"Every year in December an estimated 20,000 gray whales begin their annual migration north from the calving lagoons of Baja. By March they can be seen in large pods off the California coast and it is cause for celebration in three of the north state's most beloved communities along a thirteen mile stretch of Highway 1.
This year's Mendocino Whale Festival will begin the festivities March 5th and 6th with wineries setting up tasting stations in inns, galleries and shops throughout Mendocino Village and Little River, while the area’s top chefs produce their favorite seafood chowders in a tasting event. A marine mammal art exhibit, outdoor painting demonstrations, and docent-led walks are all part of the two-day festival.
Mendocino Village
The following weekend, March 12th and 13th the whale-watching wine and food party will move three miles south of Mendocino to the tiny region of restaurants and B&Bs known as Little River.
North of Mendocino, Fort Bragg gets its turn to highlight whale-watching season the weekend of March 19th and 20th, with microbrew and food tasting, whale-watching cruises, hikes and horseback expeditions, an art exhibit, crafts fair and 5k and 10k competitive and fun runs/walks."
From: http://rvingcalifornia.blogspot.com/2011/02/march-north-coast-whale-festivals.html
Join the 2011 boycott to save Baby seals
"Why boycott Canadian seafood? Because it works. Canada’s commercial fishing industry hunts baby seals during the off-season, selling fur for a tiny fraction of the industry's overall profit. Seafood -- like snow crabs, cod, and cold water shrimp -- make up the lion’s share of their revenue, and in the past 6 years that we’ve refused to support their cruelty, the industry’s bottom line has taken a nose dive.
I’m determined to make the 2011 boycott bigger than ever before. Are you with me this year? Even if you’ve signed in the past, please renew your promise to boycott Canadian seafood."
It’s up to you, and me, and every conscientious, humane person out there to send the Canadian fishing industry a message they can’t ignore: stop killing defenseless seal pups, or we’ll put you out of business.
In 2009, the European Union banned its trade in products of commercial seal slaughters, closing a primary market for Canada’s sealing industry. As shrinking global demand for seal skins have left the fishing industry with fewer incentives to go out on the ice and make a government buyout of sealing licenses more attractive, we're truly on the verge of a breakthrough for seals.
The end is near -- I can feel it. Join the 2011 boycott to save seals and be part of our historic campaign to end this brutal hunt at last.
Thank you for making 2011 the year for seals -- it’s the year we’ve all been waiting for."
Rebecca Aldworth
Executive Director. Humane Society International/Canada
Here they are killing them in Nova Scotia, beware it is graphic, cruel and disgusting:
"Join the 2011 Canadian Seafood Boycott to Save Seals:
Hundreds of thousands of harp seal pups are in danger of being slaughtered within days on the ice floes of Eastern Canada. It’s the largest slaughter of marine mammals on the planet.
It is up to every one of us to send the Canadian fishing industry a message they can’t ignore: stop killing defenseless seal pups, or we’ll put you out of business.
HOW TO TAKE THE PLEDGE: https://secure.humanesociety.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=4925 Join the 2011 boycott to save seals by adding your name in the fields below and clicking the gray "Sign the Pledge!" button at the bottom.
Post the pledge on your wall: “I just signed the 2011 Boycott to Save Seals. As long as Canada’s commercial fishing industry slaughters baby seals, I refuse to buy Canadian seafood. If you care about animals, will you join me? http://bit.ly/fdgDeO”
Tweet to save seals: “I just signed the @HumaneSociety 2011 boycott to save #seals. Will you join me? http://bit.ly/e6XxnI Pls RT #sealhunt”
Email your friends: "I just signed the 2011 Boycott to Save Seals. As long as Canada’s commercial fishing industry slaughters baby seals, I refuse to buy Canadian seafood. If you care about animals, will you join me?" http://bit.ly/h5rlVi
"It is up to all of us to send the Canadian fishing industry a message they cannot ignore: Stop the killing of defenseless seal pups, or we'll put you out of business. Thanks for helping save seals!"
Act on your promise to boycott Canadian seafood.
- Find seal-safe restaurants and grocery stores -- search for businesses near you.
- Download our guide with tips on how you can turn your pledge into action for seals.
AnyAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaCanadaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaONOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaSpainTennesseeTexasUnited KingdomUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming
When you visit one of these restaurants, print this thank-you card and drop it off.
Or you can search for:
- Grocery stores
- Chefs Here is the chef's video: http://video.humanesociety.org/video/629262638001/Channels/602022756001/Latest-Videos/790182419001/Chefs-for-Seals-2011/
- Canadian restaurants
Strangely enough, she is a lot easier to handle since her 'Dad' took her to another groomer that one time. I heard through the grapevine, that they told him not to bring her back!
She is way overdue, but I have been waiting until now, because neither Jay nor Ray will be here, today.
I looked up some of the grocery stores that had pledged to boycott Canadian seafood, and was surprised to see Whole Foods. I blogged a couple of months ago about buying petrale sole at Whole Foods (which was absolutely delicious) but felt a little guilty because it was Canadian trawler caught. I will make another trip soon to Whole Foods, and if they are still carrying it I will call them out on it. Thanks for posting this info.
Not sure we have canadian seafood over here.
We like a nice brush (good luck Muffie!)
Hi Wizz,
I searched and found this out:
"Another large seafood processor is Fishery Products International. They sell cooked, frozen cold-water shrimp, sometimes breaded. They are sold frozen in 1, 2, or 5 lb. bags and labeled FPI. In addition to exporting to the U.S., they sell these shrimp in the U.K. at such stores as Marks and Spencer."
From: http://www.change.org/petitions/boycott_canadian_seafood_3#?opt_new=t&opt_fb=
It's all in looking at the labels.
I hope you don't mind, my Misty sent Chip a letter on your blog. I can't leave this puter without her writing to other doggies, including Sadie
Happy Trails, Penny, TX.
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