“Reports have surfaced of US support for a plan to reopen commercial whaling after more than twenty years. The deal would undermine decades of hard-won protections for whales and permit Japan, Norway and Iceland to openly kill whales with explosive harpoons for profit and trade. Protect these gentle giants from a return to such horrific cruelty.”
Please sign at least one of the many petitions:
“Dear President Obama,
During your presidential campaign you said: "Allowing Japan to continue commercial whaling is unacceptable. Since championing passage of the international ban on commercial whaling in 1986, every American president has reasserted our nation's strong leadership role in the fight to save whales.
Disturbing reports indicate that your administration may support an international agreement permitting Japan and others to resume commercial whaling……”
June 07 | Animal Planet | 9:00 PM ET | Repeat
"Surrounded by Spies - The Sea Shepherds embark on another dangerous campaign as whaling season begins in the Antarctic; a donation from former game-show host Bob Barker allows the group to purchase a former Norwegian whaling vessel.
Captain Paul Watson said:
"We were able to block them for about 25 minutes, and then this harpoon flew over our heads and hit one of the whales and she screamed and rolled over in a fountain of blood," he recalled, "The largest whale in the pod then struck the water with his tail, and they harpooned him at point-blank range. And he screamed — a whale screams just like a person does, it's amazing."
As the whale was flailing about, Watson caught the animal's eye as it was coming out of the water.
"I looked into his eye and what I saw there really had a significant impact on me, because I saw understanding," he recalled. "That the whale understood what we were trying to do. He could have killed me that day and he chose not to. It was a realization — when I looked into that eye, I saw pity for us, not for him. That we could kill so thoughtlessly and ruthlessly, and for what?"
When It's On | Episode Guide | Cast
Listen to the whales singing: http://www.yourdiscovery.com/web/whale-wars/
After the cats came back in after their couple of hours on the screen porch this morning, I fed them as always in their cages, but this time I closed the cage doors. Ray would be painting the door going into the grooming room, so we didn't need any 'feline artists' dipping their tails or feet into the wet paint.
Ray sanded and painted that door, and trim. It has a 15 light insert, so we took that off, and apart, to take the glass out of the middle, so it will be easier to paint.
We took that frame into the workshop to dry, or the cats might have played tic-tac-toe with it, once they were let loose.
It was still too tacky to put it back together, so the cats can walk right 'through' the door, for the rest of the day.
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