Yesterday, Jimmy begged me to pick him up to work, as he was so bored. He didn't want to get paid, he just wanted out of the house. As he was sober, I did. He is good with the carpet- upholstery cleaner, and as Ray and I had put the new parts on it, it seemed like a good time to clean the carpet in the truck. If it leaked, it would be outside, and we would know if it was good to bring in the house. Then he cleaned some spots that were on my carpet in the house. He knew that I was to meet Kenya, my SPCA boss with the kittens, as they were going to be viewed by some prospective 'parents', and he wanted to go into the next town with me.
Ray did some touch up paint work on the Little Van, as I had managed to find the right color DupliColor. I don't know why some Chevys lose little bits of their paint, but this one had. Nothing much, and doesn't show on the pictures, but it needed to be fixed. It might have been tiny rocks that had hit it, but there were several little 'holes' in the paint where the primer showed through, front and rear. I do the taping, as that is my forte, and he does the painting.
We didn't work more than a couple of hours, as it was getting hot. I can only leave the cats out on the screen porch until noon latest, then I bring them into the AC. The kittens in the grooming room, and Bobcat likes to lay under the dining table.
Kenya's big van had been rear ended, and was in the shop. The rental company only had cars. Can you imagine what it has been like for her to transport the cages to the Adoption Days ? They fold up, but you can't get much in a car, so it was taking her several trips. She didn't realize that I have a truck now, and that I could have taken them to Petco for her. Then to top it off, the high winds the other day had blown a tree across her driveway, and the chainsaw was dull. So she was having to go around it through some rough terrain, in a rental car. She was still busy fairly late in the afternoon. She has a mother, father, and grandmother that she runs around, too, for their appointments. So Jay and I met her husband near their home and acreage, way out in the country. He had the chainsaw fixed, but hadn't got the driveway completely cleared yet. I handed over my 'babies' to him, not knowing if either, or both, would get adopted. Jay and I went to a BBQ place and got enough of their 'two for one' takeout to feed both of us and Jay's mother for a couple of days. After I dropped Jay off, and came home it seemed strange to be just Bobcat at feeding time.

Today, I got the call that Boots, left, was the one that they chose. She doesn't usually show well, but she really took to them, and I hope that she will be happy in her new 'forever' home. I will be getting Minkie back, as soon as Kenya and I can meet. I will just keep her in the house, no sense in running the AC in the grooming room, unless I am grooming.
Here is a Horsey motor home, I bet they have to keep the central AC on for their horses ! Can you imagine a rig like that ? That must have cost more than a lot of houses. What I could do with a rig like that, but I sure wouldn't want to pay for the fuel. If I were younger I would load it up with stuff for sale, and hit all the markets, traveling all over. I always thought that a Toy Hauler would be the thing for me. But you know that these horses aren't 'toys', probably some race horses living in

the lap of luxury. I hope that they are winning for their owners !!
Today, I did pick up Jay again, and we changed out AC's in my computer area, my bedroom.
As I have said, I don't like central, it takes up too much room in the attic. Anyway, I like to be able to shut down the AC in the parts of the house that I am not using. I wanted to take out the smaller AC in my bedroom, and put a larger one in there, as I needed the smaller one for the HiLo. I had bought this larger one off eBay from someone local, and it is doing a good job in here. The thermostat doesn't seem to be as temperamental as the one in little AC, and keeps the temperature more constant.
Another rescue gone, so a sad/happy day.