Something to Wag At the Post Office:
Petfinder founder Betsy Saul traveled to Los Angeles on Friday to join Ellen DeGeneres, the Postmaster General and other honored guests in unveiling the stamps to the public. Featuring 10 adoptable dogs and cats, stamps can be purchased at the post office or online at the adoptable pet search powered by Petfinder at the top of that page, too.
Photographer Sally Anderson-Bruce found these beautiful, adopted pets in her hometown of New Milford, Connecticut. Each of these animals was given a good home thanks to animal rescue shelters and the families who adopted them.
Pane of 20 with 10 animal images $8.80
Wired-Haired Jack Russell Terrier
The owners of Teddy’s mother were surprised when she gave birth to another litter. They couldn’t afford to raise more puppies, so they gave Teddy and his siblings to a shelter. Today, Teddy lives with a loving family, their other Jack Russell, and a cat.
Willow was left in a box by the door of the shelter as a kitten. When the animal control officer met her there, she knew the scrawny, little gray kitten should come home with her. Willow is now part of a happy family that includes three dogs and two other cats.
Yellow Labrador Retriever
Trevor and his litter mates were found abandoned at 8-10 weeks of age at a new home construction site. They were rescued by Labrador Retriever Rescue of CT, Inc. Trevor was adopted by a couple who are a perfect match for his outgoing personality.
Bianca was adopted through a senior-to-senior program which allows cats older than six to be adopted by a senior citizen at no cost. Bianca has since passed away, but was well-loved and cared for in her final years.
Golden Retriever
Buddy is a pure-bred golden who was purchased from a pet store. At only eight months old, he had such bad hips that his family gave him to a shelter. Now, Buddy is flourishing with his family who have improved his health through regular exercise and a good diet.
Gray, White & Tan
Peaches was born under a porch. She and her littermates had to be trapped to be taken to the shelter. There, all the kittens were spayed or neutered, given complete health exams, and put up for adoption.
Bindi Su
Aussie Shepherd
Bindu Su’s mother was handed over to an Australian Terrier rescue group when her owners found out she was expecting. Bindu Su was adopted at eight weeks old. Now she competes in agility events and visits a local nursing home weekly.
Black, White & Tan
Frankie was brought to the shelter with his mother and two other kittens. Unfortunately, they were all very sick and Frankie was the only one to survive. Today, this dapper cat is thriving in a loving family.
Boston Terrier
Purchased at a pet shop on Thanksgiving when he was eight weeks old, Jake’s original family quickly realized that they couldn’t take care of him. The pet shop had a no-return policy. So little Jake was turned over to a shelter.
Orange Tabby
Hungry, cold, and lucky, Lucas picked the right yard to wander into. It belonged to an animal shelter volunteer. He was taken to the shelter, where he got a complete physical, was neutered, and put up for adoption.
More at:
Do You have what it takes to adopt a pet?
Time? Money? Energy? Love?
GRRR! Junk Mail.
Ray and Jay were both doing other things, so I tackled my mounting pile of junk mail.
Being on the Do Not Send Mail List, I get very frustrated when opening my mail box, and find some have slipped by. But it has greatly reduced lately.
It takes time to tear off anything that has my name and address on it, and open each and every one, as it will often be on the inside also. Just the little pieces with my info are shredded, because the rest of it can go to the Paper Recycling place.
(If you are traveling, or don't have a shredder, just tear off the pertinent parts, and put it in with your used cat litter, doggie pick ups, veggie peelings, or coffee grounds. Anywhere that will make it illegible or undesirable for a scammer)
Eco-Cycle recommends minimizing the amount of paper you shred, at home and at work, by following these simple tips:
"Shred only the portions of the document containing sensitive information. For example, your personal information may be on the bottom third of a document while the remaining two-thirds is just general information. The personal information can be torn off and shredded while the rest can be recycled."
More: Shredded paper
When you shred paper with a paper shredder, you dramatically decrease the value of the paper because you shorten the length of the paper fiber, which is the source of value of the paper, according Eric Lombardi, the executive director of Eco-Cycle, one of the largest nonprofit recyclers in the U.S.”
More at:
Here are some tips about Junk Mail:
About Recycling Paper:
What not to recycle: Any fake credit cards have to put in the trash.
More at:
And about Christmas cards:
A list that you can print:
So that was my job for today.
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