Thursday, March 31, 2011

RV Batteries. Mirrors. Leaks. RV Shows. Sealants. Solar Charger. Lock Door! Cargo Trailer.

Excellent video about RV batteries
o"Here's an excellent discussion of RV batteries from Scott Haan and Duane Carlson at American RV in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Watch this and you'll likely come away with a much better understanding of RV batteries and your RV electrical system than you did before. This was recorded at American RV Winterfest 2011."
 Watch the video.


"Says the RV salesman: "If you can drive a car, you can drive a motorhome!" While many of the "driving" principles are the same, driving a motorhome--or any other kind of RV--can present challenges to the fledgling RVer. In a series, we'll discuss how to get used to driving (or towing) your RV. This is part 1 on how to ensure visibility in your RVing lifestyle.
Most of us RV because we yearn to see new places. But seeing in your RV is more than scenery, it's also safe operating and not clobbering anything along the way.

Looking forward:         If anything, the view from most motorhomes looking ahead is clear, and sometimes a mite distracting. If you have a penchant for sticking things on the windshield, make sure they don't block your view. Keeping stick-ons low is best. Remember though, not all states are windshield "stick on legal." Yes, radar detectors are legal in Arizona, but if you stick them (or anything else) on the windshield you can be pulled over, even cited. I know from first-hand experience having done a "ride along" with a state trooper.
Side swiped?

When evaluating a motorhome for purchase keep a close eye on side view. This is where motorhome designers often come up short. Windshield pillars can be in "just the wrong place" and adversely your view to the side, giving unwanted blind spots. Some motorhome side windows are so small or blocked up with hardware they too, mess up the view. You can't move them or eliminate them but you may think twice before buying a rig with "junk" in the way of your view.

Looking back:         Rear-view mirrors are a CRITICAL issue with RVs. You can't just toss a look back over your shoulder to see what's going on, you must rely on mirrors. Again, motorhome designers don't always have it right, window frames can block the view of a mirror. It may not be necessary to pass up a motorhome that has this fault as you may be able to relocate the mirror for clear vision.

While mirror is good in size, tying up half with a convex mirror defeats the purpose.  The larger the mirror, the better the view. One source tells us that they feel the minimum adequate size for a rear view mirror on either a motorhome or tow vehicle is 10" x 7". If you're putting together a tow package and your OEM mirrors aren't adequate, skip the idea of adding a fender mounted mirror. They're just too far away from the driver's position to give safe judgment. Whatever mirrors you use, make sure they're mounted tightly and have no loose adjustments. A vibrating mirror will throw a distorted--even useless--image your direction.

Convex mirrors are a godsend to RVers. Giving a wide-angle view, they eliminate a lot of blind-spots where small cars may be hiding out and can keep you from a smash-up when lane changing. "Stick on" convex mirrors can be added to existing mirrors but they then reduce the amount of "normal" mirror image, making for an unsafe condition. You're better off adding an auxiliary convex mirror above or below the existing mirror, fixed on its own mount.
You may need to add extensions for mirrors on tow vehicles to get them out far enough to see around the trailer. Some factory equipped tow rigs (recent Chevy Silvarados as an example) have a wonderful setup: Push a button in the rig and the tow mirror extends out from the side of the rig. Done towing? Hit the button to retract it.
Rear vision cameras add a high tech back view. Some motorhomes come with these gems direct from the factory; they can also be added as an aftermarket item. They can be a wonderful asset when backing up into a site, or keeping an eye on the "toad car." Similarly, back up cams can be mounted in the bumper of a tow vehicle making it easier to back up to hitch a conventional travel trailer."

Check for leaks

"One major way our RVs differ from from our stick houses is the ability to drive them down the highways to a new location. But that also leads to potential problems that you ordinarily don't have to worry about with your stick house--unless there is an earthquake--and that is shake, rattle, and roll.

The rigidity of your RV bouncing down the road applies considerable tension on every fitting in your RV. All the screws, nails, bolts, shelf mounts, and plumbing joints. If a shelf mount fails, the shelf falls down, or at least begins to loosen and you notice it and fix it before it dumps your TV on the floor.

But when a plumbing joint begins to fail, it could be with just an intermittent drop of water. And if that leak is somewhere hard to see--which most of them are--then that drop turns into many drops that could--if not noticed--over months or years rot out much of the wood floor and some of the frame of your home-on-wheels."
More at:
RV shows for 2011 in the USA and Canada
"RV shows present a rare opportunity to see many recreational vehicles without driving from RV dealer to RV dealer. Most RV shows charge an admission, but for most RVers it's a modest investment for the opportunity to see such a wide-range of motorhomes, travel trailers, fifth wheels, truck campers and even pop up trailers in one place, often at special "show prices."

Some of the bargains are real, others are simply prices an RV dealer would likely accept back at the dealership from an RV buyer with sharp negotiation sales."
List at:

 Silicone considered low-performance:
"Silicone sealants are generally classified as acid-curing or moisture-curing. Acid-curing sealants are the most common as you’ll find them in the big box stores. However, these materials are considered somewhat low-performance. They're likely to not provide satisfactory results for the temperature extremes or weather that a typical motorhome may travel through.

A better choice is a commercial-grade, moisture-curing silicone sealant, in a low to medium viscosity such as Dow 790. I’ve also had good luck with Permatex 81730 Flowable Silicone Windshield and Glass Sealer in most cases.
In some rare instances, it is a little too runny. It all depends on the curvatures of the windshield and just where the leak is entering. I’d probably try the Permatex first and then look for the Dow 790 if it doesn’t work."

The windshield is the only place silicone should be used on an RV:

"If you see a water leak in your RV’s rubber roof don’t make the mistake of trying to repair it yourself by using a silicone sealer.
In our RV Service department the most frequent issue we see with incorrect caulk, is the application of  silicone seal.
Installing silicone seal is absolutely the WRONG WAY to caulk anything on the roof of an RV.
Why not use silicone?
Over time silicone tends to shrink and pull away, once it has pulled away, water can go right under the silicone and get trapped. Water trapped underneath the silicone can never dry out.
Removing silicone seal without doing additional damage to the roofing material is nearly impossible."
"We all seem to think that silicone sealer is the answer to all of our caulking needs. It just ain't so. Silicone is wonderful caulk for certain things but a terrible choice for most things RV related. The butyl caulk is available in caulking tubes.
I try my best to stay away from silicone on the RV. " From:
"According to most people you should never use silicone sealant on the RV. I agree with them. I use Dicor self leveling sealant for the roof and Dicor non-sag sealant for any vertical surfaces. ProflexRV is a good sealant as well. When re-caulking windows the window should be removed and the butyl tape should be replaced. This is the only way to ensure a watertight seal. The same goes for storage doors. " From:

Solar trickle charger keeps your starter battery charged.

