How much candy are you buying this Easter?
“A lot? You're in good company.
For a holiday that follows a period of religious self-denial (Lent), I guess it's not surprising that people want to remind themselves of what sugar tastes like. So just how much candy are we talking about here? Thanks to Nielsen, we've got a pretty clear answer: A certifiably disgusting amount.
To be specific, Americans bought 120 million pounds of candy in 2009, making Easter second only to the big dog of candy holidays -- Halloween. If you're a dollars and cents type, that equates to $500 million spent on candy in the week leading up to Easter.
However, we're not just talking about candy here, we're talking about chocolate candy. In 2009, Americans bought a total of 71 million pounds of chocolate during Easter, topping Valentine's Day's totally respectable 58 million pounds, but again, not quite challenging Halloween's death grip on the chocolate industry, at 90 million pounds.
When it comes to eggs, though (laid by that mysterious bunny at an undisclosed and totally top secret location), Easter is the undisputed champion. Easter Sunday is the number one day for egg buying across the nation, followed by Good Friday (particularly good for egg farmers). According to Nielsen, there's a 45% bump in egg sales during Easter week and, get this, 61 million dozen (732,000,000 individual eggs) are sold.”
Approximately 61 million dozen eggs will be dyed like this in the US this year, but why?
“Did you ever wonder why the egg is the official food of Easter? I mean, sure, we know that Easter eggs originate from the Easter Bunny's prodigious womb, but how did the eggs get there? Why are they brightly colored? And where did this rabbit come from anyway?
In fact, the term "Easter" is derived from the name Eostre, who, Dr O'Connell explains, was a "pagan goddess celebrated in Great Britain by the Saxons on a feast day that took place on the vernal equinox." And that gets us to the Easter bunny: Eostre's avatar was a rabbit. It's all starting to make sense now.”
Jay and I gathered up all the old boards that came off the fence, and started an assembly line.
I cut off the old rotten ends with the chop saw, and made 30” lengths, then he ran them through the table saw to the right width (3-1/2”) for the upright trim on the fence. He screwed them on the fence, so now Ray can finish painting it.
Then after an early lunch, Jay helped me load the cats in their cages into the van, for Adoption Day. Patches, absolutely did want to go, but I took her anyway.
When she was put into the display cage, she stayed hidden under a blanket with just her head peeking out. Prime, easy going as always, just laid in a little bed, and watched the comings and going.
One dog was shown to an already approved lady, and she took him home. His foster dad was sorry to see him go, but we all hope it will be a good forever home for him.
A family, Ma, Pa, son and daughter, played with a brother and sister, beige 6 months old pups, fell in love with them, and filled out an application. I sure hope that works out for them.
I hope that folks are looking for their new pets on as Patches and Prime were in a lower cage this time, so they didn’t get much attention, today.
1 comment:
Hi Penny!
Thanks for the info on Easter, I had no idea! That's alot of eggs, wow.
I hope every animal gets to a good forever home.
I think being a foster mom for animals is truly an awesome thing to do for our furry friends.
Thanks for visiting my blog, I will touch base with your blog here and there now that I have found you!
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