cancer might arise ‘from an error in diet…. What Differs from Previous Report Since the mid-1990’s, the results of cohort studies have strengthened the evidence on red meat and processed meat as causes of colorectal cancer."

91719803 If You Eat Processed Meats, Are You Risking Your Life?

"A review of more than 7,000 clinical studies examining the connection between diet and cancer came to a stark conclusion: No one should eat processed meats.
The World Cancer Research Fund came to the following conclusion:
"There is strong evidence that ... processed meats are causes of bowel cancer, and that there is no amount of processed meat that can be confidently shown not to increase risk ...
Try to avoid processed meats such as bacon, ham, salami, corned beef and some sausages."
You read that right -- no amount of processed meat is safe.
The reaction of the meat industry was swift, and they promptly accused the report of being erroneous and a tool of the "anti-meat" lobby.  Professor Martin Wiseman, project director of the report, replied:
"These insinuations are nothing short of outrageous ... WCRF commissioned the report with money raised from the general public and therefore it was not influenced by any vested interests.
The fact is that our report is the most comprehensive and authoritative review of the evidence that has ever been published and it found convincing evidence that ... processed meat ... increase[s] risk of bowel cancer.""
More at:

I expect that news from the cancer research places, upset your apple cart.  But the avoidance of pork (bacon, ham) is not new:

Leviticus 11:3  (King James Version)
11:1  And the LORD spake unto Moses and to Aaron, saying unto them,
11:2  Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, These are the beasts which ye shall eat among all the beasts that are on the earth.
11:3  Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is cloven-footed, and cheweth the cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat.
11:4  Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the hoof: as the camel, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you.
11:5  And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you.
11:6  And the hare, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you.
11:7  And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven-footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.
11:8  Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you

Pig Flu:
"A pig that eats duck droppings can take in any viruses the ducks may have, which may include both avian and human flu viruses. Those can combine with the pig's influenza viruses, and then they'll all be mixed up inside the pig's stomach.
That is how the H1N1 influenza virus—which is a mixture of avian, human and pig flu viruses—came to be. One of the reasons scientists are so concerned about the current swine flu outbreak is that it could recombine with a more virulent strain before returning to the northern hemisphere in the fall flu season.
"If a human flu virus, which is easily transmissible to humans, combines with a virulent and novel duck or swine flu, that is when you have problems," Dr.Chomel
says. "You get the worst of both, together in one virus." "

Clean and Unclean Meats: Does God's Word Draw a Distinction? What Does the Bible Teach About Clean and Unclean Meats?

"Many people have misconceptions about the biblical teaching on clean and unclean meats. What does Scripture really reveal on this subject?

A Matter of Proper Cooking?

"What about the common view that God forbade the Israelites from eating pork so they wouldn't catch diseases, such as trichinosis, from undercooked meat? Does this view hold up under scrutiny?

Notice the conclusions of Rex Russell, M.D.: "Some people tell me that unlike people in Bible times, we cook meat much better today, and that this renders even unclean meats harmless. One Bible commentary claimed that pork was forbidden in the Old Testament because it was eaten without being cooked, thus passing trichinosis to humans. The author thought that because we now cook meat, we no longer need to follow that law.

"In my opinion this statement is incorrect. Sophisticated ovens and cooking devices have been found in the most ancient archaeological ruins, including most of the Israelites' ruins.
"They understood that cooking meat is certainly important. Can we safely assume that diseases caused by unclean animals have disappeared because we now cook things better?...Even the microwave oven heats meat unevenly, allowing bacteria and parasites (such as trichinosis) to survive in meat. Many outbreaks of vicious infections have developed in so-called cooked food. If the food is unclean, don't count on cooking it to protect you. Some of the most toxic poisons are not destroyed by heat.""

