Ray did a little more titivating to the Mirage doors, but we were a little afraid to start priming the Coronado roof, as the online Animated Radar showed a bunch of showers coming up here from Galveston. I raked up some pine needles, and moved all the blocks that came with the Cororado. MaeMae sat in my late little dog's "work bed", she is a good watch dog, she will watch 'work' for ages. Then Ray had to go pick up Shay from work and take her to buy groceries.
It was sunny after lunch and the radar showed that the rain had stayed down in Galveston, so
Ray primed the roof of the Coronado, and I was gopher while he was up there. At least it looks more presentable now. The reason the paint was coming off before was that some one had painted latex over oil-based paint. The pressure washer got most of the latex off, so we had to use oil-based primer, and we both got messy. Ray hates oil-based paint, but this whole job is going to be done with it.
Claudia did get the tubes out of her neck last night as she was breathing on her own, but she still isn't lucid. Probably all the pain meds. and such. She still has IV's for dispensing different drugs.
I am grateful for my good health today.
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