Ray drove my truck, and after we dropped off the Mirage at the mechanics, we just made one stop at WalMart, as we had to pick up Shay at 10.00 to bring her home. It seems very strange not to see it out of my bedroom window, in the side driveway.

They are ruining places like this lovely waterfall every day.
The second picture is in the Canadian Rainforest.
“Every second, a slice of rainforest the size of a football field is mowed down.

Here are other things, besides clicks, you can do to help save our globe:
“”Plant a tree with a child: Take a walk in the woods, or plant trees (which store CO2). Teaching our children to love and care for the planet is the most important thing we can do to ensure the future of humankind!
Transportation: Use alternative transportation whenever possible, especially for your daily commute! Bikes, public transit, and carpools are great ways to commute. If you must drive, choose a fuel-efficient car, and try not to speed. Fuel economy decreases rapidly at 60 mph and over. Also, make sure your tires are inflated to recommended levels, since proper tire inflation increases the lifespan of your tires, saves fuel, lowers emissions, and saves lives.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Compost: Reusing packaging material saves more energy than recycling. By avoiding extra packaging, you save both energy and landfill space. Yard and kitchen waste (leaves/grass/vegetable scraps) make up 30% of trash—an amount you can significantly reduce by composting. Also be sure to re-use plastic bags, or better yet, use and re-use a canvas grocery bag instead.
Conserve water: Global termperatures are on the rise, and water is becoming a very precious commodity. Check your home regularly for leaks, and don’t let faucets run. Water your lawn only when necessary, and then schedule it in the late evening or early morning—if you water at midday, most of the water evaporates and does your grass no good. Take shorter showers, run the washing machine and dishwasher only when full. You can even use the leftover rinsing water to water your plants! Let grass grow longer, and plant native or drought-tolerant garden plants.
Eat less meat, and try eating more local & organic foods: Feedlots concentrate an unnaturally large number of animals and are a major source of organic pollution. In tropical areas, rainforest is cleared for cattle pasture. Local and organic foods reduce the energy costs of transportation and the excessive use of pesticides. “”
This is what it looks like after they clear cut a part of the forest.
Dreadful, isn't it? And they do this EVERY day.
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