We went to get 24 red paving stones, plywood, several bags of concrete mix, and screws at Lowes. Then coffee, creamer, fish food and silver Rustoleum Hammered paint at WalMart. I just like WalMart's Great Value brand Colombian
coffee, regular and unleaded. The minivan toted all that like a trooper, even with the AC on. It just has a 3 liter motor! By the time we got back and got everything unloaded at the different places, it was too late to start on anything.

Ray had been left behind to work on trying to get the drip caps off the Coronado. They had several layers of different color paint on them, some latex, some oil based, and we didn't want to put stripper on them so close to the aluminum of the trailer. Normally I would just go buy new drip caps, but these are different, and I want to keep it as original as I can.

"I'm not sure the National Park Service has recovered from the idea of having this sign in the National Register of Historic Places.
It's one of the few landmarks on the Strip that has lasted 50 years," says county commissioner Rory Reid. "In fact, I think it's one of the few things in the valley, other than people, older than 50 years. "
The sign cost four thousand dollars when it was erected in 1959.
But it's priceless now, featured in countless movies, TV shows, and family vacation photos.
"The Las Vegas strip has been designated the only nighttime scenic byway in America," says Reid. "And it's been called the jewel of the desert. Well, if this street is the jewel, this sign is the crown jewel." http://www.ktnv.com/Global/story.asp?S=10404574
It's one of the few landmarks on the Strip that has lasted 50 years," says county commissioner Rory Reid. "In fact, I think it's one of the few things in the valley, other than people, older than 50 years. "
The sign cost four thousand dollars when it was erected in 1959.
But it's priceless now, featured in countless movies, TV shows, and family vacation photos.
"The Las Vegas strip has been designated the only nighttime scenic byway in America," says Reid. "And it's been called the jewel of the desert. Well, if this street is the jewel, this sign is the crown jewel." http://www.ktnv.com/Global/story.asp?S=10404574
Have a safe day.
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