"Research has convinced some doctors and nutritionists, however, to recommend that some of their patients avoid pork and shellfish (another category of biblically unclean food) in their diets; they understand that some people do not properly digest these meats. So some will acknowledge that avoidance of certain meats makes sense for people with particular health problems"

"Theology professor Roland Harrison writes: "The classification of animal species into clean and unclean categories (Lev. 11:1-47) is significant because, being part of the Pentateuchal medical code, it constituted the basis of dietary regulations that are still adhered to by orthodox Jews and by those Gentiles who are concerned with maintaining good physical health."
More at:

Today, it was so cold, it went down to 22 deg., so we all did other things, instead of working on the trailer.
When I left to go grocery shopping there was ice on my windshield, even in the carport.  Even after I had let the van warm up, it acted like it was still cold, and was very lethargic.  I even reached down to check my emergency brake, but it was off.   By the time I came out of the last store at noon, it was 60 deg. and the sun was shining.  That's TX weather for you!

The trailer windows finally arrived, but they won't get installed until it is a warmer day,

Friday, January 21, 2011

Massive Propane Recall. Ikea Mugs Recall. Misty. Mock-up Day in Cargo Trailer.

propane[1]" A massive propane recall was launched today after it was discovered some of the fuel did not contain the substance normally injected that would allow people to smell a leak, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said.
The government warned of the risk of explosion.
The fuel was distributed by Aux Sable Liquid Products -- an Illinois-based company that distributed the fuel to 14 states in the East and South. The CPSC could not estimate how many consumers might already have the affected fuel, but said it was enough to fill 70 railroad tanker cars and was sold between February and September of last year.
The fuel was sold to consumers under a variety of brands in Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia.

If your most recent purchase of propane occurred between Feb. 25 and Sept. 30, you are urged to contact Aux Sable at (866) 473-7612 or visit the recall site to see if you're affected and eligible for a free inspection." From:
and Home Heating Dangers at:

When will we stop buying from China:

IKEA Recalls 'RUND' Glass Mugs After Incidents.

ikea mug recallIKEA is recalling about 128,000 of its "RUND" clear glass mugs after a dozen incidents of them shattering while being used, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said.
About 13,000 of the mugs were sold at IKEA stores across the U.S. and another 3,000 were purchased in Canada. The rest were sold in other countries.
One person was injured and required medical attention, the CPSC said. Another 11 incidents were reported outside the U.S., including four resulting in injuries.
The Chinese-made mugs were sold from October 2009 through March 2010 for $5 to $10, the CPSC said.
The glasses are double-walled and were sold in two-packs of the following sizes: 4cl, 21cl and 40cl.
If you have the mugs, stop using them and bring them to an IKEA store for a refund. For more information, call IKEA toll-free at (888) 966-4532.

Today, my rescued Misty is the Featured Pet on

Thank you Froggi-Donna.

Today was "Mock-Up" Day in the cargo trailer:

We balanced the future counter top up on some 2x2s, just to see how everything would fit.
We had wanted to put the water tank up in the front corner, but the purchase of the little fridge stopped all that, as it will only fit in that corner. 
The sink has to have drain and water plumbed under it, and there is not enough room for the fridge, if the tank stays there.


If the fridge is on either side of the sink it will not be able to breathe, and would have it's coils right up against the paneling.
In the corner, it can breathe, and the drain for the sink can go behind it.

So the water tank will have to be moved over on top of the wheel well, which will be under the dinette bench.  So we will have to build a sturdy base for it.

It will mean a longer run for the water, water pump, filler hose and vent, but that is the way it has to be.

We were cold, and our hands would hardly work, but this had to be figured out.  Fortunately, the wind had died down.

It was only 32° and the sun didn't come out until noon, our quitting time for the day.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pick Your (bug) Poison. Handy Printer Cartridge Fix.

GM Insecticide Poisons Widespread in Waterways:

"Eighty-five percent of U.S. corn crops last year contained a special gene added that allows them to produce an insecticide. This way, when bugs attempt to eat the corn they're killed right away (specifically their stomach is split open) because the plant contains an invisible, built-in pesticide shield…….  But either way – it's still poison, and it's a poison that was in 85 percent of the U.S. corn crop last year.

