Speaking of 'happy cats', I had Patches' cage door open and Mime went in there to introduce herself. Mime and Patches touched noses and were quite friendly, so I guess Mime likes other cats, and just hates dogs.
I got out the table saw and cut the exact angle lengthwise on the 17" 2x4 to go under the Mirage seat, to make it more comfortable for me to drive. I think Ray is scared of the table saw, so that is why I did it. Yes, I am scared of it, too, ...one should be. Jay came by as I was doing this, and was miffed that I hadn't asked him to work, as the table saw was always his forte.
Jay wanted me to loan him $200, ......fat chance!! He just drank/drugged up a $10,000 settlement in the last 30 days, and I told him if he buggered off that money this time, that I wouldn't have any more to do with him.
I am so sorry for my friend, Claudia, his mother, who will die very shortly if she can't get a new liver. They are still giving her chemo to try to make her last longer. But Jay is so much stress for her that she is making him stay next door at his house now. Such a shame as he could be a big help to her.
I know I said I wanted a white one with all the buttons, but I had a feeling that this one would be good for now, until I can find one. Actually, I found one the day after I bought this one, but it is a Windstar, and all the reviews I read about the Aerostar and Windstar, it seems that the rear wheel drive Aerostar is better. I am not fussy what make it is, I just want a reliable white one with all the buttons, but I will read the consumer's reviews before I buy.
I have been cooking a brisket in my crockpot, so I will have some of that today.
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