Ray had some time this morning, so we attacked my carpet. It had gained some spots, so I sprayed them again. I spray them when I first see them, anyway. He got the new-to-me upright Hoover carpet cleaner down from the attic, and we gave it it's first real trial run. He had given it a quick try when I first bought it, as if it hadn't sprayed or sucked right, I could have returned it. As I still don't have a new vacuum, we first used the Hoover Commercial Upright that is usually kept in the workshop, as it has the most suction. The Hoover Carpet Cleaner did a good job, all the spots came up. Good, now they won't bug me, anymore, and I won't have to look at them when I get back from Kerrville, if I ever get there.
Mirage supposed to be out of transmission shop today, but still has to have stuff done to it.

""The Campaign to Save the Lives of Children Under Five. Did you know that 60% of newborn deaths can be prevented? It just takes a simple package of basic health measures provided to mothers and babies. Keeping a
newborn warm is one of the simple steps for saving lives. That's where a cap comes in. Knit One, Save One is part of Survive to 5, Save the Children's commitment to saving the lives of babies and children. Goals Raise awareness of preventable newborn deaths — inexpensive solutions already exist. Encourage citizen action to help increase U.S. government funding. Increase private contributions — especially to bring health care to every village. To learn more about Save the Children's Survive to 5 campaign and to join its Knit One, Save One initiative, visit http://www.savethechildren.org/programs/health/child-survival/survive-to-5/knit-one-save-one.html .

Knit One, Save One: A New Campaign to Save Millions of Babies by Save the Children."""
I wish I had time to start knitting or sewing a cap, today.
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