The Research on Bt Toxin is Very Clear …

… And this is not a substance you want in your food or waterways. Jeffrey Smith, a leading spokesperson on the health dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods, has written extensively about Bt toxin, and explains firsthand what the research shows:
"Mice fed natural Bt-toxin showed significant immune responses and caused them to become sensitive to other formerly harmless compounds. This suggests that Bt-toxin might make a person allergic to a wide range of substances.
Farm workers and others have also had reactions to natural Bt-toxin, and authorities acknowledge that "People with compromised immune systems or preexisting allergies may be particularly susceptible to the effects of Bt."
In fact, when natural Bt was sprayed over areas around Vancouver and Washington State to fight gypsy moths, about 500 people reported reactions—mostly allergy or flu-like symptoms. Six people had to go to the emergency room." "
Other sources:

Pick your (bug) poison


Genetically engineered protein from corn found in waterways:

How You Can Help Others to Avoid GMO Foods

"Most people want to avoid GMO foods but it is virtually impossible to do so, since the government prevents GMO labeling.
However, Jeffery Smith has compiled a resource for you to avoid the government block of information. It is the free Non-GMO Shopping Guide. We realize that with the challenging economy it is very difficult for many to donate money to help this cause, so we are merely asking for your time and connections with your family and friends.
You can really help by making this message go viral. So if you are convinced that GMO foods should not be in the US, please send this information to everyone you know; post it on Facebook and Twitter…
You can also print out Non-GMO Shopping Guide, and give it to your friends and family.
If you feel more ambitious you can also order the Non-GMO Shopping Tips brochure in bulk, and bring them to the grocery stores in your area. Talk to the owner or manager and get permission to post them in their store."

Now I will tell you how I got printer ink on my hands, yesterday.

I had put in a new color cartridge, but my HP printer kept on saying "Press enter to align Cartridges", after repeated tries.
After some searching on the web, I found out that if the ink isn't flowing, it will do that.  I had had this unwrapped cartridge for quite a while, and it was old, so I thought that might be the problem.
I had taken the cartridge out and gently rubbed the nozzle, but it still acted 'dry'. 

After some more searching I came across this:
"When you don't use your ink carts for a while, when you get new ink carts that have been stored in warehouses for a number of months, or when you have refilled a slightly too dry ink cart, the print head nozzles on the bottom of the ink carts get clogged inside with dried ink. The printer head cleaner menu will NOT dissolve the dried ink inside of the nozzles. Water will. Try this. Soak the bottom of the clogged ink cart in 1/2 inch of hot water for 15 minutes. Blot dry with clean paper towel. Also wipe the electrical contacts on the back of the ink cart. Retry. "

But then I came across this:
"Man, this vacuum trick worked awesome for me.. I have had the same problem for weeks and have tried several cartridges. After reading about the vacuum trick in this post, I used the hose of my vacuum cleaner directly on the cartridge (careful not to damage the electronics). After sucking some ink out for 2-3 times, the yellow (which was the problem in my case as well) came through just as clear as red and blue.
Put it back into my printer, re-aligned, problem solved.
Great solution, I would have NEVER though of something like this. "      and:

"Wow!!! Worked BIGTIME!! Thanks, thanks. Use a paper towel over the ink release area though, and hose out vacuum nozzle when done. Use the thinnest tool on the end of the hose."  From:

As I still had my little vacuum out from cleaning the back of my computer, I thought I would try it.  As they said to use a paper towel over the nozzle, I did that, and also said "sucking some ink out 2-3 times", I did that, too.  But they hadn't counted on my little vac, which has a lot of suction, and I got ink in the narrow crevice tool.  When I took it off to wash it, it splashed out of the hose, too.  So I got ink all over my hands, and on a nearby pastel colored throw.

That was more of a panic situation than my hands, but I had a spray bottle of Awesome close by, doused it with that, and stuck an empty box under it, to let it air.  After a while the stain had 'loosened', so it looked like it might have helped.  I took the throw to the washing machine, sprayed some GoofOff on it for good measure, and let it soak in the soapy suds in the washer for a while.  After I had washed and dried it, the ink stain was gone.

