"What is today trending as Presidents Day begun as Washington’s Birthday – a United States federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday of February in honor of George Washington, the first President of the United States. But Richard Nixon decided to change Washington’s Birthday to a more generic Presidents Day, to celebrate all American presidents who helped shape the nation.
Like any other celebration with potential of becoming a viral trend, Presidents Day becomes a powerful online marketing opportunity, with many companies promoting special “President’s Day” offers, President’s Day discounts, promotions, and coupons, all sales strategies often encouraged by marketers and PRs.
A whole retail industry revolves around a celebration that should have more significance than scoring some deals at the local mall.
But online trends are usually influenced by brands, social media influencers, and mainstream media – and sadly, not all articles are eye-openers like Nick Ragone’s FOX News editorial, who writes: Presidents Day should be a chance for Americans to reconnect with the past — both distant and near — and the giants of the office who transformed the country.
As Mr. Ragone notes, it’s doubtful that shoppers are giving too much thought to the greatest American presidents as they troll the discount bins. In fact, as the online search trends show, users are more interested in knowing whether banks are open on presidents day 2011. Other hot searches include: is the post office open on presidents day 2011, USPS holidays, post office savings and so on. Some searchers look for the answer to the question: is Presidents Day a federal
The question is, should Presidents Day be used as a marketing/sales opportunity, or should our focus be more on raising awareness on other issues, of deeper meaning? I choose meaning, and if you do too, you will enjoy Nick Ragone’s Presidents Day: A Time to Remember the Greats, as much as I did."
From: http://www.pamil-visions.net/presidents-day/222925/
I am all for giving 'Caesar's things unto Caesar', but let's not give him jam on his 'daily bread'!
Matthew 22:20-22 (King James Version)
21They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's."EITC is for people who earn less than $48,362. If you qualify, it could be worth as much as $5,666 this year depending on your filing status and the number of qualifying children. So you could pay less federal tax or even get a refund. Just imagine what you could do with that."
More at: https://secure.entergy.com/bill_inserts/multi/12_10/Earned_Income_Tax_Credit_Pub_926.pdf
Jay and I framed up, cut out, squashed the ridges on the siding, and temporarily installed the last window in the cargo trailer.
The squashing went better than expected.
We measured very carefully where we were going to install it, so that the cut out siding could be used to fix the boo-boos on the 'dreaded' window on the other side.
Even though the weather was wonderful, we rolled up the tools, as it did smell like it was going to rain, and we had had enough.
So we didn't work on the 'dreaded' window today.
The trailer is looking good.
I am hoping for the best on the problem window. Have a good day!
Thank you, Gyspy, and Rod and Loyce.
I am hoping that we can work on the problem window today, as it is holding up the rest of the interior, which should go a lot quicker.
Jay wanted to work on the kitchen counter top again, but as I pointed out to him, it will just get in the way of working on that window.
Especially for the height challenged, like me.
Happy Trails, Penny, TX
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