"The Sunforce 50022 5-Watt Solar Battery Trickle Charger gives you another reason to love the sun--it can help keep your vehicle's battery charged. It provides up to 5-Watts or 350mA of power to prevent the natural voltage drain of batteries over time. It includes both a lighter socket adapter and alligator clips to give you flexible connection options.
The Sunforce 5-Watt Solar Trickle Charger is compact and easy to install and lets you harness the power of the sun, the most powerful and plentiful source of energy available to us.

Unlike nuclear and fossil fuels, solar power is clean and pollution-free, and the equipment requires very little maintenance to operate. It is designed to stave off the natural voltage drain that 12-Volt batteries undergo over time. It can also maintain the charge of a 12-Volt battery while it is providing energy to small electronics like cell phone chargers or small pumps and motors.

The Sunforce 50022 5-Watt Solar Battery Trickle Charger is constructed with durable ABS plastic and features amorphous solar cells and an ultra-bright blue LED charging indicator. Four mounting holes are pre-cut in the frame for easy permanent installation. It is weatherproof and remains effective even on cloudy days. The built-in overcharge/discharge protection prevents overcharging and reverse-current drain."   Amazon has it for $48 with free shipping.

RVing Tips

Put charcoal in your tool box or fishing tackle box to absorb moisture and help keep things from rusting.
If you travel with a cat, put a scrap of carpet around your dinette table post for a scratching post.
Never assume that your RV storage compartment doors are locked – always check.
For an easy variation of s'mores, pop the toasted marshmallow between two chocolate covered graham crackers or two fudge striped cookies.

To make your RV feel like a real home, rather than a camper, use real dishes instead of paper plates.

Positive RVing Attitudes

Live life as an exclamation, not an explanation. ~ Unknown
Many people may listen, but few people actually hear. ~ Harvey Mackay

A Safety Wakeup Call, Doors Are There for a Reason

"Do not open the door of someone's recreational vehicle without express permission to do so. This may sound obvious, but apparently it isn't. The polite -- and safe -- thing to do is to knock and wait.

Earlier this week, a fellow RVer, whom I had never met, opened the door to our motorhome. I was sitting there dozing at the time. Bob had left some of his fishing gear outside the door and the noise it made when the door opened woke me. I was startled and upset by this intrusion.
It turns out the intruder saw our Alaska license plates and wanted to visit. However, instead of feeling social, I felt a mix of anger and disbelief.

Yes, I should have had my door locked. It was a good wake-up call for me. I shouldn't get lax about safety. Even though it was in broad daylight, in a public place, with a fair amount of traffic, in a generally safe area. Even with Bob not too far away, I should have had all the doors to the RV locked.  A person needs to be alert, and, if you aren't going to be alert, lock the door.

But, really, was he stupid or simply thoughtless? He should have known better.

Fortunately, my cat did not jump out and escape.

Bob had our dog out for a walk, so she was not in the motorhome. Dogs tend to be very protective of their home territory. Our motorhome is home to our dog. A stranger opening the door and sticking his hand inside our motorhome? I'm sure she would have barked a lot and caused a commotion.

This article has two purposes. One is to remind RVers to be alert and to keep their doors locked, for their safety. The other is to remind RVers that for their safety, they should never open the door of another's RV. They might be met by a dog -- or a person -- defending his home. Whichever side of the door you are on, think, and stay safe."


Jay cut 15" off the end of the 4'x8' sheet of ceiling panel that we bought yesterday, to fit across the ceiling of the cargo trailer, as it is 81" wide.

Ray and I got several gallon cans of cream and almond colored paint, polyurethane and lacquer, out of the shed, and painted samples on the scrap of the ceiling material.  When looking at the sample patches of poly-ed, and lacquered, we could see that it was going to make it too dark in the trailer if we didn't paint it. 
We picked the paint that matched the wall paneling the best.  So while Ray was priming the sheet of ceiling panel, Jay started on the enclosure for the 110v cord inside the trailer.

I did manage to snap a picture of the new and improved larger "dreaded" window.

We didn't get much done, work went slow as we had several interruptions today.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Birds. Wind Turbine Deaths. Second Oldest Eagle Hits Pole. Shopping.

The Future is Bright for Yellow-eared Parrot

Yellow-eared Parrot. By: Fundacion Proaves
Yellow-eared Parrot. By: Fundacion Proaves

"The numbers of the once-thought extinct, Yellow-eared Parrot have increased to their highest levels since the species was found on the brink of extinction in 1998, when just 81 birds were found in one flock surviving in a remote mountainous area of Colombia.
A recent survey count shows that, thanks to conservation actions by the Colombian conservation group Fundación ProAves, in partnership with American Bird Conservancy (ABC), Conservation International-Colombia and Loro Parque Fundación of Spain, the bird has reached historically high population levels. The bird has just experienced the most successful breeding season on record, with 291 chicks fledged from 131 nests, bringing the global population to 1,076 individuals.
“We take great pride in being a continuing part of this amazing recovery effort. The Yellow-eared Parrot is one of many birds in South America that is in need of help. In this case, the partners have done an outstanding job with the many on-the-ground projects that are a key to this bird’s long term survival. This is the kind of partnership effort that serves as a model for the conservation of endangered birds around the world,” said Sara Lara, International Division" Director for ABC.
More at:

Safeguards needed to prevent population declines in the Whooping Crane and 
Greater Sage-Grouse, and reduce mass mortality among eagles and songbirds

Whooping Crane -  wind development map
"Map showing migration path of the endangered Whooping Crane in relation to core wind power development areas.
(Washington, D.C. - December 29, 2010) "Today, American Bird Conservancy announced that three iconic American bird species face especially severe threats from wind energy development.
"Golden Eagles, Whooping Cranes, and Greater Sage-Grouse are likely to be among the birds most affected by poorly planned and sited wind projects,” said Kelly Fuller, Wind Program Coordinator for American Bird Conservancy, the nation’s leading bird conservation organization. “Unless the government acts now to require that the wind industry respect basic wildlife safeguards, these three species will be at ever greater risk.”

