Friday, July 31, 2009

Painting On a Rainy Day.Mirage Hardware

It started out by thundering and raining. That was fine, we need it. Even the power, TV cable and internet was off for a while. The cats went out on the screen porch and just watched it.

Ray opened the big doors to the workshop and painted the vintage stove in there. We knew it was humid and that would make the paint take longer to dry. We finally got the stove done. No pictures as it isn't all back together.

The rain subsided for a while, but it had caused a big puddle in the walkway in the RVport, so it was difficult to get past the van to the Mirage. I backed the van out of there, we got out hoes and shovels, and made a little draining trough, and let the puddle go on it's way, where it would eventually wind up in the lake.

I did not take my anti-biotic this morning. It makes me stiff, and somehow discombobulated. I really wanted to get the hardware up for the drapes in the Mirage. Getting up into the over cab bed is easy when you are going to lay down, but when trying to work in that space, even with the mattress removed, you need to be pretty limber. After measuring very carefully, Ray and I drilled the holes and put eye bolts in for the top and bottom of the drapery runners.
Once that was done, I took my pill like a good girl.

Spread goodwill around, love everyone today.

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