"Step away from the M&Ms. And the Froot Loops, Kraft salad dressings, and Manischewitz Matzo Balls. And, well, basically every other processed product containing artificial food dyes, too. A new report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) highlights how synthetic food dyes contribute to medical conditions like cancers, allergic reactions, and hyperactivity. Bet those Fruit Roll-Ups don't seem so appetizing now, eh?
Every year, food manufacturers pump about 15 million pounds of synthetic food dyes into processed foods and beverages. CSPI's report, "Food Dyes: A Rainbow of Risks" (pdf), examined the potential health effects from consuming these artificial colors. Results of the study were truly frightening. Researchers found that the three most heavily used artificial food dyes — Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6 — contain cancer-causing compounds. Dyes like Blue 1, Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6 can cause serious allergic reactions in people, while other synthetic dyes are linked to hyperactivity in children."
More at: http://food.change.org/blog/view/death_by_mm_the_problem_with_food_dyes
"These synthetic chemicals do absolutely nothing to improve the nutritional quality or safety of foods, but trigger behavior problems in children and, possibly, cancer in anybody."
From: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504763_162-20009228-10391704.html
More about food dye, (Added 13 Jul 2010) :
The bugs are harvested in Mexico, and then they're crushed into a fine powder that is then sold to food processing companies as a pigment known as "carmine." The substance appears on labels simply as "color added" or "artificial colors" (although occasionally it's noted as Red 40 or E120)."
I'm actually thinking of picking up the phone right now to thank my mom for refusing to let us eat anything that contained either "artificial colors" or "color added," although I don't think she had any idea about the bugs.
From: http://food.change.org/blog/view/consuming_red_food_dye_may_mean_youre_eating_bugs
I have been waiting for them to bring me the other new tire for the trailer, but they haven't come up here from Houston, since that day. So I will try to move it the couple of miles here, with the ones that are on it.
It is such a shame, Jim's relatives have taken anything loose that they could carry away to sell, and they have just left the lovely travel trailer sit. It has developed a leak in the roof in the front bedroom, and that made a soft spot in the floor, which is only going to get worse.
I am going to take a ladder, some cleaner and Eternabond, to see if there is anything I can do to stop it. Jim took such pride in his things, so I want to do that, in his memory.
Jay is in Houston and Ray was called away, so we didn't get anything done about it today.
I have a friend in Dayton, OH who is severely allergic to Red #40. Eating is hazardous to your health!
Are you planning to keep and use the trailer? Or to fix it up and sell it? Am I mistaken in thinking there are two trailers - a travel trailer and a cargo trailer?
Thank you for your comments, Sandra and Gyspy.
Sandra, it all goes back to reading the labels, doesn't it? We have to be so careful of what 'they' put in the food these days.
Gypsy, yes, there are two trailers there.
The cargo trailer which is now mine.
The travel trailer was the late Jim's home, on that 30' x 90' lot which belonged to him. He built a covered porch, and had a sitting area and plants out there. It has a shed with a washer and dryer, too. All Fenced. I think they want to sell it as a package. I will probably be advertising it for them, as I took pictures, and they don't have a computer. They just need to come up with a price. I know it won't be expensive.
I don't know what I am going to do with the cargo trailer yet. It does have an RV AC on top, and a porta pottie inside. It has two doors, one on the back, one on the side with an RV roll-up awning. It is wood paneled inside, and I think it's insulated.
Once I get it here, and we can check it out, I will make up my mind.
I know that whatever, we will be cleaning it up and repainting it.
Take care both of you, and I am so interested in hearing about your dwellings.
Sandra, I came across this about Red 40 being made of bugs. That must be what causes your friend's allergy.
That is why I added that info to this blog.
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