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) currently estimates that more than 400,000 birds are already being killed each year after being struck by the fast-moving blades of wind turbines. This figure is expected to rise significantly, and will likely eventually pass the million mark as wind power becomes increasingly ubiquitous under a Department of Energy plan to supply 20% of America's power through wind by 2030.
Golden Eagles have already been one of the major victims of the largest wind farm in the United States at Altamont Pass in California. The Altamont wind farm was sited in an area that eagles and other raptors use to  hunt ground squirrels and other small mammals. Using the now-outdated towers as perches, thousands of raptors have been killed as they launch out through the spinning turbines towards their prey. While new tower designs have been developed, they don’t completely eliminate the risk. Much of the additional wind build-out planned for the western U.S. is expected to occur in areas used by Golden Eagles." More at:

Massive Six-State Habitat Restoration Project Sees Progress on 130,000 Acres in Year One
Red-headed Woodpecker. Photo: Greg Lavaty
Red-headed Woodpecker. Photo: Greg Lavaty

(Washington, D.C., January 12, 2011) "Leaders of a massive, six-state, 1.1 million-acre habitat restoration initiative that will potentially benefit a host of rare birds and many species of wildlife say that the project has had an auspicious start with restoration work initiated on about 130,000 acres.
The goal of the project, which focuses on the restoration of native ecosystems such as barrens, glades, and open oak and open pine woodlands, is taking place in Tennessee, Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky and Illinois. The goal is to return the vegetation in dozens of key locations to a condition approximating its natural state in the hopes that many wildlife species that were once abundant, can again thrive. The initiative is being lead by about a dozen state and federal land-managing agencies and non-governmental organizations associated with the Central Hardwoods Joint Venture (CHJV), a public-private partnership for conservation in the Central Hardwoods Bird Conservation Region" (see  More at:

Rare Cerulean Warbler To Benefit from New Colombian Conservation Easements

Trumpeter Swan. By: Alan Wilson
Cerulean Warbler. By: Frode Jacobsen
(March 1, 2011) "American Bird Conservancy and Fundación ProAves, the leading bird conservation organizations in the U.S. and Colombia respectively, have secured thirteen new conservation easements in Colombia with private landowners that will protect important habitat for the Cerulean Warbler – North America's fastest declining neotropical migrant songbird.

Thanks in part to the generous continued support of the Amos W. Butler Audubon Society over three years, the new easements complete a critical first phase of consolidating the Cerulean Warbler Corridor, which protects key habitat located between two bird reserves near the Andes Mountains in central Colombia – the Pauxi Pauxi Reserve at the northern end and the Cerulean Warbler Reserve at the southern end .
“The Cerulean Warbler is North America’s fastest declining neotropical migrant songbird. Saving this bird is going to require a concerted and continuous effort in both North and South America,” said Benjamin Skolnik, who manages ABC’s Colombian projects." More at:

Iquitos Gnatcatcher

"The Iquitos Gnatcatcher is a lively little bird with a distinctive habit of continuously flicking its wings and tail as its forages through the tree canopy in search of invertebrates.
This bird was first described in 2005, and is unique to the white-sand forest of Peru’s Allpahuayo-Mishana National Reserve. It is listed as Critically Endangered under IUCN-World Conservation Union criteria due to its restricted range (less than eight square miles), tiny population, and the threat deforestation poses to its remaining habitat.
With help from ABC, ConocoPhillips, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), and the Robert W. Wilson Charitable Trust, ProNaturaleza, a leading Peruvian conservation organization, has purchased over 1,200 acres of private land within the Allpahuayo-Mishana boundaries for donation to the reserve, helping further conserve this highly threatened bird."
To help ABC's efforts to save the Iquitos Gnatcatcher, click here.

Marvelous Spatuletail
Marvelous Spatuletail by Tino Aucca
Statistics for Lewis's Woodpecker
"The Marvelous Spatuletail is arguably one of the most spectacular hummingbirds in the world. Adult males have two highly modified tail feathers which they use in elaborate courtship displays to attract females.
This hummingbird, an AZE-listed species, is restricted to the Rio Utcubamba valley of northern Peru, where it is threatened by deforestation.  ABC and Peruvian partner ECOAN helped establish the Huembo conservation easement on 77 acres of land in this area. Visitors to Huembo can now see Marvelous Spatuletails at feeders and witness the entrancing courtship displays. Researchers have already documented spatuletail nesting behavior at Huembo.

ABC and ECOAN’s work to save the Marvelous Spatuletail has been supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Virginia Ornithological Society, Bill Akers, Jeff and Connie Woodman, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, among others."
Watch a video of spateuletail's remarkable courtship display

Death of Second Oldest Alaskan Bald Eagle.

Bald Eagle death from a power line on Kodiak Island, Alaska. Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (High resolution versions available upon request)Washington, D.C., February 24, 2011)
"The electrocution death from a power line on Kodiak Island, Alaska of the second oldest known Bald Eagle in the entire state – and perhaps one of the ten oldest ever recorded – highlights the threat large birds face from power lines, an issue of particular concern as the nation looks to increase wind energy generation, says American Bird Conservancy, the nation’s leading bird conservation organization.

“The threat to birds from power lines comes in two forms: electrocution when a large bird comes into contact with two lines or a line and a pole simultaneously, and collisions with the hard-to-see lines. We are very concerned that with the rapid expansion in wind power, numbers of both causes of mortality will rise. To meet the 2030 goal, the nation will need to produce about 12 times more wind energy than in 2009, which will dramatically increase the threat to birds such as the Bald Eagle unless appropriate mitigation takes place,” said George Fenwick, ABC’s President.

A band retrieved from the dead eagle confirmed that it was the second oldest on record in Alaska. The oldest found in the Unites States was a 32-year-old Bald Eagle from Maine. A wildlife biologist from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said that, based on records she has seen, the bird may have been one of the ten oldest [Bald Eagles] ever recorded.

