A pet peeve…I am allergic to lots of man made fibers, so I try to buy 100% cotton. What irks me is that very often they have labels, lace or use thread which is not all cotton, and then I start to itch. So if you see a lady wearing her panties and nighties inside out, you know why!! There is method in her madness.
They are really begging to help the wolves, I am not saying that you should contribute, I just want you to know what is going on.
“From Alaska to Greater Yellowstone, our treasured wolves face brutal air and ground attacks aimed at slaughtering entire wolf families.
Wolf Families Need
Your Help
Wolf families from Alaska to Idaho face a brutal slaughter on the ground and from the skies.
Help us reach our goal of recruiting 2010 new supporters and raising $200,000 by midnight on December 31st to give a brighter future in 2010 to wolf pups like the one above.
And in Idaho, a hail of bullets from a hovering helicopter wiped out most of the Basin Butte wolf pack, including several 7-8 month-old pups. State and federal agencies are targeting 25 other wolf families -- including the beloved Timberline pack, named after a Boise high school -- for the same awful fate.
The Protect America’s Wildlife (PAW) Act -- legislation to END Alaska’s vicious aerial gunning program -- has gained growing support and momentum in Congress. We have 126 cosponsors in the House and 7 in the Senate, including the bill’s powerful sponsor, Dianne Feinstein of California.
P.S. It’s too late for more than 1,000 wolves in Alaska and hundreds in the Greater Yellowstone and northern Rockies region. Help us save the remaining animals. We’ll carefully put your tax-deductible contribution to work right away. “
NY times had this to say:
Here are sites dedicated to the wolves:
Bobbiecat, Patches, Prime and I are just trying to keep warm today.
Wow Penny, looking at the picture of nuts, bolts etc., I would say you are TOO organized. Makes me feel so unorganized :~)))
Oh, Gypsy, this is BEFORE they get put back in the bins where they belong. I have labeled compartment bins lining one wall in the workshop.
This is just sorting them out.
Keep warm and Happy Trails, Penny, TX
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