In the meantime, I put the cartridge in my printer, and it started working again. 
But I knew I must have sucked out too much ink, so I ordered another color one from AbacusInk on eBay for $14.00.  Their non-eBay store is: but ususally cheaper to go through eBay.  I have used their remanufactured cartridges for years, and they have always been good. 
By the way, the troublesome cartridge hadn't come from AbacusInk, that is why I went back to them.

Jay and I went into the next town, and bought tools, parts, and bargains at thrift shops.

The forecast was that it would get colder during the day, and the front really came in while we were in Home Depot.  I had taken a jacket with me, and sure was glad to get wrapped up in it.  The high temperature in the 60's dropped 20 deg. in a very short time. It is supposed to go down into the 20's tonight.

The wind was cold, and so strong that we could feel it buffeting the van on the way home today.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Extend-A-Stay. Stealth RVs.

Many of you might be thinking about getting an Extend-A-Stay, so you don't have to move your motor home to get the chassis mounted LP tank filled.
Here is how to do it:

or to add your LP BBQ to it.

This one is for small tanks:
this one is for grills:

No matter what you have, once a year, go through the whole RV and check with soap bubble solution and look for leaks, on the regulator if you see any oily residue replace the regulator it is leaking.

The first time I added an Extend-A-Stay, I wish I had this picture to go by, so I thought this might help you.

Some of you want to know why I am making my cargo trailer into a stealth RV?

You probably didn't know they existed….that is the whole idea.

Stealth Cargo Trailers:
"While space is very limited inside of a converted camper van, the convenience of parking in places where most RV's and campers are not allowed to park is a tremendous benefit. This is called "stealth camping" because many times people who see the vehicle parked at a picnic area or parking lot are not even aware that the vehicle is a camper. "

"One of my Tiny House Living readers, David, posted a link to an article written by Randy Vining that describes his 20 years of living on the road in small mobile spaces. Randy’s current tiny home is a Stealth Cargo Trailer. Randy also has a blog called Mobile Kodgers, which is definitely worth a visit.

Randy has spent more than 7000 nights boondocking (free camping) and his latest creation has made it easier to continue his undetected camping in places like Key West, San Diego, and San Francisco. The total cost of this stealth camping cargo trailer conversion was $7,000. The all-aluminum Featherlite trailer cost him $4,000. The extra money he spent on the base trailer bought him 500 pounds less weight and higher quality construction."


I have read Randy's Mobile Kodgers blog before, but today it has a link to Bayfield Bunch Al's album of "The Slabs".
Wow, an eerie place!


It wasn't raining, and so Jay and I tried to cut a hole in the back door of the cargo trailer for the window.   My long jigsaw blades had mysteriously been lost, stolen or strayed, so we will have to wait until I can get to a store.
So we concentrated on inside jobs, like repairing the trim on a door in the grooming room, and cleaning the air filters.

I was trying to get my printer to work, and got printer ink all over my hands, which will probably be there for the next few days.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Oz Video. Cargo Trailer.

Today Dr.Oz will interview Dr. Mercola, who I have been quoting for years:

Dr. Oz calls the show: "The man your doctor doesn't want you to listen to, Joe Mercola"
It will be interesting to see what he says.


The Dr. Oz show is aired each weekday on NBC, at 3.00PM Central.


Well, I watched it, and here are the three short videos from Dr. Oz's site, showing their interview:


Captured on Tape: 60 Minutes Exposes the Maker of the #1 Most Fatal Drug of 2009

"Drug company whistle-blower Cheryl Eckard talks about her experience trying to fix problems at GlaxoSmithKline.  Her discoveries about the dangerous practices of the company made her a key figure in a federal lawsuit."


Now that the followers are all along the top, I can see that I have some new ones.

So I say "welcome to all of you", and thank you for following my little tuppences. (2 cents in Brit)


Lino-patch Today, Ray and I stuck down some more of the lino, which will be under different built-ins in the cargo trailer. 
We knew that the remnant that I had bought wouldn't be quite enough, but I had an almost matching darker piece left over from my house.  It is just that the colors are reversed.  There were several places, and I matched up the pattern.
It was drizzling off and on, but we worked anyway.

