“April 15 is not only Tax Day for the 2009 tax year -- it's the last day to claim a refund for the 2006 tax year.
More at: http://www.walletpop.com/blog/2010/03/09/could-some-of-the-irss-1-3-billion-in-unclaimed-tax-refunds-be/?icid=main|htmlws-main-n|dl3|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.walletpop.com%2Fblog%2F2010%2F03%2F09%2Fcould-some-of-the-irss-1-3-billion-in-unclaimed-tax-refunds-be%2F
10 tips you must read before filing your taxes:
What if you can’t pay what you owe: http://www.walletpop.com/blog/2010/03/23/what-if-i-cant-afford-my-tax-bill/?icid=main|htmlws-main-n|dl4|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.walletpop.com%2Fblog%2F2010%2F03%2F23%2Fwhat-if-i-cant-afford-my-tax-bill%2F
Will You Need to Repay the 2009 'Making Work Pay' Tax Credit?
“When Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, it meant millions of working taxpayers started receiving little bit more money in their paychecks. By year’s end, people who qualified had received $400 for singles and $800 for married couples.
But here’s the rub … the law contained some serious mistakes that resulted in certain taxpayers receiving money they shouldn’t have received. Now approximately 15 million taxpayers will have to repay Uncle Sam!.
If you worked two jobs, unfortunately, the IRS withholding system did not recognize that minor detail. It simply gave you a $400 tax credit per job. If you worked two jobs and received $800 in tax credit, you owe Uncle Sam $400.”
See if you are one of them: http://www.walletpop.com/taxes/article/will-you-need-to-repay-the-2009-making/965168?icid=main|htmlws-main-n|dl3|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.walletpop.com%2Ftaxes%2Farticle%2Fwill-you-need-to-repay-the-2009-making%2F965168
Last night after eating the beef, I felt tingly, like I could break out in hives, but I didn't. So maybe it has run it's course. I hope so.
We had redone the fourth one with butyl putty tape a few years ago, as it had leaked, and we had to rebuild the upper cabinet. These windows do not open.
Now another one has sprung a leak, and the B+ has been sitting outside since we put the yard sale stuff in the RVport last December! Good thing it was or I wouldn’t have known until I took it on a trip.
I did not go by my own advice and redo all the windows. We took the big slider ones out a couple of years ago, and even bought new tracks from Interstate Metals, (supplier for Hehr windows), and re-installed them.
Windows, and running lights, are bad places for leaks, and they need to be redone every few years.
Someone, not me, had gooped black sealer on these windows, and Jay and I took a long time getting them cleaned up. We decided that before reinstalling that the frames will need to be re-painted, re-caulked, and that is Ray’s forte. So we taped some plastic over the window openings to keep out critters and moisture. It is supposed to rain tomorrow.
We moved the last remnants of the yard sale out of the RVport, checked the oil, brake fluid, and I cranked her up. Once it was warmed up I checked the tranny fluid. She is OK. It was great to hear that sweet purring motor, and to be in that plush driver’s seat again. I eased her into the RVPort which was built for this RV, and I could feel her sigh “Oh, Good, I am Home”.
A good sign of the rain to come, is that it is very humid today.
1 comment:
No no no Penny-- it's saying:
"Take me somewhere... anywhere! Let's GO!"
Karen and Steve
(Blog) http://kareninthewoods-kareninthewoods.blogspot.com/
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