The bird was captured in 1989 following the Exxon Valdez oil spill that happened earlier in the year.
A band retrieved from the dead eagle confirmed that it was the second oldest on record in Alaska. The oldest found in theBald Eagle death from a power line on Kodiak Island, Alaska. Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (High resolution versions available upon request) Unites States was a 32-year-old Bald Eagle from Maine. A wildlife biologist from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said that, based on records she has seen, the bird may have been one of the ten oldest [Bald Eagles]ever recorded. The bird was captured in 1989 following the Exxon Valdez oil spill that happened earlier in the year.

“That eagle survived one of Mother Nature’s harshest climates for 25 years, only to find death on a man-made utility pole,” he added."
Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (High resolution versions available upon request)  More  at


Jay and I went into the next town to return the 4' x 8' ceiling material we had bought the other day.  It was plastic, and too floppity.  We were going to get the stiffer plastic kind, which costs twice as much, but then decided to use really nice smooth thin plywood on the ceiling.  It can be stained, poly-ed or painted.  There is nothing plastic in the finish part of the cargo trailer, so why start now.

SAM_0796-1We picked up some bargains at thrift shops. Jay bought some shirts, and a hand made schooner.

I bought a nice gypsy style burgundy, white and navy top, some navy Reebock shorts, and a china swan for my collection above one of the patio doors in my living room   This is the door on the front which leads to my screen porch, that is where the cats laze around in nice weather.  The screen porch has no door to the outside, so they are safe in there.  On the right side of the living room there is another patio door which leads to the hall, and my front door is there.  One has to go through 2 doors to get to the outdoors anywhere in my house, like a submarine you close one before you open the other, so animals can't get out!

A quick stop at Krogers, for a few groceries, and Petsmart to buy some really good canned kitten food for my three orphan kittens.  Their little tiny teeth are starting to come through, so maybe they can begin to eat a little canned kitten food soon.  But I know the little scrawny one will be on a bottle for a while.  She is so sweet, she purrs when I pick her up.  I never realized that their 'purring motors' were developed at such a young age.

I put some Gerber Rice in their bottle this morning to hold them over until I got back today.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Grand Canyon. Nat. Parks FREE days: Apr.16-24. Volunteers for April 16th. Cargo Trailer. Kittens.

I have never been to the Grand Canyon, so let's travel there for Travel Tuesday:
"Park Ranger describes a simple way to remember how the Grand Canyon was shaped over time: D.U.D.E.      The letters stand for: Deposition, Uplift, Down cutting and Erosion"      ... (more info)


First by train:
The historic train that travels from Williams, Arizona to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.

Then by Steam Train:
"Grand Canyon Railway's historic steam run on September 19, 2009, is being powered by waste vegetable oil (WVO) collected from the restaurants at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon and from Williams"

Showing the geology by Air:

By Water:
"We hope the information in this video will answer some of the questions you may have about running the Colorado river through the Grand Canyon."

By Skywalk:
"The Grand Canyon Skywalk"  For more info:
Music from CD: Sacred Spirit: Chants And Dances Of The Native Americans.
Track:Counterclockwise Circle Dance.  There are claims that original song and music is not Native American but rather from Native tribe of Norway.  Here is the link to the other version;
So far this claim sounds very much plausible.

Then On The Skywalk:

Then by mule:
"If you want to get to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, this is the most sought after solution, and has to be booked 9-12 months in advance."

By Foot:
A brief review of the Grand Canyon hiking and backpacking Information in parts 1 and 2 of this program. For Grand Canyon National Park Hiking FAQ, Go to this site:

The Falls:


The Subterranean Gandeur of Grand Canyon Caverns: 

"In 1927, a heavy rain widened the natural funnel-shaped opening to the upper level of an unknown system of caverns in western Arizona. A woodcutter for the Santa Fe Railroad by the name of Walter Peck found the entrance one evening on his way to a poker game at the nearby Yampai railroad siding house. The caverns were probably his only true winnings."  More at:


Free Entrance Days in the National Parks.
April 16-24, 2011.  (National Park Week)
Waterfall at Yosemite National Park, Photo by DanNg, NPS
NPS/Dan Ng
"Yosemite Falls is visible from numerous places around Yosemite Valley, especially around Yosemite Village and Yosemite Lodge. A one-mile loop trail leads to the base of Lower Yosemite Fall.
America's Best Idea – the national parks – gets even better with several fee-free days at more than 100 national parks that usually charge entrance fees.*
Mark your calendar for these fee-free days in 2011:
  • January 15-17
    (Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday weekend)
  • April 16-24
    (National Park Week)
  • June 21
    (First day of summer)
  • September 24
    (Public Lands Day)
  • November 11-13
    (Veterans Day weekend)
Making the fun even more affordable, many national park concessioners are joining the National Park Service in welcoming visitors with their own special offers.
Here’s a tip – many of your 394 national parks NEVER charge an entrance fee. So start Planning Your Visit!"

"In addition to waiving entrance fees throughout the week, national parks and park partners are offering programs as part of National Park Week festivities.
On Saturday, April 16, many parks will be looking for volunteers to help with projects and on Saturday April 23, the younger set will be the special guests for the 5th annual Junior Ranger Day."


The kittens looked a lot better this morning.
I think the little scrawny one, tabby/white, will make it.

I didn't have to feed them during the night, but I had fed them late last night, and early this morning.   I am sure Misty would have got me up if they had started meowing!  She is very fascinated by them, but I am not sure if it is in a good way.  I was hoping, as she has had puppies, that she would wash them for me, (that makes them potty), but so far I have had to wipe their little rear ends to make them go.

SAM_0794-1Jay and I installed the stiles and rails in the cargo trailer. For us, this was time consuming because of all the angles and the six measurements to take into consideration for each board.

We can't use the ceiling material that we bought, we are going to have to get something different tomorrow.  The closet can't be built until that part of the ceiling is up. The AC can't be installed till the closet is built, and we are going to need that AC running soon.SAM_0793-1

Then Jay went to my little bathroom off the the Middle room, where the kittens are, and that woke them up.  Just like babies, they wanted to be fed.

He wanted to see them taking their bottle, and was amazed how they just drink and drink, and their little ears and feet move with each swallow. 
That made them settle down right away.

So that is all we got done today.

