For "Scripture Sunday":
God's Plan for the Middle East
"Conflict in that region will end and peace will come, but not by any human effort. Discover the astounding truth!"
Watch this video, read the transcript and request the Bible study aid "The Middle East in Bible Prophecy".
After Paris?
"World leaders marched in Paris over the weekend to remember those slain in last week's attack on a French newspaper. Europe is seeing extreme reaction to Islamization. Why does this matter?"
4 min video:
Transcript: [Darris McNeely] "I want to make another comment about the shootings in Paris last week, where Islamic terrorists barged into the offices of the French satiric newspaper Charlie Hebdo and killed fifteen people – editors and policeman – in a terrible massacre that took place there.
Over the weekend, the world leaders gathered in Paris and thousands marched in the streets in solidarity to show support for those who were killed, for free speech, and for France. I noticed that there were a number – of course, President Hollande of Paris, France, along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel were in the front row.
Ironically, on either side of them was the president of the Palestinian authority, Mahmoud Abbas and the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the other side. They were on the front row as well. Of course, all of this came out of the Middle East and the Muslim against the European situation – so to see those two on the front row is interesting. The question is, what happens next? Where does this lead? What will France do? Their reaction is going to be critical.
There's another development that has been taking place over several weeks in Germany that kind of ties in with this. In Dresden, thousands have been marching every week, thousands of people, Germans who are protesting against the Islamization of Europe, and Germany in particular, other asylum laws that Germany has, and certain other deeper problems within the German state that they are protesting against. They are more right-wing extremists.
They are also probably marching against – with certain anti-Semitic feelings as well there. And to be fair, against them had been another segment of the German population who are protesting against these protesters. And the chancellor, Angela Merkel, and other German leaders have also been standing up against these extremist protesters within Germany, but there are a lot of them and it seems to be growing because now, this week in Leipzig, just about an hour's drive from Dresden, another group is going to be marching, a group calling themselves "PEGIDA". PEGIDA, which is a German for those who are against the Islamization of the west. And they're hoping to bring to Leipzig in Germany the same type of success that they have had in Germany, this anti-immigration, anti-asylum, sometimes even anti-Semitic problems that are there.
Where this goes is going to be very interesting to watch. What's happening behind this really is this: that extremists' reactions to Islam and other minorities, including Jews, are building within Europe. This is always dangerous in Germany, as well as within Europe, because demonstrations, protests, extreme situations like this can take different turns, grow out of control, and go completely different. Anyone who knows the history of Europe, and Germany in particular – Austria is even organizing some of these – people know that this can have some rather dark and ominous developments
In the wake of last week's shootings in Paris, anyone who understands not only European history, but also Bible prophecy understands that this has the markings of a highly complex and volatile situation and crisis that is bubbling under the surface. It hasn't erupted to create widespread change yet but there is ferment that is bubbling and where it can go, again, is yet to be seen.
Bible prophecy shows us that there will be an attack from a power within the Middle East against a European power and the reaction will totally change the face of geopolitics in Europe and the Middle East and have ramifications for the United States and other nations in today's world. That's why we watch this – these types of pushes or attacks by radical Islam in Europe are going to no doubt happen again. Everyone is expecting it to take place. And what will take place, what will happen that will yet cause a bigger reaction is yet to be seen, but it's important to understand it and it's important to watch." From:
The Boy Who Did Not Go to Heaven
"We don’t need those who claim to have these experiences to openly recant in order to know these stories are false. Common sense and the Bible give us the answers.
Recently a boy who claimed to have gone to heaven after a car accident recanted his story. But was his reversal necessary to know his story was not true?"
The cold weather and rain kept us in quite a bit, and Jay was working elsewhere. There is still one more piece of plywood to go up in the ceiling of the greenhouse extension, but the potted plants that are in there have been quite safe from the few freezes.
Ray and I went to church early, and had a good time talking with the others in the dining room before the service began. We have several new people, and it's always great to get to know them. I like helping the pastor's wife get things ready, too. All the dishes are made ahead of time on Friday, "Preparation Day", but they have to be put in the oven to reheat, and the silverware, plates, glasses and napkins set out.
The Bible readings were Exo. 10:1-13:16 and Jer. 46:13-28. This was about the Pharaoh finally letting the Israelites go. The teaching was "Who Is God, The True God" quoting many verses. We have two hymns at the beginning of the service and six more in the middle. So we get lots of praising to the Lord, and air in our lungs.
When we retired to the dining hall we had turkey, meatloaf, tortillas, a cheese & rice dish, salads, and lots of veggies. I took some fresh black eyes peas that I had cooked in the crockpot for 24 hours, and they had turned very salty, even though I hadn't added any. The pastor's wife had some cooked ones in the freezer, so we mixed them together, and it turned out OK as there weren't any left.
Also, I took a Trifle again, a popular British dessert. This one was a vanilla pudding mix, mixed with Pumpkin Spice coconut milk, and poured over some cake, and let it set up in a nice glass dish. Trifles seems to be popular at our potlucks, and sometimes I make them with Jello. People give me cake, which I hardly ever eat, so I make it into Trifle, as I know it will be eaten at church.
Each new morning comes with praise and thanks at my age, and it was another great day.