Just to remind you of a TV show tomorrow, so that you can watch it, or tape it:
On Sunday, September 27, PBS will begin airing the newest documentary film from award-winning director Ken Burns. This time, he'll spend six nights telling the story of America's Best Idea--our national parks.The footage in this film is breathtaking. But the most powerful moments are the stories of the men and women who created these special places and continue the fight to protect them. It all combines to create can't-miss television, so check your local listings and set those DVRs now. NPCA has even created a special viewer's guide where you can see a video preview of the film, learn about the viewing parties our members are hosting across the country, and find new ways to get involved with our efforts to protect our national parks. Click here for NPCA's exclusive viewer's guide to Ken Burns's newest film--The National Parks: America's Best Idea.

AVG seems to have made a big difference to this PC. But it is taking ages for the laptop to
download it at 3.14 KB/s. No wonder I am tired of it. After a couple of hours of downloading, Pretty jumped on the laptop, the download stopped, and I had to start it all over again. There wasn’t even a “resume” icon! A couple of hours later there was another glitch, still no resume icon, so it had to start again. This has turned into an all day job. So the laptop had no protection all day.
I thought I had better try to get mine going faster, especially if I am going to wait until the sales. But I only use it when the power is out. That happens often, as I am out in the country. A drunk hits a pole, a tree, or limb falls on the lines, or any number of things.
Now, when I buy the new laptop, I would want it to replace my PC, too. I am tired of all these boxes, parts and wires cluttering up the place. It would have to be very comfortable to use for my little online job twice a day. It needs to be a laptop that I can take with me in the RV, too. Of course, then I would be looking for a smaller printer, too!!
Some hair trigger (camera) pictures, today
Thanks for letting us know about the parks broadcast. I will certainly want to see that. Very good Blog!!
You might wait for windows 7.0 when it is released. I'm not so sure waiting for a sale is a good idea, since you want the latest software to update yourself as far as possible. That way your new machine will last longer without being out of date so quickly. The sale models are already out of date, that's why they are on sale. LOL
Thank you, Rod.
One of my friends has a trial version of Windows 7.0 already, and really likes it.
As computer illiterate as I am, I wouldn't know if it was out of date or not, as I have only bought used computers so far! LOL. But I did buy them from an old geek who updates them before he sells them. Except for my laptop, and I got that in a horse trade.
So I appreciate any advice.
Thank you, Happy Trails, Penny,TX
I watched the first episode a of the show and it was outstanding. The photography was great and the statements by historians, poets and explorers were touching. I liked the statement: 'No matter where you're from, when you enter the parks its like coming home...connecting to our land.' and the man who said by exploring them we can become closer to God. In case you miss an episode...check out this link to view them on web.
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