AND change the batteries in your smoke detectors.
"No matter what white man do, says the Indian, there will always be 24 hours in a day."
The 2005 bill – adding yet another month to DST – was also influenced by another industry with plenty to gain at Halloween.
"The golf industry alone...told Congress one additional month of daylight saving was worth $200 million in additional sales of golf clubs and greens fees. The barbecue industry said it was worth $100 million in additional sales of grills and charcoal briquettes.
For 25 years, candy-makers have wanted to get trick-or-treat covered by Daylight Saving, figuring that if children have an extra hour of daylight, they'll collect more candy....During the 1985 hearings on Daylight Saving...[they] put candy pumpkins on the seat of every senator, hoping to win a little favor."
The areas in yellow switch to DST.
"Daylight saving time decreases the amount of daylight in the morning hours, so that more daylight is available during the evening.
Not everyone benefits from the daylight saving time change. Farmers and others who rise before dawn may have to operate in the dark a while longer before daybreak."
"Well, that is the idea, right? That if you turn on your lights later at night, that you're going to save some energy? It maybe a small increment, but over time, it'll add up. You don't think so.
"Well, it turns out every time Congress has studied it, it's been told that we haven't saved anything. And in fact the best we have is from the Nixon era, when he went on a desperate attempt of year-round Daylight Saving as a result of the OPEC oil embargo. And he came up with nothing by way of saving except the potential, again.
"Here's the problem with Daylight Saving as an energy-saver: We tend to want our computers and our televisions and our radios when we want them.
"More importantly, Daylight Saving really pushes Americans out of the house at the end of the day. And when Americans go out of the house, they may go to the ballpark, they may go to the mall, but they don't walk there. They get into their cars.
"Daylight Saving increases gasoline consumption, something the petroleum industry has known since 1930.
"So in other words, maybe the lights are off at home, but people are in their car going to the Dairy Queen.
"That's exactly right. People go out and spend money. This has been long - tremendously effective spending policy.
Retail stores love Daylight Saving. "
Pictured is Big Ben, at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, UK. The UK's parliamentary members are considering a trial period of Single Double Summer Time.
"Single Double Summer Time (SDST) in the United Kingdom changes the clocks one hour forward from GMT in the winter and by two hours in the summer. This proposal has been a controversial topic debated by both the general public and politicians alike for years.
Supporters say that extending the hours of daylight will boost the tourism industry, improve road safety and benefit the environment. While others opposed, particularly farmers, outdoor workers and parents, are concerned about the dark winter mornings in the northern parts of the UK."
I remember during WWII we had Double Summer Time in the summer in England, with Single Summer Time in the winter. Now they are trying to bring it back.
This morning, Ray and I screwed the newly painted ex-furnace vent back on the cargo trailer, and painted some more of of the trailer.
As the burn ban was over, we got the 2 piles of pine needles burned, after soaking all around them with the waterhose.
After changing my clothes, I grabbed a sandwich to take with me, loaded Paco in his carrier, seat-belted it in, picked up a neighbor, Roni, and we took off for Petco in Conroe. Paco is always very good traveling in a carrier, and doesn't like to leave it.
The only white spray paint primer that they had at Walmart is a brand that we don't like, hence the trip to Lowes, and Home Depot, but I finally got what I needed.
I had to exchange some gold paint at Hobby Lobby, and Roni needed to get several of the tiny bottles of craft paint there.
Kroger's was nearby so we stopped to get a couple of things, and see what had "Managers Special' stickers. There were 3 apples and 4 avocados in a mesh bag marked down to $1. I am a big fan of avocados with "It's A Dilly" seasoning on them. Apples, I like to sauté in organic coconut oil with some cinnamon, as a veggie. Also there were several big bags of frozen Petit Pois, something I really like, so I bought 5 of them, and put them in the 12v. fridge in the van.
The day started out pretty chilly, but by the afternoon with the sun shining, it got fairly warm in the van, so I had to use the AC.
Back to Petco to pick up Paco, and they had some Wellness Dog Food marked down. You can't get much better than Wellness pet food.
Then all the way over to Roni's folk's house on a different part of the lake from me. After a pleasant jaunt from there to here on the back country roads, I dropped Roni off, and got Paco and everything unloaded. It is a good thing I have a deep freeze, as I have lots of bargains stored in there.
Misty was miffed because she didn't get to go, and voiced her displeasure upon our return. I guess she doesn't understand that Paco is up for adoption, and she is not, so she doesn't have to go to Adoption Day.
You did a good job on Misty. She looks good!
Misty sure looks pretty. You sure do stay busy. I am not sure I could keep up with you.
Thank you, Sandra and Pidge.
Misty feels good, too, she prances with a spring in her stop.
She is so good when she is being groomed, she knows that it makes her feel so much better.
She went without being groomed for such a long time, after her Dad died, and was covered in clumps and cockle burrs when I got her.
She has a 'Happy Tail', Penny, TX
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