Jay was here, but not really here and just couldn't seem to concentrate, so I took him home early today.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Cows Affect Acid Reflux & Cholesterol. Error 400. Cargo Trailer.

As Sandra has trouble with Acid Reflux, this is for her:

Sandra said...
"OMG, no wonder people are getting sick from food (me included). Makes you want to quit eating! "

One of the causes of reflux is eating marbled meat, as it has more fat, therefore more cholesterol.
"High fat meats like marbled steaks and other cuts of beef, ground beef, dark chicken and turkey meat and their skins can all be foods that cause acid reflux in you." From:
"Most grass-fed cattle are leaner than feedlot beef, lacking marbling, which lowers the fat content and caloric level of the meat. Meat from grass-fed cattle also have higher levels of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) and the Omega-3 fatty acids ALA, EPA, and DHA.  While the research on CLA is unclear with regard to humans, it has shown many positive effects in animals in the areas of heart disease, cancer, and the immune system."


Compare Your Meat with Natural Grass Feed Beef. Don't believe pasture raised beef is better for your health and your waistline? Or you don't think that it matters that much. Well take the fat challenge.

The next time you cook your ordinary supermarket beef to make your famous recipe for beef round steak, save the fat. You probably already put it into a jar or other container, because if you put it down your drain, it would clog it up in no time. Wait for it to cool. What happened to the fat? It turned into a solid white lump, right?

So here is the next step. Go and buy organic pasture raised beef. Cook it up and drain off the rest of the liquids in a clean jar. Do you notice a difference? The liquid doesn't look like there is a lot of fat in it at all, because it's a lot thinner. Ok, enjoy your dinner (and the new taste of natural beef), while you are waiting for it to cool. What does the pasture fed beef jar look like? Well, after cooling, it didn't turn into a big ball of lard; in fact, it looks pretty much the same as when you drained it from the meat.

Factory Farm Cattle:

"The beef industry in the U.S. is a heavy user of antibiotics, including penicillin. They use the stuff because they do industrial beef farming, where the cattle are crowded into gigantic factory farms & fed corn to fatten them up quickly. The problem with that is, corn is not what a cow's digestive system is designed to digest, they are adapted to eat grasses & wild grains by nature, and corn is not usually in their natural diet.
The problem with them digesting corn is, in the cow's 4 digestive 'tract' system, the corn can end up being partially or incompletely digested, which typically allows the corn to ferment in one of the 'stomachs' & allows for collection of bacteria unfriendly to a cow's digestive system. Typically this is E. coli, usually a strain that is not native to that cow, and then it tends to infect their stomach, become an abscess, or worse starts spreading throughout their system. Infected cows can get what we would call septicemia, a blood infection, or worse peritonitis, which is a general abdominal infection with the bacteria from the E. coli infections. To combat these possible deadly outcomes for the cow, the beef industry routinely give their cattle antibiotics to keep these bacterial infections at bay.

The problem with giving antibiotics to cattle are pretty much the same as giving them to people: antibiotics tend to kill off the 'good' bacteria in the gut as well as the harmful bacteria causing the infection the doctors prescribe the antibiotics to a patient to kill off, thereby saving the person from dying from the bad bacteria infection. So antibiotics are sort of a necessary evil, that need to be taken in cases of infection by some pretty nasty bugs. The downside to them is, they mess up the digestive system for a while, leaving us with diarrhea until our guts fill back up again with the friendly bacteria our colons need to be able to digest what we eat.

So let's take a look at what the beef industry is doing here: they are feeding cattle food they would not naturally eat, that is difficult for them to digest, & which tend to cause them to incur infections in their digestive tract, leading to infections which can sicken them or kill them fairly quickly - and so their solution to the almost inevitable bacterial infections the cattle develop is to feed the cattle antibiotics, which suppress the bad & good bacteria in the cow's digestive tract, thereby weakening the cattle's ability to digest food & inevitably making the cow more prone to developing further infections when fed the corn diet they don't usually eat!

