Sunday, September 14, 2014

Prophesied War in the Middle East. Windshield. The "Calcium Lie". Update.


For "Scripture Sunday":


Prophesied War in the Middle East

Daniel 11:40

“At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through.”

Bible prophecy describes a key end-time conflict between a “king of the South” and a “king of the North” that is part of a chain of events leading to the second coming of Jesus Christ. Here is some of the background to this verse from our “News and Prophecy” post “End-Time Prophecy Jigsaw: The Pieces Are Falling Into Place!”

“The book of Daniel tells us that in the last days there will be an influential person ruling in the south, that is, in the Mediterranean area and generally south of Jerusalem (Daniel 11).

“Historically, this king of the South was the dynastic leader of the Ptolemies, or the Egyptian branch of the Greek Empire. The king of the South battled it out for over a century, as the Egypt-based Ptolemies struggled for supremacy against the Syria-based Seleucids, another branch of the Greek Empire. This took place in the third and second centuries B.C., after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. (Daniel 11:3-4).

“Yet this same prophecy suddenly takes a huge leap to ‘the time of the end,’ when we find a latter-day king of the South provoking and fighting against the king of the North (Daniel 11:40). …

“Daniel’s prophecy tells us that once this end-time king of the South has provoked the king of the North, the latter will swoop down on him with massive military force, and invade and conquer much of the Middle East (Daniel 11:40-43).

“Elsewhere in Bible prophecy, the king of the North is referred to as ‘the beast,’ the name assigned him by the apostle John in the book of Revelation (Revelation 13:1-10; 17:3-17). We know from history that the heart of this massive end-time power will be in central Europe. In fact, much of the history of the Middle Ages reflects the struggle for dominance between Catholic Europe and the Muslim world, a struggle destined to reappear just before the second coming of Christ.”

For more details about this prophecy, see the articles “The King of the South” and “The King of the North.”


Here's a lesson from my car's windshield.

Transcript at:


Just for your information:

The "Calcium Lie" Every Woman Should Know About

osteoporosis"Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by porous and fragile bones. It affects 44 million Americans, striking 1 in 3 women, and 1 in 5 men. Those with osteoporosis are at increased risk of height loss, fractures of the hips, wrists and vertebrae, and chronic pain.

If you've been led to believe that the key to preventing osteoporosis is increasing your calcium intake and starting on a regimen of pharmaceutical drugs, you're not alone.

I'm here to lead you past all of the confusing and conflicting information about osteoporosis and down a safer, more effective road to preventing bone loss and osteoporosis.

Read on to learn the truth about osteoporosis and calcium deficiency, what vitamins can make a real difference, and the surprising connection between bone loss and Alzheimer's disease.

The Truth about Osteoporosis and Calcium Deficiency

I'm sure you've heard that the cause of osteoporosis and the key to its prevention revolve around calcium, right?

Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.

Dr. Robert Thompson, M.D., wrote an entire book on this subject called, The Calcium Lie, which explains that bone is comprised of at least a dozen minerals and the exclusive focus on calcium supplementation is likely to worsen bone density and increase your risk of developing osteoporosis!

As mentioned in this previous article, Dr. Thompson recommends the use of unprocessed salt as a far healthier alternative to calcium supplementation.

I recommend using Himalayan salt as it is an excellent way to feed your body the trace minerals it needs to function optimally."   More at:



Last Sunday, Jay and I drove to The Woodlands to meet a man who was selling a special Moen faucet.  It is for a bar sink which only has cold water piped to it.  Just what I needed for the new smaller sink unit that we have been building for the screen porch. 

Unfortunately, there had been a major accident, and so we were delayed getting to the meeting place, but the seller waited DSCF0151for us anyway.  Just as we arrived there, it came down a gulley whomper, so the man and I got soaking wet.  Then on the way home the freeway speed was reduced to 35 mph the visibility was so bad with the hard rain. But, it hadn't rained here!  So what was supposed to be a quick trip took all afternoon, but I think it was worth it. 

We had screwed two cabinets from the Habitat for Humanity Store together, made a Formica countertop for it, installed the sink, and then the new faucet.  This looks a lot better than the old sink unit that was there.

A neighbor who is moving brought a lot of stuff over for me to go through before it was donated.  I have enough stuff of my own, but sometimes there is something neat that is better than what I already have.  So now I do have a few more things here, and a few more of my own to dispose of.

Ray's back has been very bad, but he did work one morning, and put the trim on the big window that we installed in the storeroom addition.

I went to a new chiropractor on Friday as my left knee had swollen up like a football, and I knew my back was out.  He was a little worried about manipulating the back of a near 80 year little old lady, especially one who had had her chest sawn open for a bypass, but maybe he will do some good next Wednesday.

Yesterday, Jay was unexpectedly expecting his kids and grandkids, and Ray could hardly move, so I went to church by myself.  Jay had made a big banana pudding for the church potluck, which I took with my little culinary donations of black beans and veggies, baked croissant slices, and a trifle for dessert.  

The Bible Readings were Psalm 80, Deut. 3:23-6:11 and Isaiah 40:1-26. The teaching was a continuation of the Fullness of Time, and about The Times That The Almighty Has Established Beforehand. How the Lord has it all worked out ahead of time as to what will happen and when, each in their Fullness of Time.  Also how The Feasts are for fellowship, learning and feasting.  This is because The Feast of Trumpets is nearly upon us.  Everyone enjoyed all the dishes at the pot luck.  It was a very nice day.


Dizzy-Dick said...

Your sink looks great!! We use Himalayan pink salt and I like it better than regular salt. And yes, it looks like end times for sure, but it has looked like it before. It is not for us to know when it will be but to be alert and wait and watch. And be prepared to meet your maker, as the old saying goes.

LakeConroePenny,TX said...

Thank you, DD. This sink unit fits the space better and looks like it belongs, the old one didn't.

I use the Pink Himalayan salt too.

We need to be ready for when the Great Day arrives.
Happy Tails and Trails, Penny.