Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pet Food Recall. Coal Plant Closing. Flu Vaccine Problems. Load of Hogwash! Female Dalai Lama? Joe Louis. FDR Signs GI Bill.


For “Summary Saturday”, News, some new, some old:

Pet Food Recall

imagesCAPMYWYS “Natura Pet Products is voluntarily recalling specific lots of dry pet food because it has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella.  The affected products are:

Innova Dry dog and cat food and biscuits/bars/treats
All Lot Codes, All UPC's, All package sizes
All expiration dates prior to 6-10-2014

EVO dry dog, cat and ferret food and biscuits/bars/treats
All Lot Codes, All UPC's, All package sizes
All expiration dates prior to 6-10-2014

California Natural dry dog and cat foods and biscuits/bars/treats
All Lot Codes, All UPC's, All package sizes
All expiration dates prior to 6-10-2014

Healthwise dry dog and cat foods
All Lot Codes, All UPC's, All package sizes
All expiration dates prior to 6-10-2014

Karma dry dog foods
All Lot Codes, All UPC's, All package sizes
All expiration dates prior to 6-10-2014

Mother Nature biscuits/bars/treats
All Lot Codes, All UPC's, All package sizes
All expiration dates prior to 6-10-2014

These products were packaged in a single production facility. During routine FDA testing, a single lot tested positive for the presence of Salmonella. There have been no reports of pet or human illness associated with this product. In an abundance of caution, Natura is voluntarily recalling all products with expiration dates prior to June 10, 2014.”  More at:


NV Energy bill wins passage, signaling state’s shift from coal


NV Energy’s Reid Gardner power station near Moapa

“While Nevada has long had a policy to invest in renewable energy, it has never before excluded a fossil fuel like coal from its energy portfolio. The policy shift comes with significant political weight behind it: NV Energy, U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval, the state's major casinos, the environmental lobby, and major labor unions all support the move.

Reid-Gardner Generating PlantThe Moapa Band of Paiutes, whose health is most affected by proximity to Reid Gardner, cheered the bill’s passage Monday.

Sign cautioning asbestos.

“When we first started to call for the closure of Reid Gardner, we were told it couldn’t be done,” said Vickie Simmons, leading member of the Moapa Band of Paiutes Health and Environmental Committees. “Now, with this legislation, we are close to our goal. The coal plant that has for years poisoned our reservation will finally close and be cleaned up.”  More at:


Study: Flu Vaccine Causes 5.5 Times More Respiratory Infections – A True Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study

“While the government in the U.S. continues to resist doing a true study on vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children or adults, stating that such a study would be “unethical”, researchers in Hong Kong have conducted a true vaccinated vs. unvaccinated study on the influenza vaccine.

Vaccine Vials by Sanofi Pasteur Study: Flu Vaccine Causes 5.5 Times More Respiratory Infections   A True Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated StudyThis is probably one of the few, if not only, true study conducted in recent times where a real placebo was actually used and compared to the vaccine. The results are quite remarkable, suggesting that it is unethical NOT to pursue more studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. People receiving the flu vaccine suffered from other respiratory infections at a rate 5.5 times more than the placebo group!”  More at:


Two Million Gallons of Pig Waste Next to a National River? What a Load of Hogwash!

“Imagine a factory farm with thousands of confined pigs and tons of waste just six miles upstream from a pristine river where hundreds of thousands of people fish, boat, and swim each year. Gross as it sounds, this place exists.

A supplier for the international meat conglomerate Cargill recently built an industrial pig facility near Mt. Judea, Arkansas. This facility is the first confined animal feeding operation (CAFO) ever permitted in Arkansas—and it is already poised to pollute one of our nation’s most cherished waterways, Buffalo National River.

The CAFO, known as the C&H Hog Farms, is located on the banks of Big Creek, a major tributary of Buffalo National River. C&H was designed to hold a staggering 6,500 animals—and generate some 2 million gallons of manure and other waste each year.