The further problem with all this is, when the cattle are slaughtered most of them contain remnants of the antibiotics in the beef produced from them, so you may not know this, but when you are eating beef in most cases you are unintentionally eating some kind of antibiotic the cow was fed in the days before it was slaughtered.

The fact that your gut is blowing up almost like clockwork after eating beef is your clue as to what is going on here. My guess is you are being exposed to penicillin in the beef you are eating (& other antibiotics besides penicillin & most antibiotics are chemically similar to penicillin, so you better be careful or you could end up allergic to more then just penicillin) & just react violently to the allergic reaction."  

Certified Grass Fed beef costs more, as it is more expensive to raise them the old fashioned way.  Actually grass isn't free.

"In August, 2002, the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) reported, "U.S. farm real estate values, including land in buildings, averaged $1,210 per acre as of January 1, 2002, up 5.2 percent from the previous year." A 4,000 acre grass farm is expensive to own, maintain and pay taxes on each year.

Another part of the cost of operation is planting grass for grazing and cattle finishing. We actually have special high nutrition grass and super-green alfalfa fields to uniformly finish our cattle on their natural diet.

Grocery store cattle never see such lush fields because they are moved to cramped and filthy feedlots for the last 120-160 days of their lives. They are stuffed with an unnatural diet designed to get maximum growth in the shortest amount of time for the least cost. This diet consists of grain, corn, steroids, antibiotics, growth hormones, animal by-products and even floor sweepings.

Why do grocery stores use feedlots?

The feedlots bring less healthy, fat cows to market 7 months faster than our grass finishing. The key to profit in the grain/corn fed beef industry, which operates on extremely low individual margins is . . . . volume and speed.

The sooner an animal can be brought to slaughter weight . . . the higher the volume and hence the greater the profit in the grocery store beef industry. Once placed in a feedlot, hyped up on growth hormones and grain/corn . . . the animal can be pushed to gains of of 3.5 to 5 lbs/day."
But it is a lot cheaper than doctors, hospitals, and prescriptions.


Stores who offer organic and humanely raised products:
and:  among many others.

Factory farmed beef gives me hives, so I know I am allergic to the antibiotics, dyes and preservatives (to make it red), or toxins in it. 
That is enough of my beef about factory farm beef!

Yesterday, Jay and I had agreed to take the day off.  I was looking forward to catching up on emails, taking a relaxing bubble bath, washing my hair, and changing sheets, etc.   Best laid plans………

Roni called at 7.45 AM, wanting me to drive her to the corner store.  I told her I wasn't going anywhere while my hair was wet, and that it would be a long time before I was ready.   She arrived on my doorstep at 9.30, and as I wasn't in any hurry as it was my first day off for ages, I wasn't even dressed.  Then Ray, feeling better from his bout of flu, arrived to 'do time'.   We figure out how many hours he has worked so it can come off his renting of my guest house.  So I had to don a robe and get that done.   Roni kept on interrupting us, but finally walked to the store, so we could get that over.

I had already drafted out yesterday's journal:  "Meat Your Meat", but kept on getting an "Error 400", and it wouldn't post.  I wanted to get that out of the way and have the day to relax.  Not being raised around these machines, I searched "Error 400", and never did come up with a good answer.   So I Malwarebyted, Ccleaned, SuperAntiSpywared, Disc cleaned, Defragged, ClearCached, but finally had to cut it down to the part that would publish.   Now that all takes a long time, so I couldn't do all the things that I wanted to do, yesterday.


I moved my followers to the top, like others have done...mainly to see if I was clever enough to do it.

The advantage is that one can see them all at once, but the disadvantage is that it seems to take longer for the page to load, so I don't know if it is that important.

It is MLK Day.

It had quit raining, and wasn't too cold,
so Jay and I cut, and formed the base
for the drip pan for the air conditioner
in the cargo trailer, today.