Northern Bobwhite
Working with partners such as The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Northern Bobwhite Conservation Initiative, and Central Hardwoods Joint Venture, ABC is drawing attention to the plight of this species and working to turn trends around.
However, millions of acres of early successional habitat need to be restored in order for this species to flourish once more."
To learn more and help support ABC's efforts to protect the Northern Bobwhite, click here.
Whooping Cranes.
"Despite being one of the most popular game species in the East, with a long history of intensive management attention, Northern Bobwhite populations are still experiencing long-term, precipitous declines due to the loss of native grasslands.
Jay and went south of Conroe to Camperland ( and bought the parts we need for the cargo trailer. The three generations of this company have always been good to me, so the family and employees, who have known me for 30 odd years, gave me a great welcome.
Then on south to the Garden Oaks area off N. Shepherd in Houston. We went to the Wilsonart and Formica distributors, were quoted anywhere from $82-95 for the size of Formica that we need. Then we drove 1 block to "Laminate Countertops" on N. Shepherd, and they had the color and size for $32 in their bargain bin!
By then we were hungry, so we had buffet at a Chinese restaurant at Tidwell and I-45. I used to live in that area back in the 70's, so I really wanted to go to Aunt Bea's Family Restaurant, but we settled on Chinese instead.
We were tied up in a loonng traffic jam due to an accident several miles north, (no injuries) and wished we had remembered to get on the HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lane. It would be so nice if everyone would just put their automatic cars in "creep", but no, they have to stop and start.
After a quick stop at Walmart to get a few things, as I don't like to get my groceries there, we finally arrived home around 4.00PM. My two doggies had been good, as usual, but were glad to go outside.
Then I got a phone call which really made tears of joy!
Patches new "Mom" said that they really love her to pieces, and that she is a keeper!
Patches had given her new Mom her 'slitty eyes look' , which says "I love you".
This is such a relief, as she is such a scaredy cat. So, one adopted, two to go.
Jay and spent about an hour doing some cleaning up, and putting away in the area between the storeroom and the Puddle Jumper, in one of the car ports.
It had bred more 'stuff', like stuff does! Stuff needs to be spayed and neutered, too.
We cut the strips of Formica to go on the sides of the cargo trailer countertop. Then the contact cement was applied. We waited the required 20-30 minutes for the contact cement to dry before sticking them in place, and router-ed them.
I put the contact cement brush in some Xylene, to keep it good. Tomorrow, we can install the Formica on the top of the countertop.
If it hadn't been past lunchtime, (quitting time), it would have been great to have done it today.
Sounds like you are "Getting R Done".
Great news about Patches' adoption!
Glad the kitty and the new owner are happy with each other. I believe that animals pick us, and not the other way around.
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