Help animals orphaned, injured, or marooned by rising floodwaters in Australia.
The Australian state of Queensland is under siege. Widespread flooding — the worst in 100 years — now covers an area the size of France and Germany combined. As residents seek higher ground, some evacuation centers will not accept companion animals, and Australia's most vulnerable wildlife as well as stranded farm animals are also in peril.
Please remember to help, by clicking every day.
Park Service says, "Come visit for free"
Picture: Zion National Park.

America's Best Idea – the national parks – gets even better with several fee-free days at more than 100 national parks that usually charge entrance fees.
Mark your calendar for these fee-free days in 2011:
- January 15-17
(Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday weekend) - April 16-24
(National Park Week)
Here’s a tip – many of your 394 national parks NEVER charge an entrance fee. So start Planning Your Visit!
NPS/Dan Ng
Yosemite Falls is visible from numerous places around Yosemite Valley, especially around Yosemite Village and Yosemite Lodge. A one-mile loop trail leads to the base of Lower Yosemite Fall.From:
Protect Tigers: If You Don't BUY, They Don't DIE!
Protect Tigers From The Wildlife Trade:
Wild tigers once numbered around 100,000 across Asia, but, today that number has dwindled to fewer than 3,500. While the ever-expanding development of land for homes, farms, and factories--and the terrible practice of sport hunting--are factors, poaching tigers for the purpose of making souvenirs is quickly becoming the chief concern for animal activists around the world.
You can help: While on holiday and at home, think twice before engaging in purchases and activities that are putting tigers and other endangered wildlife at risk. Read and then sign our online pledge to learn how you can save tiger populations today.
RV World of 1937
New Use for an Old RV
The little shelf is missing, but I think I have one that will fit. For $15, I wasn't going to leave it at the thrift shop!
I had intended to put a little Dometic gas/electric fridge that I have, in the cargo trailer, but that would bump the price up too much, when time comes to sell it. Also it is larger than this one. This little one can be used as a little icebox, or run on an inverter, if needed.
The drapes, four big ones, are made of a very sturdy material, so I can use the fabric to upholster the dinette cushions. Now that I have all my paneling, lino, and upholstery colors picked out, I can decide on the color of the Formica.
We had to add another 2x4, and a metal angle to sturdy it up. I leaned on a 10ft. 2x4 wedged against the outside while he screwed it in place.
Even though we didn't trim the back door, we did cut the inside hole for a little "shot-gun" window in the kitchen area.
This isn't supposed to look like a travel trailer, so it doesn't need big windows which would make it look like one.
It was chilly up here on this hill, and still only 37 deg., when we quit for the day.
Can't wait to see the end result of all this work. Be sure to share pictures with us.
Thank you, Pidge.
It is coming along slowly. I do try to take pictures of each step to see how, and why, we did what. If the buyer has any questions, we can show them.
Happy Trails, Penny, TX
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