Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cleveland, TX. St. Paddy's Day is Coming.

It started out cool, so I dressed in layers for my trip to Cleveland, TX. I had an extension ladder, long crow bar, and two 6' step ladders in my little "Puddle Jumper" station wagon. I got it all to the little strip shopping center that Jay and Ray are working on. Ray and I held the ladder steady while Jay got up on the roof, and got the big "TATTOO" sign down off the front of the building. It won't get rented to a tattoo parlor again, they left an awful mess. They are also working on two adjacent units in that strip, one was a church, that has a hot pink ceiling ! Why anyone would want a really hot pink ceiling in a church, beats me. Sky Blue with clouds would seem more appropriate. The walls are a grungy khaki-green color. Ray is doing most of the priming and painting, and Jay is replacing all the vanities and toilets in all the restrooms, etc. They are not working there tomorrow, so maybe I will have some more RV remodeling pictures for you.

I don't have the Little Van yet, the mechanic is not finished with it. But maybe today.

Here are some cute pictures you might want to use, and more coming, for St Patrick's Day.

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