Angel Bus is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to providing compassionate, non-emergency long-distance ground transportation to patients in need.
Angel Bus, which utilizes motor coaches and their volunteer drivers as well as commercial buses, was founded by Mr. William L. (Bill) Connor in May 2000. The inspiration for founding Angel Bus was derived when Bill’s son, Jaran, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. His treatment required routine travel, hours away from home.
Bill’s hard work and dedication to the mission of Angel Bus resulted in the rapid increase in the number of volunteer drivers wishing to provide their service. Angel Bus quickly became a lifeline for many families as volunteer drivers were matched with missions in various regions of the United States.
RVers to the Rescue:
Jackie, with “killer dog” Misse, Stanley and Mike take a break for a photo op.
The wheels on Mike and Jackie’s rig turned very early the morning of July 19 as the couple headed to Charlestown, Indiana, to pick up Stanley, the first Angel Bus patient to get a ride in a motor coach since the nonprofit organization was reinstated by Mercy Medical Airlift. Mike Miller is a volunteer driver who calls Livingston, Texas, home base. They were in Kentucky visiting Mike’s mother.
The two rose at 4:00 a.m. and drove to Charlestown in their luxurious 40-foot Mountain Aire. Stanley, a 15-year-old boy who suffers from epilepsy, and his mom, Karolee, got on board, with Stanley sitting up front as Mike’s “co-pilot.”
More at:
If you know of anyone who may be interested in serving needy patients by providing long-distance ground transportation please inform them of Angel Bus.
This similar to the volunteers at Truckers Pet Transport;
and Rescue Angels On Wheels :
Pilots and Paws are volunteers in the air:
Or if you would like to volunteer for people or pets-in-need transport, please contact any of the many organizations.
...with Mark
"Here is how one savvy RVer took care of a hot situation:
One topic I have not seen a lot written about is insulating the engine compartment to reduce heat and noise in the cabin.
We bought a 2004 Georgie Boy Pursuit 3500 (Triton V-10) in March and I perform all the recommended maintenance (using your checklists) before, during, and after each trip, but did not pay much attention to the insulation around the engine. A couple of weeks ago we were coming home from a 7 day trip to when I noticed that my feet were slowly cooking from heat coming off the dog house cover. It was over 100 degrees outside and we were running the generator and house air but could barely hold back the heat coming in through the front window and the engine compartment.
When we finally got home, I pulled the dog house cover to see how the insulation was installed. I was amazed to find only a small 1/4 in thick piece of foil-backed materiel glued to the top of the dog house cover - nothing on the sides or around the floor boards. There were scraps of foil tape flapping around here and there that indicated that once upon a time there may have been more insulating materiel, but it was long gone.
After checking several blogs for information on insulating motorhome engine compartments, I finally ordered a Kit from J.C. Whitney that comes with 48 sq ft (2 4' X 6' sheets) of 3/8 in thick foil-backed materiel, a can of high temp spray glue, and a roll of high temp foil tape. Using this Kit, I was able to completely insulate the entire dog house, and extend the materiel under the flooring of the driver and passenger areas.
One thing I did that was not in the instructions, however, was to use a staple gun to back-up the glue whenever the materiel covered the wood flooring (extra peace on mind.
It took about 3 hours on a Saturday morning to measure, cut, and attach the materiel, but the effort has paid off in a much cooler cabin and less toasted feet! There is even a noticeable reduction in engine noise.
Lesson learned: Pay attention to the insulating around the engine compartment and between the engine and cabin. If I had check this out when we first bought our rig and addressed the problem then, we could have had a much more comfortable summer vacation.
My next project is to check the generator compartment and install or add additional insulation."
Today, it was cold and windy up here on this hill, so we tried working on the cargo trailer with gloves on. But they were too awkward.
Jay cut some long thin 3-1/2" wide wedges for the back door frame. We had decided that it would be easier to straighten out the door frame, rather than mess with the back door.
First, we tried to make them on the table saw, but resorted to chucking the 2x4 up in the Workmate, and cutting them, through the sides, with a circular saw. (a 2x4 is 3-1/2" wide)
He temporarily nailed them on the door frame, to see if they fit right, and made sure that the door would still close. Then that door jam will be covered with white flashing.
That was all we did, as by then it was lunchtime, and it was just too cold today.
Thanks for all the great info you always post on your site. I always look forward to seeing what you have up.
Gee, I thought that it was going to be a doggie door. . .
Thank you for your comments, Pidge and Dizzy-Dick.
Thank you, Pidge, even I never know what I am going to come up with next!
No, Dizzy-Dick, I don't even have a doggie door in my house, as I like to be with the dogs when they are outside.
Some silly sod might have thrown something over the fence, like chicken bones, grapes, raisins, or cigarette butts. All very bad for dogs.
Anyway, this stealth cargo trailer is not for me.
My folks used their motorhome to help a hospice patient to get from Florida to Texas to die with her family around her. They took along a hospice nurse who wanted to visit relatives in Dallas anyhow and she would fly herself home. It all worked out well, and the patient laid on the bed all the way in comfort. They were given a map with hospitals to stop at if needed and a file of her health concerns. The patient made it one more week with her family around her in Texas and she got to pass away in her childhood home.
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
Thank you for your comment, Karen.
That was so wonderful of your folks to help like that. God Bless them.
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