Saturday, December 27, 2008

Great Day. Health and Diet Research.

It was 70 deg. when I got up around 6.00 AM, even though it was still dark. I opened all the windows again, as it is another tank-top day. But I will have to keep a cardigan handy, as it is supposed to go back down into the 40's later on in the day, and just in the 50's tomorrow.
It makes a big difference in your whole attitude for the day. I got some stuff done outside, even though there have been a few sprinkles of rain. The sun would peek out from under the cloud cover every now and then to brighten things up.

The Houston news was about early morning accidents and people that have got killed or injured in drunk driving episodes. Such a waste. Here is just one of them:
I am going to take a trip into Houston soon, but I will go at a time of day when I expect the least amount of drunks.

I have been looking up and printing out a lot of health pages about eating right, and the effects that diet have to cancer. Jay's mother, awaiting a liver transplant, now finds out that she has a spot on a lung, having just had radiation for cancer in her liver. She has never smoked, and never allows it in her house, but her diet has not always been a healthy one. White bread, instead of whole grain wheat, and other white refined foods, such as white flour, white rice, white pasta, white sugar have been staples in their kitchen for years. Eating iceberg lettuce which has no nutrients, instead of the more heathy dark lettuce or spinach whenever they did eat a salad, which wasn't very often. They definitely don't eat the required amount of fruits and veges. They consume a lot of BBQ'd beef, and they eat more than the 3 oz. a day, the size of a deck of cards, that is recommended. She feels bad all the time, spends most of her day in bed, when exercise is also important for good health. She has bought several exercise machines and has one on her porch at all times, but it just gathers dust. She is younger than I am, has always had more funds than I have, but she can hardly get out of bed. I guess you are what you eat. I hope I never get like that.

I put a deposit on a motor home today.

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