PS: I see that Karen has just visited the Grand Canyoun, here is her account of it:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Rat Bait Kills Pets. Pet Foods. Iams. Wrecked Trans Am. Cargo Trailer. Orphan Kittens.

How Rodents Kill Cats and Dogs...

Home owners put out bait to control the mice and rats, assuming their pet won’t or can’t get into it. Even pet owners who hide the bait around their homes can wind up with a poisoned dog or cat.

In order to save your animal’s life, it’s important to know what to do if you think your pet has acquired toxicosis from rodent bait.
No Sudden Symptoms to Look For & Preventing Toxicosis-

Because some of these symptoms also occur in less serious illnesses, it’s common for pet owners to assume a dog or cat is just a bit under the weather, when in reality, the animal is in the process of dying.

More at:



"Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest 

It's about those who came and never left your side ....."



Nutritious dog food will help him grow up healthy - Jess Braun, DVM

Nutritious dog food will help him grow up healthy - Jess Braun, DVM
"How to compare different brands of dog food and find the most nutritious food for your companion based on the ingredients on pet food nutrition labels.
What is in your dog's food? Does the brand of dog food really matter?

Nutrition plays an extremely important role in your dog's overall health and life span, just as it does with humans.
What all living, breathing beings eat, matters.
The trick is figuring out exactly what you are feeding your dog when you look at a pet food label! .
Different Brands of Dog Food
Although there are literally hundreds of different brands of dog food, they all fall into one of five different categories. These categories are generic, store brands, popular brands, premium brands, and all natural foods. These foods are all created in different ways.

The less expensive foods will change their ingredients based on the prices of the ingredients.
The more expensive foods will use the same ingredients regardless of price so the product is more consistent."

Read more at Suite101: How to Buy the Best Dog Food Based on Pet Food Nutrition Labels


"Each year, Americans spend $10 billion on pet food for our beloved companion animals, animals we treat like members of our families and who we love as our closest friends.

Yet 95 percent of the food fed to these treasured creatures is made up of materials that are unfit for human consumption and contain little nutritional value.

As a result, “man’s best friend" has skin disorders, arthritis, obesity, heart disease and a variety of cancers.

Without speech, our animal companions cannot tell us of the insidious, often life threatening ill health they experience."

More at:

My views on pet's diet:

From my own experience, as a vet tech, kennel owner, dog handler, and SPCA foster mom, I have found out that the AAFCO Dog Food and Nutrient Profiles just assure that your pet can survive on their requirements.   Like a person living on bread and water.

Marketing hype would have you believing that today’s cat and dog diet is all that is needed for optimum cat and dog nutrition and well-being just like MacDonald’s would have you believe that a Big Mac, fries and a Coke is a healthy, nutritious meal as well.

Just like people, to be in optimum health pets need to have the best human grade nutrition, which even most of the widely advertised pet foods don't supply.
I was given a bag of Iams Mini-Chucks by a well meaning person. I looked at the ingredients and I was appalled.  For such a famous food, the ingredients were terrible. Their advertising agency sure does a good job!   As you know, ingredients are listed by the most predominant first.   Corn meal, Ground Sorghum, Chicken By-Products were in the first 4 ingredients.  Corn meal, ground sorghum and meat/chicken by-products have no place in a dog or cat's diet, and are the leading cause of skin, and other health problems in  pets. Iams is poorly rated food:

Being a frugal person, I fed some to my dogs, mixed in with their human grade dog food.  With all of Iams advertising, I thought it couldn't be all that bad.  But I was wrong.

I am the one who poop-a-scoops around here, and my dogs were acting hungry, but leaving me larger piles to clean up, and had upset tummies.  It was taking more food to satiate them, because of all the fillers in it, and their bodies weren't getting enough nutrition.
They started eating grass, a sure sign of nutritional and tummy upset, so I had to add French style green beans to their diet.  Then Paco, my foster dog started refusing food, very unlike him, as he is a little eating machine, and even had to go potty in the middle of the night.   As soon as I stopped mixing the Iams with it, he got better.

It is like a person eating Eggos, margarine, and syrup, and thinking that they are eating something nutritious. It tastes good and fills you up temporarily, but the processed, bleached (chlorinated) flour, processed margarine and processed syrup really hurt your liver and kidneys.
(Dr. Oz revealed that everyone has cancer cells in them anyway, and it’s when they explode and take over that you actually have a problem. Dr. William Li told us that to prevent that from happening, it’s important to avoid carcinogens, like smoking, processed foods, processed meats, sugar, sodas, then exercise and sleep well to assist your body in staying healthy.)

The same applies to our pets. 
That is why there is an overwhelming number of pets coming down with cancer these days. 
It is all due to a bad diet.


Ray was at a job in the next county and a man on a 4-wheeler ran it into his car.
Ray loves that Grand Am, and because of the cost of repairing it, $3,000, the man's insurance company wants to total it.  Ray is devastated.
The door won't close properly, so he has had to take the interior light bulbs out.
I looked up the value on NADA and Kelly's for him.  Then I found him another door.  Now he just needs a mirror on that side.
It is such a shame, as Ray has taken really good car of that car, and is fussy about how it looks.  I know he won't be happy until it is fixed properly.


SAM_0786-1 Jay and I made the stiles for the counter top. 
Normally one would do everything the other way around and build the cabinets first, but this is not a normal installation.

Because of the angles under the sink we had to cut the boards at a 22-1/2 degree angle on the table saw. Then we glued and stapled them together.  With the fridge not being installed under there anymore, at least the kitchen will have some decent size cabinets. 

I was delayed posting this, as a lady came to my door about some orphan kittens.
SAM_0789-1She had found them while they still had their eyes closed, and had been trying to bottle feed them, and go out to work. The local shelters said that they were overwhelmed and didn't have anyone to take care of them, so they would be PTS.  So she brought them to me, as a last resort.

SAM_0788-1 I tried to say "NO" , but I knew I had to help these three poor little critters.   I told her to go get them, while I fixed them up a little den.

They were obviously hungry, trying to suck on my fingers, so I gave each a little NutriCal, until I could get them some food.

She had been feeding them baby formula, which is not the best thing for their development.   So I quickly drove to the feed store in town, as I know they have a good kitten replacement milk with colostrum.  I already had a pet bottle, and they sucked on it very well, except for one little scrawny one. I don't know if she will make it.      They weighed 4-6 oz.    Here they are all happy and settled down.

