From :'_Day
Today, there are more than 4.1 million secretaries and administrative assistants working in the United States, according to U.S. Department of Labor statistics, and 8.9 million people working in various administrative support roles. More than 475,000 administrative professionals are employed in Canada. Millions more administrative professionals work in offices all over the world.
APW is always the last full week in April. In 2010, Administrative Professionals Week is April 18-24 with Administrative Professionals Day on Wednesday, April 21." From:
Jay brought Maddie, their little 9 month old, 3 pound Yorkie, with him today. He wanted to see how I bathe pets. She found the basket of dog toys and wrestled, shook, and tried to kill them, while we had coffee.
After I had the dryer going in my drying cage, I bathed, or rather showered, Maddie very gently, talking to her all the time. I showed Jay how I always put a non-skid mat in the bottom of the tub, so animals feel safer. If you put them on a slick tub surface they will always be wary of their bath time. This is supposed to be a fun time, not something to be dreaded.
I also showed Jay how NOT to get water over her nose by tilting her head up when washing her head. Then carefully rinsed each side of her face, being careful not to let any water run over her nostrils. That scares so many dogs, and then they hate being bathed. Poor little old MaeMae was terrified when Jay bathed her. But she never gave me any trouble.
After I slicked most of the water off her, (most of the dogs respond to "shake" when I put a finger in their ear), as the first 'shake' is in the tub. Then I put her down on the rug in the Middle Room, to shake, while I rinse and spray disinfectant the tub and mat for the next pet. I hang the rubber mat over a towel rail in the tub, especially mounted for that purpose, so it won't go moldy.
Then I wrapped her up in a towel and carried her into the next room, up on the grooming table. I towel dried her and then put her in the already warmed up drying cage for ten minutes.
She didn't like to hold still for these pictures, and it shows.
So this Maddie today.
I loved the cartoon of the secretaries playing solitaire!
Why is it that dogs seem to know what you mean by "shake"? Lady loves to roll in grass, dirt, or whatever. When she gets tired of it and stands up, I tell her "Shake" and she does it.
Oh what a cute little stinker! I like how you described bath time for the doggers.
My sheltie Duke loves it so much he will doze off in the tub of water if you let him. Put him in a deep tub and he will float and rest his head in your hands to hold him up!
ps loved the cartoon!
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
Thank you for your comments, Gypsy and Karen.
Remember, that if you bathe your dog in a tub, that you have to have a way of rinsing all the soap off them completely.
Any vestige of soap left in a pet's coat can cause skin problems.
That is why I 'shower' mine in the tub with a hand-held shower. We moved the shower pipe down, and attached an RV shower hose and an adjustable on/off hand shower sprayer on it.
Happy Trails, Penny, TX
Our Rigg's is a shower boy now, he especially loves when my son Andy puts a pair of swim trunks on and heads for the shower, being 90 lbs it takes more than one towel,to get through the shake faze, thank goodness he hasn't figured out how to spin dry yet. We just love the smell of a freshly washed and perfumed dog, although Rigg's only gets a couple of spritz's of after shave since he's a big boy now,no more sissy perfume from Mom.Have fun, Sam & Donna
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