Complicating the matter, C&H owners took out a $3.5 million loan to build the monster facility, and the loan is federally guaranteed by the Farm Service Agency (FSA) at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The FSA failed to give the public or the Park Service notice of what it was doing. Last month, NPCA, along with its partners, the Ozark Society, the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance, and the Arkansas Canoe Club, filed notice that it will sue the FSA if it does not take action to revise the environmental assessment and loan guarantee, or otherwise resolve the issue by July 8, 2013.”    More at:


The next Dalai Lama could be a woman

B MATHUR/REUTERS“Late last week, the Dalai Lama said during a visit to Australia that the next Dalai Lama could very well be a woman. In speaking to reporters about how the world needs more compassionate leaders today, he said that “biologically, females have more potential…females have more sensitivity about others’ well being.” As a result, he said, “if the circumstances are such that a female Dalai Lama is more useful, then automatically a female Dalai Lama will come.”"   More at:


On This Day:

Joe Louis becomes champ, Jun 22, 1937:

“In Chicago's Comiskey Park, Joe Louis wins the world heavyweight boxing title when he defeats American Jim Braddock in an eighth-round knockout. Louis was the first African American heavyweight champ since Jack Johnson, who lost the title in 1915. During his subsequent reign, the longest in the history of the heavyweight division, Louis successfully defended his title 25 times, scoring 21 knockouts.”


FDR signs GI bill, Jun 22, 1944:

“On this day in 1944, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the GI bill to provide financial aid to veterans returning from World War II. Upon signing the legislation, Roosevelt voiced his belief that ensuring veterans' employability was critical to a sound postwar economy.

The G.I. Bill became one of the major forces that drove an economic expansion in America that lasted 30 years after World War II. Only 20 percent of the money set aside for unemployment compensation under the bill was given out, as most veterans found jobs or pursued higher education. Low interest home loans enabled millions of American families to move out of urban centers and buy or build homes outside the city, changing the face of the suburbs.

Over 50 years, the impact of the G.I. Bill was enormous, with 20 million veterans and dependents using the education benefits and 14 million home loans guaranteed, for a total federal investment of $67 billion. Among the millions of Americans who have taken advantage of the bill are former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Gerald Ford, former Vice President Al Gore and entertainers Johnny Cash, Ed McMahon, Paul Newman and Clint Eastwood.”



The day before, I had been crippling around with my back out.  It probably happened when I messed with that 5-gal bucket that hurt my toe.  My toe was fine, but my back wasn’t.

Even a night’s sleep and some Aleve didn’t help, so I called around to find a chiropractor who had time to see me. 

At my first choice, there was no answer on the phone, second place couldn’t see me until the afternoon, so I called my old, old chiropractor’s office and asked if he was still there.  The receptionist said yes, and told me to come right in.  Why she misled me, I don’t know.  When I got there, I found out that the old chiropractor had died last March, so I saw his young replacement.  I hadn’t really wanted to see someone new, but I was there, and in pain. 

This chiropractor didn’t know me and was apprehensive about working on 78 year old bones, but did a slight adjustment on my back.  It still hurts when I get up from sitting for a while, or if I bend down to pick up something.  I think he knew that he hadn’t completely adjusted my back, and wants to see me again next week.  Usually, I get fixed on the first visit, but that would be bad for business.

Once I get moving, walking doesn’t hurt, so I was still able to go shopping while I was in Conroe yesterday.


  1. Do they not do x-rays first when a new chiropractor sees you? Up here they won't touch you without doing them. Our chiropractor has a seminar that he does about twice a month and if you attend you get free x-rays & first visit.

  2. Thank you for your comment, Sandra.

    Usually they do X-rays when you are a new patient, but he looked at all my old records, and was very careful with me. Too careful! I hope he stops it from hurting next time I go there.

    Happy Trails, Penny.


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