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Did you see that? "In the last 10 years, your clicks have saved over 70,500 acres of rainforest." Everyone's clicks counts.
So many of our medicines comes from plants in the rain forests, and maybe there is a cure for cancer in there somewhere.
Last night I had tomatoes and yellow squash which needed to eaten up, so I made:
Roasted Summer Squash with Tomatoes

"I love those quick and easy side dishes that take maybe 5 minutes to prep, and then all you do is pop it in the oven and forget about it.

This is a nice light summer dish, and you could easily substitute zucchini and basil instead of the yellow squash with parsley! "
I like these "absentee" dishes, as you can just walk away and do something else, (until the smoke alarm goes off, because you forgot about it!)
It was good, but it took longer than indicated in the oven, so I wished that I had done it in a pan kind of like the next recipe:
"When served with chicken fried steak, fried okra, and pecan pie, a side of stewed squash and tomatoes rounds out Oklahoma's official state meal. Use tiny yellow and green pattypan squash and fresh tomatoes for the best results.
This article was first published in Saveur in Issue #111
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 large yellow onion, roughly chopped
1 lb. small green and yellow pattypan squash, cut into 1" wedges
11/2 tsp. kosher salt
3 medium tomatoes, cored and cut into eighths
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 tbsp. butter
8 leaves basil, thinly sliced
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
1. Heat olive oil in a 12" skillet over medium-high heat. Add onions and cook, stirring occasionally, until soft, about 10 minutes. Add squash and salt and cook, stirring occasionally, until the squash begins to soften and brown, about 15 minutes.
2. Add 1 cup water, tomatoes, and garlic to the skillet; stir to combine. Cook until liquid has reduced by a half and the squash is cooked through, about 5 more minutes. Stir in butter and basil and season with pepper to taste." SERVES 4
This morning, I just took it easy. I knew Ray wouldn't be here as he had put his back out, and was walking around bent over like some 90 year old.
Jay had called and said something was leaking in his mother's sink plumbing and garbage disposal.
I went down there to shove some NutriCal down Maddie, the little Yorkie, as she still isn't eating right. Also it was time for her heartworm/flea meds.
Apparently, Jay needed a longer tailpiece for the sink plumbing, so as I had to go to the next town anyway, we took off.
At Lowe's, Jay bought what he needed, and loaded my minivan up with 2x4s, cedar boards, deck stain, and outdoor Spar Varnish. We did stop at one thrift shop, Jay bought a shirt, and I bought a summer dress, and a Drylon shower curtain for my RV.
After a stop at Krogers, we came home. Jay unloaded the 2x4s here, as he wants to rip them with my table saw. I stopped here first, before taking Jay home, as I wanted to let Sparky, my foster dog out, and let him ride down there with me.
Just as I was starting to trust him today!
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