"If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow man." - Francis of Assisi
No one really knows how many dogs and cats are in the United States, but there's plenty of debate about whether or not this country suffers from pet overpopulation.
Some argue it’s a distribution problem. Shelters say we’re still killing adoptable animals.
On the other side of the argument are those who believe that while the numbers of unwanted dogs and cats have improved dramatically, adoptable animals are still dying in shelters – a clear indication the overpopulation problem still exists. Unfortunately, shelters aren’t required to keep statistics, so it’s impossible to accurately assess the size of the problem."
More at: http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2010/04/21/pet-overpopulation-and-adoption.aspx
To relieve overcrowding, shelters often give adoptable dogs to rescue groups such as Rescue Me! Animal Project. These nonprofit organizations serve as puppy PR firms, exposing the dog to potential families through sites like Petfinder.org, Facebook and adoption fairs. The adoption fee is typically higher -- many charge about $200 -- to covers the dog's vaccinations, spay or neuter, a microchip and pet supplies."
More at: http://www.cnn.com/2011/LIVING/03/05/mnn.adopt.great.dog/index.html?hpt=C2
Animal Shelter directory search by state or zip code.
Animal Shelters receive animals from:
* stray animals
* relatives when an owner has passed away
* humane organizations and animal control agencies
* owners who can no longer care for their pets
Many dogs around the country are in need of homes, whether the pet parents be foster or adoptive owners. Unfortunately, unwanted animals are still being euthanized due to lack of space at animal shelters. Thus, spaying and neutering is crucial to control animal populations.
Communities that have implemented and maintained effective spay/neuter and other animal control programs have reduced or eliminated their pet overpopulation problems.
But because they have relatively small populations of adoptable animals and not much variety, they lack supply to meet the demands of local residents looking to add a pet to their family – especially a dog.So prospective pet owners look elsewhere for the particular breed or size dog they want.
But the worst place is a pet shop or back yard breeder.
You need to consider the exercise needs of the dog. The dog’s need for exercise should match the owner’s exercise habits.
For the less active owner, a terrier or dachshund would be a better match than a Dalmatian or a husky - both of whom enjoy large amounts of exercise."
Each breed has it's own rescue group: http://www.dogrescuelist.com/groups.html
On the other side of the argument are those who believe that while the numbers of unwanted dogs and cats have improved dramatically, adoptable animals are still dying in shelters – a clear indication the overpopulation problem still exists.
These people see a number of problems contributing to overpopulation, including:
- Too many pets and too few suitable homes
- Unprepared pet owners with unrealistic expectations and a lack of understanding of normal companion animal behavior
- Owners who view their pets as a convenience, or an accessory, or as disposable.
How You Can Be Part of the Solution
If you’re planning to add a new four-legged family member to your household, make a commitment to bring home only a sheltered or rescued animal.
- If you’ll be a new pet parent or have had unsatisfactory experiences with pet ownership in the past, do your homework so that you know which type of pet best suits your family’s temperament and lifestyle. You can do lots of research right on your computer. I also encourage you to talk with a veterinarian, reputable breeder, or other knowledgeable source about the particular pet you’re considering adopting.
- If you can’t find the pet you’re looking for locally, consider widening your search.
- This is easy to do with online services like Petfinder.com. If you locate an adoptable pet that might be a good match in a shelter outside your area, contact the shelter to see if they do non-local adoptions and what transport arrangements are available.
- When you bring your new adopted furry friend home, it should be with the understanding you are making a commitment to your pet’s health and happiness for the rest of his life.
Helping Rescue Dogs Transition to New Homes
____________________Turning Your Adopted Dog into a First-Class Family Member...
Amid the tragedy, a Japanese reporter discovered a small tale of ultimate love and loyalty as a dog led him to an injured companion in hope of rescue. Both dogs are reportedly safe and being cared for in a shelter, now.
You as Loyal to Your Pet as He is to You?
"One thing pet owners always point out as very important about their companion animals is their unwavering devotion.
Your spouse or lover, friends, relatives, co-workers, and other human types are bound at some point to get mad, frustrated or just plain fed up with you. It’s the nature of human relationships.
In contrast, can you think of even one time when your pet seemed disappointed in you?
No matter how you’re feeling … no matter if you wake up looking like ten miles of bad road … no matter if you’ve just said or done something incredibly stupid … your pet, if you let him, wants nothing more than to hang out with you.
Your dog or cat accepts you ‘warts and all,’ expects nothing of you, and is happy just to have the opportunity to be in your company. That is the very definition of unconditional love, and it is rarely replicated in human relationships.
Unfailing loyalty is one of the reasons given by those surveyed for choosing a pet over a partner. I would just caution pet owners to strive to always give more than you receive. Devotion should be a two-way street.
Return the loyalty your pet shows you by being the best pet guardian and caretaker you can be."
More at: http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2011/03/22/pet-compatibility-in-relationships-between-people.aspx
We all worked on the cargo trailer, Ray primed doors, as we measured and cut them. Then he caught up with his two coats of paint on the rest of them.
The last little door is for the small space beside the fridge. It isn't big, but it enables someone to store trays and such, and to lift up the shelf above it to reach behind the fridge and clean it's little filter. It only takes 70 watts to run this fridge, so it could be used on a small inverter.
It is all designed so that you can undo two screws hidden with buttons, take out the fridge, undo four more screws, then the AC will come out for it's annual cleaning without having to tear the place apart.
Jay messed around with the 110v. breaker box for a while. He plugged the trailer in, but outlets that used to work, don't now. I asked him to leave it alone, and go mow the yard! I had already scoop-a-pooed the back yard, as I try to keep it picked up. He doesn't take long to whip the mower around my two of these lots.
Ray likes to mow his own, as he says that Jay cuts it too close, but I watched Jay and he didn't lower the deck on the mower since the last time Ray adjusted it. After he had done that we cut some of the paneling to go on other parts of the trailer, and cut the plywood to go on top of the wheel well cabinet. One cut was to put a hinge over the area that has access to the converter and 12v. fuse block.
The weather has been lovely the last few days, no AC needed, so Bobcat and Prime could stay on the porch all day.
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