Wide Load?
"It's a big topic around the RV campfire, and a lot of information--and misinformation--abounds. Ask nearly any RV dealer if the 102" wide motorhome he wants to sell you is legal. What's he most likely to say? "It's legal in all 50 states!" That's a partial truth. Under federal law, the states may not impose a width restriction of more or less than 102" on the Interstate Highway System (note 1). Generally speaking, they can't restrict a vehicle that needs to get off the interstate for fuel or necessary services--in a limited corridor.
Take the subject up with wide-bodied RVers and you'll likely be told they've never heard of anyone who was ever cited for an over-width RV. Perhaps that's true--it's difficult to imagine a police patrol with tape measures casing RV parks. Still, it's wise to remember you are dealing with legalities."
More at: http://www.rvtravel.com/RVtravelinfo/RV_width_Does_it_really_matter.shtml
But there again, the RV doesn't need to be too tall!
Why any RVer would try to go under an 8' bridge, beats me!
Measure your RV at it's highest point, and keep that taped to your dash.
So that you don't forget to lower your antenna, keep your ignition key hanging on the antenna handle.
Component: FUEL SYSTEM, GASOLINE STORAGE TANK ASSEMBLY – Risk of Fire! Summary of models involved… Thor Motor Coach is recalling certain model year 2007-2010 Damon Challenger, model year 2008-2009 Challenger Platinum, model year 2007-2011 Daybreak, model year 2010 Daybreak classic, model year 2009-2010 Daybreak sport, model year 2007-2009, Outlaw and model year 2011 Four Winds, Hurricane, RV’s manufactured from March 2007, through August 2008.
The fuel-fill cap assemblies used to seal the unused side of the dual-fill gasoline fuel tank were produced with a hose material that did not meet design specifications. During normal usage the hose material may deteriorate which may result in fuel leaks" www.usrecallnews.com/2011/02/motor-coach-is-recalling-certain-rvs-due-to-faulty-fuel-line.html
WWW.CAREFREERVRESORTS.COM $199/month - $99/week - $9/day... at the http://theoaksrvresort.com Bushnell, FL 352-793-7117…
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Nationwide 50% off Military Discount for Active, Retired and Veteran Military members and their families can enjoy discounts Sunday - Thursday.
Charging 6-Volt RV Batteries Posted by RV Doctor
"Is there a way to charge my two 6-volt batteries with a regular stand-alone battery charger? If so how would you hook up the positive and negative charger clamps?
George, (Fresno, CA)

"George, I’m going to assume you are referring to a stand-alone battery charger that is 12-volts only. I mention this because some shop chargers are equipped with a 6-volt output option as well as 12-volts DC. Since all DC components on RVs operate on 12-volts, (water pump, fans, lamps, etc.), your two, 6-volt batteries, as installed, are still set up to produce a 12-volt final output. The only difference is the connection between the two batteries.

At the basic level, two 6-volt batteries are wired in “series” and two or more 12-volt batteries are wired in “parallel” in order to produce 12-volts final output. Take a look at the diagrams here; two, 6-volt batteries above and two, 12-volt batteries below. The final output that provides battery power to the components in the RV is still 12-volts DC. Therefore, both configurations can be charged by any 12-volt battery charger by simply connecting the charger’s red cable clamp to the “plus” 12-volt terminal lead and the black or ground cable clamp to the negative terminal as shown here.
But a word of caution! Notice on the 6-volt battery diagram, you must know which battery feeds the positive voltage to the RV and which battery represents the negative connection. If your series connected batteries look similar to those depicted here, then all you do is connect them as shown. If yours are wired differently, do let me know and we’ll investigate further. Bottom line: 12-volts is still 12-volts. You do not want to connect either battery charger lead to the posts that make the interconnection between the two 6-volt batteries."
Stuck Motor Home?
My brother Nigel, lived in the Aussie Outback for some years, and he used different tactics, as you are REALLY all alone out there. They either let some air out of their tires, or put the emergency brake on halfway. Both stop wheels from spinning, so that they can grip. Out there, you have to be prepared and carry 12v. or hand/foot pumps!
Jim Twamley's reasons for switching from 5er to a MH.
"Why the switch? I’m glad you asked. We made the change from a 5th Wheel to a motorcoach primarily due to mobility issues. Our knees don’t appreciate going up and down the steps of our 5th wheel anymore.
We also wanted the comfort of driving on those nice cushy air bags and the ease of leveling and set-up. We also wanted a smaller more economical car (towed by the motorhome) with which to explore the side roads."
From: http://rvnow.rvtravel.com/2007/05/why-we-moved-from-5th-wheel-to.html
Today was shopping day.
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