10 Ways People Can Protect Birds This Spring
(Washington, D.C., March 31, 2010) "As warmer temperatures begin to arrive and we spend more time outdoors, we hear the many, familiar sounds of spring, including the songs of our returning migrant birds. At this time of year, American Bird Conservancy (ABC) often gets asked how people can help birds. Toward that end, ABC has identified the top ten things people can do to aid or protect declining birds in their homes and yards."
More at: http://www.abcbirds.org/newsandreports/stories/100331.html
Tell Animal Planet Not to Air Cruel and Illegal Pigeon Races
In fact, they could teach the "Moral Majority" a thing or two: They mate for life, and both parents share in the care and nurturing of their young. It's not their fault that they were stolen from the cliffs where they lived peacefully and plunked down in the U.S. They are symbols of peace, after all.
Pigeons are among the most maligned urban wildlife, and it's hard to understand why anyone can find fault with these beautiful, fascinating birds. People trap them, poison them, and even force them into endurance races so that the humans involved can win prizes and purses-as Mike Tyson will showcase in an upcoming TV program on Animal Planet called Taking on Tyson.
Pigeons who are penned up for racing-on rooftops or in backyards coops, as viewers will witness in Taking on Tyson-are deliberately put at risk. Taken hundreds of miles from their pens, the birds often struggle to survive in all weather extremes and often fall prey to both wild predators, such as raptors, and cruel humans who shoot or trap them.
I once found a racing pigeon who had crossed the English Channel in a fierce storm, exhausted, no longer able to fly, and almost frozen on the ground. He made it to land from his release point, but others can only have perished, never to see their mates again. And for what? For wagers, that's what, and for trophies. Bets are usually placed on the outcome, which not only violates many state gambling laws but also can mean a grim fate for "losers."
Since pride and profit are often the compelling factors in pigeon racing, owners have little use for pigeons who can't or don't win. "Wring his neck" is what people so often hear when they report a starving or injured banded pigeon. So much for love and respect."
More at: http://animals.change.org/blog/view/standing_with_pigeons_against_mike_tyson
Tell Animal Planet Not to Air Cruel and Illegal Pigeon Races
Take Action Please sign, thank you.
More about birding: http://www.abcbirds.org/
We all know that birds rock, now here's a video to prove it... http://www.youtube.com/abcbirds
Go birding, save species!"Please enjoy this one minute YouTube video and forward the link to your friends. Can you identify all of these spectacular birds? See the YouTube page for the full species list.
The video was made to promote http://www.conservationbirding.org/
American Bird Conservancy's new website that enables birders to find birding routes and lodges that support habitat protection."
My SPCA boss had left a case of canned dog food for Sparky at Petco.
Then we went to the Habitat for Humanity store, (open Fri. and Sat. only), as I still hadn't picked up the big deep drawer that I wanted to install under my small dishwasher. Jay bought some window screens for his house there. We had gone armed with the sizes he needed.
I like the Danby dishwasher so much better than my regular size one as I don't have to bend down to load or empty it. Also when the door is open it doesn't take up all the aisle.
It uses so much less water, too.
Once we get the pergola finished, maybe we can concentrate on that drawer.
I finally let both foster cats out of the grooming room to see their reaction to Sparky.
Prime just stayed under the dining table and glowered, but didn't attack. Sparky barked at her one time and went into my bedroom. Patches didn't want anything to do with him, and went back in the grooming room. Prime decided that was a good place to be, and followed her after about 15 minutes.
So the first Prime/Sparky meeting is safely over today.
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