Kansas City Library:
Local residents were asked to nominate influential books that represent Kansas City.
Humungous versions of the winning nominations were then used as the exterior of the library car-park.
Habitat 67 is a housing complex and landmark located on the Marc-Drouin Quay on the Saint Lawrence River at 2600, Pierre Dupuy Avenue in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
There are lots of them out there. Architects the world over, have fun with designs.
The most famous: http://villageofjoy.com/50-strange-buildings-of-the-world/
There are so many fabulous ones in: http://www.instantshift.com/2009/02/26/50-more-unusual-buildings-architecture/
My grandfather and uncle were architects, so I find them interesting.
Then there is this ancient one:
Most of us take toilets for granted, but it wasn't that long ago when "indoor plumbing" was a new thing.
"While the United States, Great Britain and most of Europe were made up of warring barbarian tribes (much like today) the Ephesians were enjoying fountains, fresh water and a sewer system.
When you needed to relieve yourself you went into an open air public restroom that had around 40 toilet seats surrounding a fountain. You pulled up your toga and sat down on the polished marble (hopefully you found one the sun had already warmed). Sitting next to and across from you were your fellow citizens. You exchanged news, shared gossip and socialized because there were no privacy dividers in these restrooms.
The amazing thing about these toilet facilities was the fact that running water carried the waste out to the harbor through a system of terracotta sewer pipes. There was also clean running water in this facility for washing." ( I bet the EPA liked that!!)
BUT, I prefer Nature’s Architecture, that can’t be beat.
Mindi picked up her dogs at 1.30 AM. As a flight attendant, she arrives back at Houston Hobby Airport at funny hours. No, she couldn’t wait until the morning, as she wanted to be with ‘her babies’, and she flies out again today. But her husband will be there to take care of them this time until she gets back. He is an OTR truck driver, so I, and their babysitter, fill in.
She does not trust little old Sheba with anyone but me. And Sheba likes to be with her son, Jakey. Precious, the dachshund, doesn’t like the babysitter, and tries to bite her, but she likes me.
I am glad she didn't bring the little young Yorkie this time, I have to puppy-proof the place, as she is still at the chewing stage. Also she doesn't always come in when she is told, and I have to go fetch her.
Snow was forecast. I didn’t believe it. I thought it was rain coming off the porch roof, until I took a closer look. It was snow!
But the flakes were so big and wet, that it just melted upon touching anything. Finally after a couple of hours, some could be seen on the bare ground. It just turned into wet on the roads.
Bobcat sat at her bathroom window, mesmerized by it. I don’t know if she has ever seen snow in her 15 years.
So, today is a red-letter-day!
1 comment:
Penny I look at your link on Sam's dog food - I have been feeding my dog manure! How could I do that!. When I change brands (in a hurry) I thought it was a good brand.That site rated it 6/10 bad. Thank you.I will get something much better. I read about the pumpkin. At my house pumpkin is an everyday thing. Did you know there is a shortage on pumpkin? (not pie filling) Could not find it before Christmas and now even WalMart here doesn't have it. Frisco has a anal gland problem. Vet said give him green beans or pumpkin. He hated green beans anyway I tried them. After trying a number of ways we ended up with pumpkin. I take one slice of 97% fat free ham cover it with pumpkin, fold it in half, take a knife and cut it into small pieces. Frisco is still not thrill with the pumpkin but we do get it down. It helps. We adopted Sam. As I was feeding Frisco I started feeding Sam a small piece. Dogs are as different as our children. SAM thinks pumpkin is as good as vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup AND a cherry! He loves it. I wonder if any of your other readers are as "mother hen" as I am with my boys.
As you know my husband is in the hospital with cancer. I return home after a long day fill with anxiety sadness uncertainly and just plain brain dead. There they are jumping up and down glad to see me home. They warm my heart these two strays that nobody wanted. We have 4 children that are always here off and on.They are only a phone call away. They have families and need to go home. At the end of the day it is me and the boys. The day doesn't seem so bad when there is someone waiting for a belly rub or to give you a wet sloppy kiss. Yes it is true that if you come to my house and I didn't invite you Frisco will wake up the whole neighborhood. Yes if you try to come in the door Sam will take a bite out of your ass. But if I invite you in, you will find two gentle loving good dogs.I curl up and go to asleep I know they will take care of me. They don't -make my day--they save me and my day. Vickie
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