Leslie Carol Botha says: October 26, 2010 at 7:40 pm
"According to our VAERS research – there are now 20,101 reports of adverse reactions and 84 deaths attributed to the HPV vaccines. In September a healthy 40-day old breastfed infant died the day after its mother received her first Gardasil injection. These are serious incidents.
Sane Vax Inc. has written a letter to Dr. Margaret Hamburg, FDA Commissioner requesting the vaccine be taken off the market.
More information can be found here…: http://lecafpolitiquedecamusdecaf.blogspot.com/2010/10/gardasil-under-fire-again-all-we-want.html
And of course at http://truthaboutgardasil.org/ and http://sanevax.org/"
From: http://www.vaccineinjuryhelpcenter.com/gardasil-related-death-numbers-could-be-rising
Millions of women in the U.S. were scared by Merck's powerful ad campaign into becoming "one less" victim to cervical cancer by getting vaccinated with Gardasil. But instead of saving women from cancer, the vaccine has turned an increasing number of formerly healthy girls into "one more" victim of vaccine abuse.
The reported death toll for the HPV vaccine now stands at 89, and the first male death has also been reported. A young boy died just eight days after being vaccinated with Gardasil.
As of November 3, 2010, there were also 20,575 adverse reactions, the Age of Autism reports, and 352 reports of abnormal pap smears post vaccination. Keep in mind however, that it has been estimated that only 1 to 10 percent of all vaccine adverse events are ever reported, which means there could actually be millions of vaccine injuries related to Gardasil, and perhaps thousands of deaths.
The FDA needs to step in on this one!
Fracture Risk With Osteoporosis Drugs:
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning there is a possible risk of a rare type of thigh bone (femoral) fracture in people who take drugs known as bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis.
The agency warned patients and health care professionals of this risk on Oct. 13, 2010, because the rare type of femoral fracture has been predominantly reported in patients taking these prescription medications.
Medication Guide, Labeling Change
The changes to labeling and the medication guide will affect only bisphosphonates approved for osteoporosis. These include
- oral bisphosphonates such as Actonel, Actonel with Calcium, Atelvia, Boniva, Fosamax, Fosamax Plus D, and their generic products
- injectable bisphosphonates such as Boniva and Reclast and their generic products
More at: http://www.everydayhealth.com/fda/possible-fracture-risk-with-osteoporosis-drugs.aspx?xid=nl_EverydayHealthinCoordinationWithFDAFoodDrugandMedicalProductSafety_20101020
Another FDA warning:
FDA Warns Marketers of Unapproved 'Chelation' Drugs
Federal regulators are warning eight companies to stop selling so called ‘chelation’ products that claim to treat a range of disorders from autism to Alzheimer’s disease by removing toxic metals from the body.The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says the companies have not proven their products are safe and effective in treating autism spectrum disorder, cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration, Parkinson’s disease or any other serious illness.
Some of the companies also claim their products can detect the presence of heavy metals in the body in an attempt to justify the need for chelation therapy.
FDA compliance expert Deborah Autor says the companies are preying on people made vulnerable because of serious illness.
“These products are dangerously misleading because they are targeted to patients with serious conditions and limited treatment options,” says Autor.
More at: http://www.everydayhealth.com/fda/fda-tightens-reins-on-unapproved-chelation-drugs.aspx?xid=nl_EverydayHealthinCoordinationWithFDAFoodDrugandMedicalProductSafety_20101020
Ray, Jay and I started out working on a couple of projects on the outside of the cargo trailer. Ray took off the trim bar off the outside bottom front, straightened it, cleaned it, and got it ready to paint. Jay and I were looking at the back door, as it didn't fit very well on one side, and you could see daylight. We decided to leave well enough alone, and fix that during the trimming out of the door jam.
I went up in my attic and brought down a scrap of the Formica that is in my house. It seemed to match the colors in the trailer pretty well. Even though I think it is a little 'pinky'. It is called Sanibel Maple by Wilsonart. I have one more sheet of it, which is for the long countertop over the built-in fifteen drawers in my bathroom, which hasn't been done yet.
I will have to go back to Houston to replace it, but if it helps this trailer job get finished, we can use it.
A quick trip into our little town to buy a breaker for the guest house, which Ray rents. It kept on tripping for no reason. Then to the auto parts store to buy some jack oil. One hydraulic jack hasn't worked for a while, and our favorite one is starting to act up.
Found a few more bargains at Krogers, including some salmon! Ray put the breaker in, and so far it hasn't tripped. The downpour waited until I got home, wasn't that nice?
Patches did the unforgivable this morning. She usurped Bobcat's bathroom window bed on that 15-drawer chest of drawers.
Bobcat just looked on, and didn't know what to do.
Bobcat looks out of that window, out onto the road, most of the day.
I took Boniva for about 10 months and I can't begin to tell you the negative side effects I had. Then I googled "Boniva, negative side effects" and found hundreds of women who had the same or worse than I had. I now refuse to take a prescription med until I look it up on the internet for negative side effects. That's not to say I would never take another med, because they all have side effects, but I am more aware now. Also, I shouldn't have stuck it out as long as I did.
I wonder if there is anything wrong with Viactive? It is the chewable form of calcium. I have been taking it for quite a while. I wonder how they can get away with all the adds for this stuff?
Thank you for comments, Gypsy and Pidge.
I know that when a doctor gave me samples of a couple of osteoporosis drugs, one of them made me feel terrible, so I went back to square one.
Which is taking calcium with D. Another doctor told me that taking Vitamin D with calcium is what makes it work. Then I found out how important Vitamin D is to one's whole health, so now I take even more.
Pidge, I don't know anything about Viactiv. Maybe you can do a search to see what you can find out about it, and if it has any negative effects. I am always leery of anything The Big Pharma puts out, when we already have cheaper solutions to a problem. Then we know it all about the $$$$!!
Happy Trails, Penny, TX
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