Sunday, June 30, 2013

Who Defines Marriage? Same-Sex Marriage. ‘God Did Something Pretty Drastic’. NFL Murder Charges. Trayvon Martin and Justice. When Evil Walks In. Niagara Falls. Sandy Koufax.


For “Scripture Sunday”:

Who Defines Marriage?

June 25, 2013 - “The Supreme Court is expected to make two major rulings impacting the state of marriage in the United States.”


The Consequences of Accepting Same-Sex Marriage

June 26, 2013 - “The Supreme Court decides on same-sex marriage.”


Pat Robertson Warns DOMA Ruling Leading U.S. To Ruin Like Biblical Sodom: ‘God Did Something Pretty Drastic’

“During his 700 Club broadcast this morning, televangelist Pat Robertson warned that the Supreme Court striking down the Defense of Marriage Act will lead the United States to a fate similar to the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were destroyed by God in the Book of Genesis for their sinful and inhospitable behavior.

In response to the news, Robertson mocked the suggestion that the battle for same-sex marriage has any similarities to the civil rights struggle during the 1950s and ’60s. Ultimately, the televangelist concluded, Americans’ “liberties are in danger” as governments continue to expand same-sex marriage, abortion rights, and the “removal of the Bible from schools.”

imagesCAXWZKQG “Read the bible,” he warned his audience, “because Sodom and Gomorrah, that’s where the term comes from, sodomy. Look what happened to Sodom. After a while, there wasn’t any other way, so God did something pretty drastic.”

Robertson, of course, was referring to a portion of the Book of Genesis in which God warns righteous residents of the city to flee because he intended to destroy it with fire and brimstone for its aberrant behavior. This particular story has often been used by evangelical Christians in their fight against same-sex marriage, often suggesting that the “immoral” sodomy performed by homosexuals will eventually lead to the destruction of civilization.”  More at:


NFL Murder Charges and Evil

June 28, 2013 - “News of a high profile arrest in the NFL can lead us to consider our perspective on sin.”


George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin and Justice

“What happened on the night of Feb. 26, 2012, at the Retreat at Twin Lakes Community in Sanford, Florida? This week a Florida jury began to hear starkly differing accounts of the events that led to the death of teenager Trayvon Martin at the hands of 29-year-old neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman.

Everyone claims they want justice. Trayvon’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, was quoted as saying, “I’m here today as Trayvon Martin’s mom as I have been every day. I will be attending every day to get justice for my son. I ask that you pray for me and my family because I don’t want any other mother to have to experience what I am going through now.” Meanwhile Zimmerman’s attorney, Don West, asserted his client’s innocence. “He shot Trayvon Martin in self-defense after being viciously attacked,” he declared, and he then went on to tell the jurors that there are “no monsters” in this case.

With all the publicity and racial overtones the case has garnered, we may expect some emotional moments in the courtroom. And with the polarization of opinion and many commentators having jumped to quick conclusions, it will be hard for the jury to render a just verdict. We don’t envy them their task.

imagesCAQXZ1QY But what are the facts? When there are claims and counterclaims of injustice, it’s often hard to stick to the facts and to say, “I don’t know enough to render a verdict,” or, “It’s best to reserve judgment.” After all, rendering judgment will be the purpose of the trial.

Someone once said that in this country—the United States—we have a legal system, not a justice system. All too often financial resources determine the quality of the legal representation a person gets in court. A wealthy person may blow millions of dollars in defense costs, while the poor person is forced to work with a court-appointed attorney who may have little or no time for the low-paying case. Sadly, it happens.

But what of this controversial case? Will it end in justice? We hope so. Yet this and all matters of jurisprudence would really benefit from some of the greatest pieces of legal wisdom ever proffered, those to be found in the law of God.
“You shall not show partiality to a poor man in his dispute” is one of the wonderful nuggets of justice God Himself gave via Moses (Exodus 23:3).  More at:


This morning on WGN TV:   When Evil Walks In

“We live in increasingly perilous times. No place is safe from violent, tragic events. But why? What is the ultimate solution?”

Transcript at:


On This Day:

Daredevil crosses Niagara Falls on tightrope, Jun 30, 1859:

“Jean-Francois Gravelet, a Frenchman known professionally as Emile Blondin, becomes the first daredevil to walk across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. The feat, which was performed 160 feet above the Niagara gorge just down river from the Falls, was witnessed by some 5,000 spectators. Wearing pink tights and a yellow tunic, Blondin crossed a cable about two inches in diameter and 1,100-feet long with only a balancing pole to protect him from plunging into the dangerous rapids below.”



Sandy Koufax pitches first no-hitter, Jun 30, 1962:

imagesCAYTZQMB “On June 30, 1962, Sandy Koufax strikes out 13 batters and walks five to lead the Brooklyn Dodgers to victory over the New York Mets 5-0 with his first career no-hitter. Koufax went on to throw three more no-hitters, including a perfect game on September 9, 1965, in which he allowed no hits and no walks.

From 1962 to 1966, Sandy Koufax executed what are arguably the five greatest seasons by a pitcher in baseball history. His newfound control limited his walks from 4.8 per game to just 2.1. His first no-hitter on this day in 1962 saw him walk five men, but after six innings he had already struck out 12 batters. He pitched a no-hitter every year after that until 1965 and led the Dodgers to World Series wins in 1963 and 1965 and the National League pennant in 1966. He won four World Series games, with a .95 earned run average and 61 strikeouts for his postseason career. Koufax won three Cy Young Awards (1963, 1965 and 1966), all of them unanimous. In 1965 he struck out 382 men, breaking Rube Waddell’s 1904 record of 350 by 32. According to longtime Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully, Koufax was so well-regarded that he would often receive a standing ovation from fans while just warming up for a game.

Sandy Koufax retired after the 1966 season at just 30 years old because of arthritis in his elbow. He was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1972.”



Jay called to say that he was on his way to church in Louisiana.  Translation:  He, his mother and their neighbor were going to Coushatta casino.

I walked Misty around here before I went to church.  When I arrived for Bible Study, I saw a very nice gentleman and his wife who I had known at the Huntsville, TX church.  They have been going around to the different Church of God churches.  After introducing them to our pastor, his wife and other members of our congregation, they enjoyed the sermon which was given by our pastor titled “Is There Anything More Important Than Believing in God.” 

Everyone that they spoke to asked them to stay for our potluck, and they enjoyed that too.  All the food was good, and I stayed as long as I could, but I knew Ray was tending to our Cat Habitat, so he couldn’t let Misty out for me for her 4.00pm ‘outs’.   

It was a very hot, but good day.


  1. All days are good days, especiall if you wake up in the morning alive.

  2. You are correct, DD. It is better to be on this side of the grass.

    I thank the Lord each morning as I put my feet on the floor.

    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny


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