One cat makes 400 offspring in 10 years, so in my care they will be properly fed, vaccinated, spayed and neutered before they have are offered for adoption on

So I saved 1,200 unwanted cats from being born, today.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Loyalty. Faithfulness.

The Rewards and Benefits of Loyalty


"What is loyalty? It is faithfulness to commitments, obligations and promises. It is steadfastness to God, family, friends, employers, organizations and causes. It is knowing that others can depend on you at all times and in every way.

Years ago, loyalty was taught in the schools and in homes. But what has happened to such instruction today? It appears to have nearly disappeared along with loyalty itself. "Everyone talks about how loyal and faithful he is, but just try to find someone who really is!" (Proverbs 20:6, Good News Translation).

For example, are elected officials loyal to the citizens, or do they often use their positions to seek personal prestige and power? Such troubling illustrations seem to be perpetually in the news. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why nine in 10 Americans (89 percent) give Congress negative ratings, according to an Oct. 25, 2010, report by Harris Interactive.

Also, is the lack of loyalty one of the reasons marriage covenants are so easily broken today? After promising to stay committed "until death do us part," 60 percent of marriages of couples between the ages of 20 and 25 end in divorce, according to statistics from the National Center for Health Statistics.

Although it seems that few people understand why loyalty is necessary, our Creator says it is utterly essential in order to live a happy, successful life (Matthew 25:21). Loyalty offers many wonderful benefits and rewards. So, how can you and I exercise this indispensable character attribute? Here are four ways:

1) Be loyal to God and the truth of the Bible. Jesus Christ instructed His disciples to faithfully love God "with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37). And the apostle Paul encouraged the young minister Timothy to unwaveringly teach "the word of truth with precision" (2 Timothy 2:15, International Standard Version).

2) Be loyal to your family. Realize and appreciate that God created marriage as a divine institution (Mark 10:6-8), so remain lovingly committed to your mate. "Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate," Jesus said (verse 9). Also, since children are God's gift to you, devotedly nurture and educate them in true, godly values (Psalm 127:3-5; Proverbs 22:6).

3) Be loyal to your employer. The Bible exhorts Christians to resolutely support their employers. We are to be exceptional examples of loyalty, reliability and service (1 Timothy 6:1; Titus 2:9; Ephesians 6:5-8; 1 Peter 2:18). And, of course, Christian bosses are to be loyal and serve those who report to them (Ephesians 6:9; Matthew 20:25-28).

Writing about this important subject, Elbert Hubbard, an American philosopher and publisher (1856-1915) wrote, "If you work for a man, in Heaven's name work for him. If he pays wages that supply you your bread and butter, work for him, speak well of him, think well of him, and stand by him, and stand by the institution he represents. I think if I worked for a man, I would work for him. I would not work for him a part of his time, but all of his time. I would give an undivided service or none. If put to the pinch, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness."

4) Be loyal to your word. Do your utmost to keep your promises, commitments and obligations. Establish a reputation of always being responsible and dependable. Doing so will bring you personal peace of mind and well-being (Proverbs 13:17).

Strive to be loyal in everything. If you do, God will be pleased, others will benefit, and you will be rewarded since "a trustworthy person has many blessings" (Proverbs 28:20, God's Word).

The Good News magazine is dedicated to sharing and encouraging biblical values and Christian character. For more about loyalty and faithfulness, see "Faith and Faithfulness: Fundamental to Relationships and Responsibilities." If we seek and commit to this gift of God, we and all those around us will be blessed greatly!"

More at:



Faithful in all things, big and small.

God-Faithfulness-UR-1 "Let's look now at some important lessons on faithfulness from Scripture. These show how God judges our character.

"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much" (Luke 16:10, NIV). God never overlooks or excuses any irresponsibility. We must prove our trustworthiness in even the smallest duties.

"So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?" (verse 11, NIV). God judges our character by how we manage everything!

"And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own?" (verse 12, NIV). We should be just as careful—or even more careful—with the property of others as with our own. That kind of trustworthy stewardship brings certain rewards in this life and will bring much greater rewards in the next life.

The next passage is about slaves or bondservants, but we can and should apply these principles to the role of an employee or helper:

"Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favoritism" (Colossians 3:22-25, NIV).

"Masters" (employers, supervisors, etc.) are just as accountable to God for how they treat those working under them (Colossians 4:1; Ephesians 6:9)."



Read the Book

"George Washington thought "it is impossible to rightly govern the world" without it.

Queen Victoria exclaimed that it "accounts for the supremacy of England."

Abraham Lincoln believed it is "the best gift God has ever given to man."

Dwight Eisenhower said, "Our civilization is built upon its words."

They were all discussing the same book, the Bible. They all read it. Isn't about time the rest of us did?"




Y'all have a great day.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Aerial photos of Japan Before and After. When Tsunami Hit Santa Cruz. Animal Rescue Japan. Cargo Trailer Mods.

You may not have seen these special before and after pictures of the disaster:
Aerial photos taken over Japan have revealed the scale of devastation across dozens of suburbs and tens of thousands of homes and businesses.
Hover over, and toggle each satellite photo to view the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami.
These show before and after, all on one picture:

It's been about two weeks since one of the largest earthquakes on record hit just off the coast of Japan. The quake, measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale, triggered a tsunami over 30 feet high that surged through the northeastern coast of Japan, decimating whole towns and villages.   
Hundreds of thousands of people, with children and beloved pets in tow, fled to higher ground just in time - sadly, thousands more never made it. 
Aerial View of the tsunami:


Santa Cruz tsunami damage estimate climbs to $22.5M


An ocean away: Seeing the Japan tsunami hit California, by Mike Beck

(Mike Beck is lead scientist for The Nature Conservancy’s Global Marine Team)

"The power of the sea is humbling; as a surfer I know this very well. With normal waves, every foot of face increases their power ten-fold.
I went down to the Santa Cruz boat harbor last Friday morning. I’d seen the devastation on Honshu island and at other sites in northern Japan, and wanted to see what effects the tsunami would have in my backyard. Because the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) upgraded the Pacific Tsunami warning system after the Sumatran tsunami, I knew when the waves would reach Santa Cruz and how high they would be.
The waves arrived as expected around eight o’clock that morning. But while the prediction was that the waves would be small and fade after about 40 minutes, the destruction lasted for more than six hours. The surf battered docks and sank boats, many of them were people’s homes.
Every 20 minutes or so, the water would flow quickly out of the harbor, like a fast moving river. The rescue boats had to power hard into the surge just to stand still. The water in the whole harbor would drop more than five feet in about 10 minutes. Soon after, an even faster surge would bring the water barreling back towards shore. Boats and pieces of docks that had been snapped free were flowing back and forth with each surge, slamming into and dislodging other boats."   

