Friday, September 25, 2009

24th. Sept. Found Google! Fridge

Windows open all day. Nice.
Well, I am back on my PC, all clear of the virus, and as my MacAfee had disappeared off it again, I installed AVG instead. I have had it before. It did ask me to buy other things, but I didn't. Too Scottish!!

As Ray couldn't work today, I had time to play around with this PC. I did fourth cookie cleaning, even deleting my passwords. I don't know how, but I managed to get on the Blogger Main Page. I just stumbled across it by accident. I haven't been able to do that before. It had a place to sign in at the top of the page. That enabled me to sign into Google, as it seemed that I wasn't signed in any more. I had tried from other places to sign into Google, but I got the same "This program cannot display the webpage" or Navigation to the page was cancelled".
I don't know why it didn't just show the place to sign in?
Still can't make Live Writer and Blogger to associate with each other, and a few other wrinkles, but I guess they will get ironed out.

When I pulled out a bottom drawer in my fridge, I noticed that something had spilled all the way to the bottom. Looked like dried up milk. I had to remove the two bottom drawers, the shelf they hang from, and the shelf and rack that are on that shelf. This is at floor level, so I put down a kneeling pad, soaked the mess with a wet soapy towel until it loosened, so that I could scrape it with a plastic scraper. Fortunately, the sink is across from it, so I managed to pull myself up each time! That must have been a sight! There must have been a small hole in a jug of milk, and it had dripped all the way down at the back where it couldn't be seen, and under the drawers.
I have wanted a fridge with a see-through bottom shelf for a long time, but they are rare in that size. I would like to see what is in my salad crisper drawers, as I forget!

On the way to the grocery store, there was an older Ford pickup, not vintage, just an old pickup, with Hawaii plates. I had never seen any HA plates before. I wondered who would pay to ship that truck back to the states. Then I realized that it must have been the military.

No AC needed, as it has been a cooler day.

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