Traveling? See where it is raining:
I know you are busy, but please read before going shopping:
Before you load up on sugar or sweeteners during the holidays, please take a look at what some are made of, where they are, and what foods to avoid to protect your health.
Diet sodas, if you look at the ingredients, are loaded with ASPARTAME.
They have sneaked it into many other foods, too, just like they have High Fructose Corn Syrup, which is in nearly everything.
"About Sweeteners:
This additive is sold under the names Equal® or NutraSweet®. There are thousands of everyday products that contain aspartame. To name a few, yogurt, sodas, pudding, tabletop sugar substitutes, chewing gum.
"Aspartame is everywhere, from soda to salad dressing! Now let's look at what it's "contributed" to America's health...
After receiving some 10,000 consumer complaints, the FDA compiled a list of 92 symptoms linked to aspartame -- including death.
Other symptoms include headaches, migraines, memory loss, seizures, vision loss, coma, and cancer. It also appears to worsen or mimic the symptoms of such conditions as fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, ADD, diabetes, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue, and depression...
Why so many? It could be because aspartame attacks your body at the cellular level so it can negate all kinds of medications Americans take, including antidepressants, Coumadin, cardiac drugs, hormones, insulin, vaccines, and many others.
It is a deadly neurotoxic drug masquerading as a harmless additive.
I can hear you asking: "Ok, so what can I sprinkle into my coffee?"
Let's run through the usual suspects then I'll tell you what I've been using...
A spoonful once in a while is fine, but in time, too much sugar can lead to diabetes, which will lead to heart disease, renal disease, peripheral vascular disease, diabetic retinitis (blindness), diabetic peripheral neuropathy and the list goes on and on. (Even so, next to aspartame, sugar looks almost attractive!)
A very dangerous new chemical -- because in order to make sucralose, chlorine is added to sugar! Ever spilled chlorine bleach on your skin? No wonder that research by the Sucralose Toxicity Information Center showed that years of sucralose use can lead to serious compromise of the immune system and neurological disorders.
Yuck. Despite those famous animal studies, I actually don't count saccharine as much of a cancer threat to humans.
But face it, saccharine tastes like the chemical experiment it is. Enough said.
Yes, it's natural. Yes, it's safe. But no, it tastes nothing like sugar. Some brands are OK, but others leave a bitter aftertaste.
Almost gets a perfect score. Natural, tastes like sugar, good for your teeth, doesn't spike blood sugar. On the down side, it gives some folks the trots when first using it.
Erythritol is a sweetener made from sugar alcohols. Many people believe the benefits of erythritol significantly outweigh the health dangers posed by the substance. Erythritol health risks include common, non-harmful side effects that gradually disappear or require treatment with common over-the-counter medications, such as erythritol diarrhea.
Many doctors and nutritionists agree that erythritol is the healthiest, safest and lowest-calorie sugar alternative out of all sugar alcohols used as sweeteners. In 1999, erythritol was reviewed by the WHO/FAO Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives and was given the highest food safety grading possible. The erythritol health effects include diarrhea, bloating, gas and a rumbling sound from the stomach and intestinal tract. These side effects disappear in a few days as the body gets used to erythritol. If desired, these erythritol health effects are treatable with over-the-counter stomach medications.
Erythritol is not recommended for use by patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or other stomach disorders. In such patients, erythritol and its own side effects increase and aggravate the symptoms and side effects of the stomach disorder. Erythritol is not dangerous for such patients, but it may cause more discomfort for these patients than patients without stomach disorders.
Erythritol is used in different foods as an artificial sweetener, and it is safe for consumption by diabetic patients because it does not raise insulin levels. Some bulk foods like diet sodas and sugar-free cereals, cakes and juices are sweetened with erythritol. Erythritol is not as sweet as sugar, requiring that more be used to sweeten foods. Even when it is used in foods, no erythritol health risks are present--only such benefits as longer freshness, softer dough and even the control of crystallization.
Read more: Erythritol Health Dangers |
Children are the largest consumers of erythritol. Many teens and young children chew gum on a daily basis. If a child complains of stomach problems after chewing gum, erythritol might be the culprit. "
_____________________Now about HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP:
It is made from Genetically Modified Corn.
"Human health, of course, is of primary import to us, but ecological effects are also in play. Ninety-nine percent of GMO crops either tolerate or produce insecticide.
This may be the reason we see bee colony collapse disorder and massive butterfly deaths.
If GMOs are wiping out Earth’s pollinators, they are far more disastrous than the threat they pose to humans and other mammals." From:
HFCS is cheaper than sugar that's why the companies use it, and it is addictive, so you buy more.
It is in everything, store bought bread, sodas, and even Stove Top Stuffing:
"A number of studies conducted over the past few decades indicates that consumption of HFCS is connected with a wide range of health concerns. Here are a few of the more important health dangers of high fructose corn syrup you should know about:
2. Increased Risk of Developing Type-2 Diabetes…….
3. Hypertension and Elevated “Bad” Cholesterol Levels……
4. High Fructose Corn Syrup & Long-Term Liver Damage…….
5. Mercury Exposure from HFCS…….."
You will be surprised at the list of foods containing HFCS:
Foods made with natural sweeteners will cost more than those made with cheap chemical sweeteners, but they sure are a lot cheaper than doctors, hospitals, and prescriptions.
So please, put on your glasses, and READ THE LABELS on everything before you buy it, every shopping day.
Just use real sugar, but use less of it!
That is fine as long as you buy the organic sugar. It costs $2 for 2lb.
"Genetically modified sugar cane is the chief type of crop utilized by plantations nowadays. They are a form of hybrid sugar cane that has been engineered for sugar content in addition to disease resistance."
Happy Trails, Penny, TX
I will stick with sugar too. I like the "raw" sugars a lot. Tried stevia, definitely nasty tasting! Good info as always! Thanks :)
97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"
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