HSI receives animal rescue grant from
This is how your clicks are working:

Mar 21, 2011 10:06:00 PM by Rosemary Jones
HSI" announced today that approximately $170,000 has been sent to Humane Society International for animal-related needs in Japan.
In the wake of the March 11 Tohoku earthquake, HSI will use this funding for the purchase and shipment of emergency supplies, and planning and implementation of temporary sheltering facilities in the disaster zone.

Since March 12, the HSI team has been communicating and working with Japanese animal welfare groups on the ground, and with other international animal welfare organizations, such as World Vets helping to determine and meet the most urgent and immediate needs. The most requested assistance by the network of local groups in Japan are dog kennels, animal bowls and collars, and food supplies for displaced, surrendered, or abandoned animals, as well as guidance on setting up emergency sheltering operations.

HSI’s Disaster Response Team members, who were providing veterinary training at Cebu in the Philippines on March 11, have  purchased $120,000 of essential supplies from the Philippines which Philippine Air generously offered to ship for free to Japan.
In addition, HSI is sending $50,000 to one of the lead organizations, Japan Animal Welfare Society, in order for them to procure what supplies they can in Japan for their sheltering operations and to assist in the support of individual veterinarians who were located in the disaster area and who have been helping with pet rescue and subsequent care.
HSI will continue talking with local organizations about increasing emergency sheltering capacity and looking at opportunities to support the animal rescue and care provided by individual veterinary hospitals."
Photo courtesy of Humane Society International. 


Twice a light bulb went off in my head.   Both kitchen ideas.

The first idea started hatching in my kitchen yesterday.  I had bought a little toaster oven a couple of months back, but I had to put my larger toaster/convection oven back in that place, as the little toaster oven was no good as an oven, even though it made good toast.  The convection one is a great oven, but dies up the bread too much for toast.  I also have an under cabinet B&D toaster that doesn't make good toast, and a pop-up toaster.  I moved my FoodSaver vacuum thingy, that I never use, and put the little toaster oven there. 
With the under counter toaster removed I had room for tall drinking glasses on the shelf that was below the B&D toaster.  Then with the pop-up toaster gone, I have more countertop.
Second idea.  For the last couple of days ever since we installed the cargo trailer's counter top, that fridge placement has been bugging me.  To be able to open the door of the fridge, the styles for the lower cabinets would have to be so far apart, that I think it would look stupid. 
We marked the cabinet base, (not shown here) and put styles up to see how it would look, and I didn't like it.  The lower cabinets would be just too narrow.  So where to put that pesky fridge?

Then it dawned on me that I was being old fashioned trying to make a dinette, when these days people want a permanent computer office desk.  So today, Jay and I lessened the depth of driver's side former dinette base, and made it an extension of the kitchen by putting the fridge on that base that is over the wheel well and water tank.  The height is just right. 
Then the curb side will be an office/eating table with moveable desk chairs.  This makes the trailer seem wider in the middle, too.
There will be no dinette to make a bed for visitors, they can sleep on the floor!   Or better still, in their own RV!

All that thinking was enough for one day!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Do you want Round-Up with that? Pugsy & Cargo Trailer.


Join the Rally for the Right to Know!

"This Saturday, March 26th, from D.C. to Colorado Springs–and more than 20 cities in between–thousands of people will  join together for a Rally for the Right to Know, demanding labeling of GMO foods. Check out the events listing on the Rally for the Right to Know Facebook page to find a rally near you (please RSVP at the event page if you plan to attend an event).
"Did you know that genetically modified foods are so prevalent in the United States that if you randomly pick an item off your grocery store's shelves, you have a 75 percent chance of picking a food with GM ingredients?"
It's true. At least seven out of every 10 processed food items have been genetically modified, and there's more to come.

More than 75% of soybeans,  65% of cotton,  and 10% of corn grown in the United States contain the genetically modified (GM) Roundup Ready gene, which allows farmers to spray Monsanto's Roundup herbicide directly onto their fields, killing weeds without harming the crops … theoretically.
However, this convenience comes at a steep price, as evidence shows that Roundup's active ingredient, glyphosate, is actually devastating crops and human and animal health around the world, even when the exposure is restricted to residues leftover in the soil.
Over time, many types of weeds that would once keel over with just a tiny dose of Roundup now require heavier and heavier applications. Some are nearly invincible. In reality, these super-weeds are resistant not to the glyphosate itself, but to the soil borne pathogens that normally do the killing in Roundup sprayed fields.
Having hundreds of thousands of acres infested with weeds that resist plant disease and weed killer has been devastating to many US farmers, whose first response is to pour on more and more Roundup. Its use is now accelerating. Nearly half of the huge 13-year increase in herbicide use took place in just the last 2 years.

 This has serious implications.
While visiting a seed corn dealer’s demonstration plots in Iowa last fall, Dr. Don Huber walked past a soybean field and noticed a distinct line separating severely diseased yellowing soybeans on the right from healthy green plants on the left (see photo). The yellow section was suffering from Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), a serious plant disease that ravaged the Midwest in 2009 and ’10, driving down yields and profits. Something had caused that area of soybeans to be highly susceptible and Don had a good idea what it was.

