Today was warm and sunny, but there was a chance of rain. The sky looked quite dark in places, but it just drizzled 6 drops on the windshield as I got home from town. Ray was cleaning the fiberglass on the Mirage.

Jay had to go to town too, to get some more parts for his fence. But we stopped at Petsmart first, with a sample of his aquarium water as he wanted them to test it. A couple of days ago he had set up his aquarium, and put some little feeder goldfish in it. The water was nice and clear. Yesterday he bought some expensive cychlids, and moved the goldfish to another little tank. When I walked in there this morning I could see that the water was cloudy..... not a good sign. I asked him if he had overfed then, and he denied it. Then he admitted that last night his friend had said that he had fed them, Jay hadn't believed him, and fed them again. Mystery solved. The 'fish lady' at Petsmart sold him a bottle of water clarifier, a gravel cleaner, and told him not to give them more than 5-6 pellets. He had given them about 30! Those poor fish, overfeeding sure does make the water go sour, and they were having to "breathe" that, but his charcoal filter should clean it up.
Finally, I could get on with my shopping. At Lowes, Jay got his fence parts, and I got the little 1/2" x 3/8" plastic barb fittings, and tubing for the water tank. I also got some 4" PVC fittings to make a little gray water tank, as there isn't one. More on that later.
On to Camperland where I got a length of that turquoise and white water fill hose that is used to go from the tank filler to the tank, and the tank drain cock. I got the flanged kind, as I want to bring it out to the side of the Mirage. It is so handy if you have to quickly rinse your hands without going inside, or put water in a dog's bowl.
Speaking of dogs, I read this today about pet safety. Folks don't realize that a pet becomes a projectile in a wreck, and if it runs off while the EMT's are taking care of the people, it could be lost forever. That happened to my daughter. When it is in a strapped down carrier, or safety harness, there is a much better chance of it not getting injured, and the EMT's will call the proper animal authorities to come and care for your pet. a parts gathering day.
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