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Ask Me About My Granddog!
This humorous sleepshirt is the perfect gift for the Grandma who loves her grandpooch.
Jewelry is a big hit on Mother's Day.
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Some folks sure did have some bad news this week:
2011 Tornado Outbreak Death Toll Hits 318, Deadliest Since 1932 (Now at 340)
"In the nation's deadliest tornado outbreak in almost four decades, at least 297 people were killed across six states - more than two-thirds of them in Alabama, where large cities bore the half-mile-wide scars the twisters left behind.
The death toll from Wednesday's storms seems out of a bygone era, before Doppler radar and pinpoint satellite forecasts were around to warn communities of severe weather. Residents were told the tornadoes were coming up to 24 minutes ahead of time, but they were just too wide, too powerful and too locked onto populated areas to avoid a horrifying body count.
"These were the most intense super-cell thunderstorms that I think anybody who was out there forecasting has ever seen," said meteorologist Greg Carbin at the National Weather Service's Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Okla.
"If you experienced a direct hit from one of these, you'd have to be in a reinforced room, storm shelter or underground" to survive, Carbin said." "I've never seen anything like this." "This is something that no one can prepare for."
"At Smithville Cemetery, even the dead were not spared: Tombstones dating to the 1800s, including some of Civil War soldiers, lay broken on the ground. Two brothers dragged their youngest brother's headstone back to its proper place."
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Endeavour's launch has been scrubbed for at least 48 hours because of an issue with Auxiliary Power Unit 1 heaters.
They had to do it, but think of all the disappointed people, including Gabrielle Gifford.
Having to produce his birth certificate wasn't that great for the President.
Texas had some terrible wild fires due to the drought.
We had some happy occasions, including the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
"No good deed goes unpunished!"
My happiest occasion this week, was getting that neighbor back to her home after taking her to cash her SS Disability check yesterday. I took her to the little local store to cash it, but that took two hours as she wouldn't stop dawdling and gabbing about nothing to the staff of three! She knew that I had to get back to start work, and just wouldn't hurry up.
After waiting outside for over an hour, I went in and asked her if she was ready. She had chosen her meat, and was just standing there chatting to the butcher. The cashier was just going to ask her to come up to the register as there were others waiting to be served. She hollered at me "I'm busy", so that got my goat, and I said "So am I!"
Miffed, I went outside, unlocked the van, got her purse, took it in the store and plopped it in her cart, and walked out.
Then I thought that wouldn't be a very nice thing to do, to just leave her stranded in town, so I waited at least another half hour. You know, the "What Would Jesus Do?" thought!
Then, even though she had bought steaks, she still wanted to go on into Conroe, and go to several places there. That's an hour round trip, plus the stops. How long did she think that meat would keep in a closed up car in sunny 85 deg ? So I just took her home, even though I needed to go to Conroe myself. Never again! I's been a long time since I was that aggravated.
As I had to wait for the mail to bring her check, Ray, Jay and I worked yesterday morning.
Ray was painting in the cargo trailer, so Jay and I cleaned the Middle Room where the orphan kittens live.
First thing, I had managed to spill their breakfast all over the place, so it was a good time to clean. We put them in another cage for their safety, and washed their 'house', moved everything in that room, vacuumed and mopped. They are getting 'housified', and aren't scared of vacuum cleaner noises any more.
I let them run around in the grooming room, under supervision, for short periods now. As I weigh them regularly, I know they have grown, but I can't see it. The ones that are at least 2 lb will be going to the vet to be spayed and neutered on the 12th. May. Little "Precious", tabby/white, won't weigh enough, but she can go for a check-up anyway.
Then Jay and I went outside and raked up more pine needles. Everyone around here is getting large burn piles of pine needles, waiting for the burn ban to be lifted.
So Wizz, An English Shepherd, was right when he made the comment yesterday: "Looks like you are having a busy day :-)"
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