The diseased field on the right had glyphosate applied the previous season. Photo by Don Huber
Don Huber spent 35 years as a plant pathologist at Purdue University and knows a lot about what causes green plants to turn yellow and die prematurely. He asked the seed dealer why the SDS was so severe in the one area of the field and not the other.
“Did you plant something there last year that wasn’t planted in the rest of the field?” he asked. Sure enough, precisely where the severe SDS was, the dealer had grown alfalfa, which he later killed off at the end of the season by spraying a glyphosate-based herbicide (such as Roundup). The healthy part of the field, on the other hand, had been planted to sweet corn and hadn’t received glyphosate.
Nutrient loss in humans and animals:
The same nutrients that glyphosate chelates and deprives plants are also vital for human and animal health. These include iron, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium, boron, and others.
Deficiencies of these elements in our diets, alone or in combination, are known to interfere with vital enzyme systems and cause a long list of disorders and diseases.
Alzheimer’s, for example, is linked with reduced copper and magnesium. Don Huber points out that this disease has jumped 9000% since 1990.
Manganese, zinc, and copper are also vital for proper functioning of the SOD (superoxide dismustase) cycle. This is key for stemming inflammation and is an important component in detoxifying unwanted chemical compounds in humans and animals."
More at :

Dangers for People and Animals Too

"It's not only plant life that's threatened by the use of Roundup -- human and animal toxins are created too.
As Smith reported, glyphosate promotes the formation of certain types of fungi that are dangerous to people and contaminate food and animal feed. One such fungi, the Fusarium fungus, has been linked to plague epidemics, cancer, infertility and animal diseases.
Residues of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide found in GM food and feed have also been linked to cell damage and even death, even at very low levels. Researchers have also found it causes membrane and DNA damage, and inhibits cell respiration.
It's also possible that glyphosate is significantly altering the nutrient content of our food, through its chelating mechanism, leading to widespread mineral deficiencies in animals and humans."

"Genetic engineering is inherently dangerous, because it greatly expands the scope for horizontal gene transfer and recombination, precisely the processes that create new viruses and bacteria that cause disease epidemics, and trigger cancer in cells." - Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
Read more:

It's actually simpler than you might think... By buying only non-GM foods.
"The potential health ramifications of these world-wide experiments with our food supply are frightening to say the least. If you care about the health and future of your family, I strongly urge you to refuse to participate in this destructive trend.
The True Food Shopping Guide is a great tool for helping you determine which brands and products contain GM ingredients. It lists 20 different food categories that include everything from baby food to chocolate.
Additionally, here are four simple steps to decrease your consumption of GM foods as much as possible:
  • Reduce or eliminate processed foods in your diet. The fact that 75 percent of processed foods contain GM ingredients is only one of the many reasons to stick to a whole foods diet.
  • Read produce and food labels. Conventionally raised soybeans and corn make up the largest portion of genetically modified crops. Ingredients made from these foods include high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), corn flour and meal, dextrin, starch, soy sauce, margarine, and tofu.
  • Buy organic produce. By definition, food that is certified organic must be free from all GM organisms, produced without artificial pesticides and fertilizers and from an animal reared without the routine use of antibiotics, growth promoters or other drugs. Additionally, grass-fed beef will not have been fed GM corn feed.
You can also get involved in helping to defeat GM crops at the regulatory level. Right now the USDA is considering the approval of Monsanto's Roundup Ready alfalfa, which would lead to the application of millions more pounds of Roundup herbicide each year.
You can urge U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to NOT approve Roundup Ready alfalfa, which would lead to the addition of more Roundup on U.S. fields, cattle and in our food, by using this action form from the Institute for Responsible Technology"
More at:

Partial List of Food Products That Contain Genetically Modified Corn Oil and Corn Products, Soy, Canola Oil, Cottonseed Oil

  • Salad Dressings
  • Infant Formula
  • Bread, Rolls, Pastry
  • Baby Cereal
  • Canned rolls and breads
  • Hamburgers and Hotdogs
  • Margarine
  • Processed Meats
  • Mayonnaise
  • Crackers
  • Chocolate
  • Cookies
  • Candy
  • Fried Foods
  • Frozen Foods
  • Chips
  • Tofu
  • Veggie Burgers
  • Soy Burgers
  • Meat Substitutes
  • Aspartame
  • Ice Cream
  • Frozen Yogurt
  • Tamari
  • Soy Sauce
  • Soy Cheese
  • Soy Nuts and Products
  • Processed Cheese
  • Pasteurized Cheese
  • Tomato Sauce
  • Marinades
  • Barbeque Sauce
  • Soups
  • Canned Stews
  • Sauces
  • Dried and Dehydrated Soups/Sauces
  • Condiments
  • Drinks
  • Protein Powder
  • Baking Powder
  • Alcohol
  • Vanilla
  • Peanut Butter
  • Pasta
  • Enriched Flour
  • Powdered Sugar
  • Children’s snacks
  • Cereals
  • Cake and Baking Mixes
  • Frozen pie and pastry shells
 Sources:  Institute for Responsible Technology January 14, 2011   and:  Institute for Responsible Technology November 13, 2008

After the comments, I added some sites for you to sign the petitions:

For US:

For Canada:

For Australia:


image Ray and I were putting the luggage rack back on Pugsy (1968 Venture fiberglass Class A motor home). We have been trying to get this finished for a couple of years, and something always comes up that is more important. 
As it is a one piece fiberglass coach, it doesn't leak, but we had had a problem with a place where one of the luggage rack holders needed some attention.  We had fixed it and repainted the roof, but never replaced the luggage rack runner.   That runner had fallen down, and yesterday Jay had thrown the extension ladder on top of it.  It was time to get it in a safe place….where it belonged.

Then Jay changed his mind and wanted to work today, so I drove down to get him, and started him working installing the second roof vent on the rear of the cargo trailer.  He cut the 14' x 14' hole, as it had already been framed up for it.

I tried to go back to helping Ray who was up on Pugsy's roof, but Jay got out too small diameter screws for the roof vent, so I was up and down the extension ladder several times assembling what he needed, and making sure that the trim ring fit, before he screwed the vent down.
Back up on the ladder again, so Ray and I drilled the holes for Pugsy's luggage rack, laid the rubber gasket that goes under it.  The original gasket had become so atrophied that it was useless, so I had bought a garage door bottom rubber gasket, and it worked out great. But I couldn't see what was going on inside of Pugsy, so Jay came over and watched inside as Ray drilled the holes, and I, up on the ladder, held it all in place.  Ray and I inserted the bolts through the luggage rack runner and the gasket, and down through the roof.    Ray re-installed the MaxxAir over Pugsy's roof vent, we had taken it off to paint the roof, and it had been hanging around, in peril, in the workshop, since then.

The weather is lovely but by lunch time, I was all "laddered out" today.