Yesterday evening I had opened the big workshop door, and dragged the freshly disinfected cage in there, as I didn't want to leave it outside all night. It is not mine, so I am taking good care of it. But it sure was blocking the aisle. So before Ray even got here, I had disinfected all the surfaces in the middle room, ready for the cage. But before we brought it in, we did a bit of a spring cleaning in there. We moved my deep freeze, little 2-door refrigerator, the two big microwaves that are stored in there, the table that the cage usually sits on, and swept and mopped in there. So now the middle room all ready for it's next tenant. It will only be used in an emergency, but you never know when one will crop up.
I knew we had to have the compressor outside to nail on the wooden trim that Jay had made to cover a scruffy place down by the floor on the side of the dinette in the HiLo. So as we were behind on our 'Once A Month List', we started checking all the tires while the compressor was outside. The HiLo, The Little Van, the little utility trailer. The big utility trailer just got those new tires on it within a month, so we didn't check them. Then I drove the Puddle Jumper around to that side of house and we checked them, even the spare, which has never been on the ground in 193,350 miles. All the tires on everything, needed some air, so it was a good thing we did it.
Then I nailed up the trim Jay had made, but I had to shave off a sliver on two pieces with the chopsaw to make the mitres fit neatly. But there was still one place at the top of the side of the gaucho that looked bad. Some of the veneer had been knocked off the edge, not by me. It is right at the door when you walk in so it really catches your eye. I remembered that I had some brown vinyl left over from another job, so Ray and I went up into my attic, and I found it right away. I thought that I was going to have to hunt through several boxes to find it ! I try not to go up those attic steps when I am on my own
Ray cut some 1" wide luann strips, and we laid the vinyl, with some foam, behind the strip of wood, inside out and upside down, at the top of the panel, stapled the wood on to the top of the panel, and brought the vinyl and foam padding up over the wooden strip and over the edge of the panel, and down the other side. We used screws and upholstery washers for the other side near the cushions. We will have to do the same thing to the dinette on the other side of the door, to make it match, but it was quitting time.
Then I grabbed a whole-wheat pita bread pocket, stuffed some deli chicken breast and low fat cheese in it, and took off for the next town to get the awning parts that I needed, eating on the way. I did get a couple of pairs of comfy jeans at the one thrift shop that I visited.
I had trouble posting pictures, but I guess Blogger is having a bad day.
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