Friday, February 8, 2008

Cabinets started. Merry Miler back. Black Wagon done.

Yesterday, when I took Jay home, I stopped by Jim the mechanic's place, and he was working gung ho on the 72 pick up that he is restoring. He called later and said that he will really get on the Merry Miler today. I hope we get it home soon, as we have to get it washed, the rest of the drapes in, and 24 photos for the eBay listing. It is scheduled to start on the 14th. I have to have faith that it will sell to the high bidder, not like the Class C.

I picked up Jay and May. We put the wagon back together, and it took three of us with metric and standard sockets !

May cleaned and primed the old white cabinets that used to be at the Onalaska house. Jay and I started cutting and fitting the wood for the entertainment center. He re-installed the base, with the outlet in it.

May got her pay, and I know she didn't pay any bills with it, just partyed. That's it, as far as I am concerned.

I got Muffy groomed a little bit, and he will bring her back tomorrow.

Wormed the pups this morning, and will do it again, tomorrow. I feed them and clean up after them a lot.

Kenya told me about a special website where we can put pictures of our fosters. The ones that the proffesional photographer took of Blackie, Boots and Minkie were there.
I printed out Blackie's page, and took it to Sharon. I printed out her favorite picture to keep. Kenya said that the vet found the scar where Blackie was spayed, so Sharon is going to keep her. Vet said Blackie was 2 years old, so that goes with the time line, that she was Sharon's Dad's cat, and that she had found her way back here.

Jim brought the Merry Miler back, and as usual, said that it was a sod to work on.

May won't be here tomorrow or the next day. Might never be again.

Another 3/4 of a day !

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