Ray had to go do something with his tires, so the Coronado step and tongue didn't get painted today, but MaeMae and I picked up Jay. He spent a lot of time on my land line phone talking to his cell phone provider, trying to find out where his minutes were going. It was determined, I think, that some company was leaving text
messages advertising something. I put his phone number on the Do Not Call list.

To really do a good job on the Coronado bedroom floor, we had to remove the vanity, little sink and plumbing, and that took a while. We did a bunch more clean-up in there, but started late, so we didn't get much done.
I really can't see what good these antibiotics are doing me. I think this cold, cough, sinus trouble, or whatever it is, is just running it's course, with or without the antibiotics!
I wished I had shares in Kleenex today.
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