Then God brought forth the potato, naturally low in fat and brimming with nutrition.
And Satan peeled off the healthful skin and sliced the starchy center into chips and deep-fried them. And Man gained pounds.
God sighed and created quadruple bypass surgery.
Then Satan created HMOs.”
Protect Your Pancreas with This Bumpy Green
“Make pancreatic cancer the scariest disease you never got by eating more of this bumpy green veggie: broccoli.
Seems that flavonol-rich diets could reduce your risk of pancreatic cancer by up to 23 percent, according to a recent study. And broccoli's got heaps of the compound. “
Quiche for Sunday brunch? Fill the flakiest pie crust with basic quiche ingredients; eggs, cheese, cream, broccoli, ham and onions, and what do you have? The best Broccoli, Ham & Cheese Quiche ever! Easy broccoli quiche - It's what's for breakfast!
____________________How many olive-oil-rich meals does it take before your heart starts to benefit? It's possible your body will start reaping rewards after a single meal.
In a study of people with high cholesterol, their blood samples showed less clotting potential just 2 hours after eating a breakfast containing phenolic-rich olive oil. From:
As I had put my back out wrestling with a 40 lb box of cat litter, Jay and I went into our little town. It didn't take the chiropractor long to find the offending part of my spine and snap it back into position. But first, while waiting for my appointment, we moved some more stuff around in the RVPort, and loaded more yard sale clothes into the van. I also put a different cord on my PC, and voila, it works now, thank goodness. I get aggravated at the keyboard on my laptop, and it doesn't have all my bits and pieces working from it, like my camera and printer.
As I have to take Jay into the next town, Conroe, tomorrow, there wasn’t any sense in making a trip to drop the clothes off there today.
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