Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bit More Done to HiLo. And Thrown Away Kittens.

Jay called at 7.30 this morning, and asked me if I had any trash, as their trash day is different from ours. I knew it was just an excuse to call, and that he was calling from his house, and not his mother's. There is a buzz on the line at his house, so I knew he had been "thrown out". So that meant he was lonely. He wanted to go down to the lake with me when I fed the ducks and fish. So we went to the lake. I took pictures of the ducks and the lake with my camera phone, but they came out all blurry. Then Jay wanted to come back here and work a bit.
By the time we got back here, Ray was just getting here, too. Jay made some brackets to hold up the back window that is over the AC. Ray wrestled with the puzzle of the contraption that holds the propane tanks on, including the automatic switch-over. I found a big wing nut, a big bolt and washer, to hold it all together on the 'Allthread'. We hadn't found that box of HiLo parts, so we had to piece it together with what I could find.

Then we all wrestled with getting the original curtain tracks back on the walls over the windows. Ray helped by using my seam ripper and getting the old mounting tape off what was left of the old sun-rotted drapes. I will have to sew that on the new drapes.

After lunch I was outside and Ray said that someone had dumped two little kittens off at the dumpster at Kroger's Grocery, and asked what could be done to help them. I loaned him a carrier and he went to get them. Unfortunately he could only find this black boy, and couldn't find the silver one. See him smiling as I am petting him ?
Black cats have a scary future at this time of year. There are some terribly wicked people who do horrible things to them. Americans think that they are 'bad luck'.
Europeans think that they are 'good luck'.
But none of the rescue groups offer black cats right now. I got the kitten comfy in my big cage with food and water. I might have it for a while, as it is black. I do wish Ray could have found it's litter mate. I shall worry about the little silver one, that is such a busy road.

I managed to get the HiLo drape's lengths pinned and sewn, now I have to get the widths done, and sew on the mounting tape. I am making them out of an avocado dust ruffle that I bought at a thrift shop for one dollar. You can hardly buy avocado fabric anymore.

Another sunny, busy day.

1 comment:

Bob and Molly said...

Hi Penny and thanks for your sweet comments on Kristy's are too sweet!
Love the little black kitty!