Many are asking what the cause might have been -- whether it was pervasive, over-the-top violent rhetoric in the culture, or simply mental psychosis.
But, even if the former, there is still the underlying cause of mental psychosis to consider.
And what if people are lashing out with such destructive force, at Columbine, Virginia Tech, and now Arizona, not because of what they are hearing, but at least in part because of what they are eating?
"Loughner bought a doughnut, energy bars at a gas station at 2:34 a.m., source says"
It's not presently known whether Jared Loughner, the young man who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and killed several civilians, was taking medication, but there are indications that he did not have a healthful diet."
"I have long thought, it is not what’s eating our young people that causes them to lash out with such destructive force, but, what they are eating." says Kimberly Hartke: http://hartkeisonline.com/food-politics/madness-and-violent-behavior-the-food-connection/
Kimberly Hartke is the publicist for the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nutrition education non-profit based in Washington, D.C.
Complex and Hidden Brain in Gut Makes Stomachaches and Butterflies
Angry white male syndrome
"Hamburgers and fries are rarely accused of causing violent behaviour in male youth who subsist on them. But the standard junk food diet of North America is dangerously low in many nutrients, notably the omega fatty acids found most easily in fish and walnuts, fats that were likely crucial in early human evolution.
I say “dangerously low” not only because of the body’s physical need for such fats, but because these fats deliver mental health benefits that counter depression. Washington-based National Institute of Health clinician Joseph Hibbeln created a momentary stir in 2001 with research showing lower murder rates among prisoners who ate fish regularly.
Harvard’s Andrew Stoll wrote about EFAs as “the new pharmacology of aggression” in his 2001 book, The Omega-3 Connection, and expressed “hope that at least part of the answer” to such problems as intermittent explosive disorder “may be as simple as omega-3 fatty acid.”" From: http://www.nowtoronto.com/news/story.cfm?content=178682
Once again, we come back to "You Are What You Eat"!
Jay wanted to cash a check, I thought we were going to do some work first as it was going to be such a beautiful day, but he wanted to go right away.
But I still had to drive to Huntsville (TX) to pick up a door handle and lock for the guest house that I had ordered at McCoys. Neither Home Depot or Lowes had the right one, so as the door had been bought at McCoys, that is where I had to order it. So we decided that he could cash it in Huntsville.
As Convenience RV store is on the way, we picked up the cargo trailer's water tank drain faucet, so we can get that installed on the outside of the trailer. But they only sold the tank filling water line, that white and turquoise plastic stuff, and the vent and drain line in 10' lengths.
Jay looked in my Huntsville phone book, but still took us to the wrong bank. We finally went to the one in the Huntsville Walmart, and as you can imagine, anyone that receives a government check was there. So while he was waiting in the long line, I picked up a few groceries. I was done before he was. It is a much nicer store than our Walmart in Conroe, as it is newer, larger, with wider aisles.
We picked up the lock at McCoys, and tried to get the barb fittings for the water tank, but they didn't have them, so we just came home, as it was lunch time.
Later, I had to go into our little town to our very well stocked True Value to buy the rest of the barb fittings, plus the drain and vent line.
I still don't have the tank filler water line, so I will have to drive down to Camperland RV store another day.