Don't Fall For These Labeling tricks:
Labels don't always present an accurate picture of what's inside, and the product that appears to be good for you on the label may have all the nutritional goodness of a gum wrapper.
Why do you want whole grains? They contain the bran and the germ of the grain, which have more nutrients than the endosperm (those are the real names -- we didn't make them up) that you get with refined or enriched grains.
Whole grains are absorbed more slowly than foods made from enriched or bleached flour, so they raise glucose and insulin levels less and keep YOU feeling fuller longer.
A diet rich in whole grains may also help steer you around cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, even gum disease -- not to mention the pain of having to buy bigger pants.
But not all foods that tout whole grain or whole wheat provide it in the healthiest form. You want the grain to have all of its original components. Here are a few fake-out label words to watch for:
Made with whole grains: It may have a pinch of whole grains, but unless it's 100%, you won't reap most of the potential benefits.
Multigrain: This tells you nothing about whether the grains are whole or refined. Even if you're getting 38 different grains, that isn't much good if they are all refined.
Whole grain: If the label doesn't say "100% whole grain," it may have many grain blends. Bad words to see paired with "flour": enriched, bleached, unbleached, semolina, durum, and rice.
What it should say: "100% whole grain" or "100% whole wheat." "
RealAge Benefit:
Choosing whole grains rather than processed grains can make your RealAge 1.2 years younger if you are a man and 2.3 years younger if you are a woman.
Not a lot going on, mostly tending to my doggies after their surgeries, and just getting a few jobs done, like washing the bathroom rugs, and some cooking.
I heard from Pamala and Nigel. They are on Route 66 going westward:
They have gone through TX on Route 66:
"Almost immediately after leaving the rolling hills of Oklahoma, you feel different as you enter the vast pla
As for the Mother Road, when you glance at a map, Route 66 looks as if it is easy to follow. Though more than 150 miles of the original 178 miles that crossed Texas still remain, you will actually need to keep your eyes wide open in order to not miss the vintage architecture and many landmarks that dot the landscape."
More at:
Now, they are in New Mexico, and tonight they are staying at the US Army Corps of Engineers
Santa Rosa Lake Recreation Area:
"When Route 66 was completed through Santa Rosa in 1930, transportation services again increased in the city. During the days of early Route 66, after travelers had tired of the long, hot, dusty miles, Santa Rosa became known as a welcome and well-known oasis in the desert. Travelers arrived in Santa Rosa to eat, rest, and perform car repairs, if necessary, at the many motels, cafes and service stations that lined the highway.
The old road ran into town past the 81-foot-deep Blue Hole and Park Lake, a motorist campground and source of water during the Depression. Scenes in Rudolfo Anaya's award-winning novel, Bless Me, and John Steinbeck's, Grapes of Wrath, took place on Route 66 at the Pecos River Bridge."
More at:
"The numerical designation 66 was official assigned to the Chicago-to-Los Angeles route in the summer of 1926.
Route 66 starts in Chicago, Illinois and ends in Santa Monica, California.
The Corvette has become a Route 66 icon.
91% of the original Route 66 is still in use in Texas."
More at:
I sure wish I was on that trip, today.
Me too, Penny. I wish I was on that road, or any road for that matter.
I never knew that about labeling on grains.. thanks for the heads up!
We hope to travel route 66 sometime soon, have seen so much about it, even on that crazy show The Great American Road Trip with the RV's. The show was nuts, but the places and information of where they were travelling was interesting.
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
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