Or rather "Drivin' in The Rain!
Well, we haven't had any rain here for ages, though there was one blowing downpour while I was in Somerville. When I got home, I couldn't believe that most of my yard was covered with pine needles again.
But there are a lot of storms in other parts of the country
Let's all be safe when the roads are wet.
"Don't use cruise control. If you hydroplane, there's the chance your car could actually accelerate. Cruise control also allows drivers to be less vigilant and to take their foot away from the pedals — not a great idea when reaction time is so important.
Exercise self-control, not speed control: Time will tell whether or not vehicle speed control units may actually contribute to loss of control on rainy roadways, but this much is certain: Speed control use slows the driver's ability to note and respond to changes in road surfaces. Save it for dry pavement.
If you see a large puddle up ahead, drive around it or choose a different route. It could be that it's covering a huge gaping maw into the front door of hell. Well, maybe not, but water splashing up into your car's engine compartment could damage its internal electrical systems.
Also, a pothole may be hiding under the water, just waiting in ambush to damage a wheel or knock your suspension out of alignment. If you can't gauge the depth, or if it's covering up the side curb, try to avoid it.
After you cross a puddle, tap on your brake pedal lightly to dry off some of the water on your rotors.
Exercise extreme caution after a long dry spell. During a dry period, engine oil and grease build up on the road over time. When mixed with water from a new rainfall, the road becomes extremely slick. Continued rainfall will eventually wash away the oil, but the first few hours can be the most dangerous.
Don't play Moses: You can't part the Red Sea with your RV. As the good folks in Arizona will tell you, NEVER cross a flooded wash. It takes but a few inches of water to push a vehicle off the roadway and into harm's way.
More at: http://www.edmunds.com/ownership/safety/articles/45401/article.html
and: http://rvtravel.com/RVusing/No_pain_in_the_rain_Driving_suggestions_to_keep_you_safe.shtml
and: http://www.tdi.state.tx.us/pubs/videoresource/t5driverain.pdf
Neither Ray or Jay could come here today, but I stayed busy catching up on different things. A man came and bought the old patio door, and I listed some more "junque", …… I mean "treasures", on http://www.bookoo.com/ and Craigslist.
My daughter, Wendy called and we had a long conversation about their place in Somerville. My brother Nigel, and SIL, in England, had visited their cabin while they were over here. While Nigel, Pamala and I were talking on Skype last night, they mentioned the remoteness of the place. We each mentioned that it wasn't our "cuppa tea". But then we three, all RVers, like wheels on our cabins. Also that there is no access to the lake for their boat in that subdivision. Richard has to tow it a few miles to the State Park boat ramp.
But without a word from me, Wendy is rethinking their plan to retire there. 16 miles to the nearest store or town, and 36 miles to the closest little hospital which serves 8 counties. I hope it isn't a case of 'buyer's remorse'. They have been putting a lot of time, work and money in it.
The forecast is for 40 deg. tonight! Gee, I might have to wear jeans tomorrow. Right now, it is a lot cooler, and less humid, so it is a "windows and doors open", and "cats on the porch" day.
Hopefully if they decide not to keep it, the time effort and money they put into it can be recouped.
We were finally able to open our door and windows today too! We'll be in your neighborhood (Rainbow's End) late Nov., how 'bout let's plan to get together while we're there?
Thank you for your comments, Gypsy and Ellie.
Gypsy, I know that they are improving it, so I hope they can get good use out it, and sell it favorably when they are ready to move on.
Ellie, that would be super. I haven't been there for years, and it would be smashing to meet y'all.
Happy Trails, Penny, YX
Thanks for the info on the wet roads. My sister totaled her new car a couple of years back. She hydroplaned and hit a tree head on. Luckily she wasn't hurt, had God's hand on her, but her car was totaled. Stay safe.
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