Friday, June 28, 2013

Gastro-Intestinal Issues? Severe Stomach Damage Caused by GMOs. Natural vs. Organic. Tips for Avoiding GMOs. Two Big Quakes Rock CA.


For “Foodie Friday”:

Are Your Gastro-Intestinal Issues Connected to GM Food?

Are Your  Gastro-Intestinal Issues Connected to GM Food?

“We are creatures of habit. Lets face it. We buy our snacks in fancy packages, and enjoy the carefully engineered delicious food, without thinking about it. Perhaps it is time to start connecting some dots.

In 1996, genetically modified (GM) crops entered human food and animal feed in increasing amounts after being commercially released into USA fields. The main products were corn and soy. In addition to those modified crops, and many others since then, GM mosquitoes have also been introduced into the ecosystem, without the consent of the people.

A recent study published in the peer reviewed ‘Journal of Organic Systems’ demonstrated that Pigs fed a GMO diet showed a higher rate of severe stomach inflammation than pigs fed a comparable non GMO diet.This finding was a result of a long-term toxicology study on pigs that were fed a combination of soy and GM maize (both genetically modified). Dr. Judy Carman, from the Institute of Health and Environmental Research, Australia led the study.

The significance of this 23 week study is that it reveals biological evidence linking GMO crops to significant harm. It showed that there was a 267% increase in stomach inflammation compared to the non GMO diets for the participating pigs. Surprisingly, males had an even higher increase (400%). 168 young pigs were involved in this study.

Other studies, that didn't make mainstream news, indicate a link between GMO food and severe organ damage, cancer, kidney damage, tumors and premature death. For example, it is not a secret that rats fed with GMO's grow disgusting tumors, again as shown by documented scientific published studies. Hello?

Where are the food regulators assessing GM crops to be ingested by animals or people? Where are the long-term negative harm studies from GM food or crops? What about the genetic pollution that spreads and creates unintended results? These are serious questions, without clear answers.

Do you have chills yet? How about pondering this connection?  The GM corn has an insecticide that works.  That 'special' insecticide is genetically grown into every GM corn kernel. Mmm. Sounds tasty. But, as each kernel damages the digestive system of the insects, that same insecticide stays inside the corn, which is turned into animal feed, or processed in your nachos (with corn chips), etc . What does that do to your digestive system?”  More at:


GMO feed turns pig stomachs to mush! Shocking photos reveal severe damage caused by GM soy and corn

“This pig stomach inflammation study suddenly provides yet more credible evidence that GMOs are unfit for human consumption and may be causing severe damage to the digestive systems of both humans and mammals.”

(NaturalNews) “If you have stomach problems or gastrointestinal problems, a new study led by Dr. Judy Carman may help explain why: pigs fed a diet of genetically engineered soy and corn showed a 267% increase in severe stomach inflammation compared to those fed non-GMO diets. (For the record, most autistic children are males, and nearly all of them have severe intestinal inflammation.)”   Learn more:


“Natural” and “Organic” brands, often t’aint so!

“You might be surprised to find out that many “natural” and “organic” brands are in fact owned by multi-billion-dollar corporations that are contributing hundreds of thousands—or even millions—of dollars to defeat Proposition 37. These companies present themselves as small, family-run businesses and farms in order to gain your trust, but nothing could be further from the truth.

For example, Kashi is owned by Kellogg, and has contributed $612,000 to defeating Proposition 37. In 2011, The Cornucopia Institute published a study called Cereal Crimes, which revealed that the popular, “natural” Kashi GoLean cereal brand, unbeknownst to its customers, contains genetically engineered ingredients.

Another example is Silk soymilk, which carries the “Non-GMO Project Verified” seal on its products but is owned by the nation’s largest factory dairy, Dean Foods, which has contributed $253,000 to the effort to kill Prop 37.  Dean Foods also owns the Horizon Organic brand. Both Silk and Horizon profess to oppose GMOs, while their parent company does everything possible to water down organic certification standards and make sure genetically engineered foods (like rBGH milk) are never labeled.”

Original article at:


Natural vs. Organic Cereal

“Increasingly, organic products are forced to compete with products that claim to be “natural.”

There are no restrictions for foods labeled “natural” (very basic standards exist only for meat products). The term often constitutes nothing more than meaningless marketing hype promoted by corporate interests seeking to cash in on the consumer desire for food produced in a genuinely sustainable manner.

Unlike the organic label, no government agency, certification group or other independent entity fully defines the term “natural” on processed food packages or ensures that the claim has merit.

Natural" claims in the cereal and granola aisle mislead consumers. A new research study from The Cornucopia Institute indicates the "natural" claim is mostly meaningless marketing hype, in contrast to the USDA certified organic label which signifies the food was produced without genetically modified organisms (GMOs), toxic pesticides and other potentially dangerous synthetic inputs. Cornucopia and USDA research finds GMOs, and toxic pesticide residues, in "natural" cereal ingredients... and many "natural" brands are often priced higher than equivalent organic products.”


Tips for Avoiding GMOs

“Avoiding GMOs can be a challenge given the fact that Monsanto continues to silence most any legislation looking to enforce the labeling of GMOs on a state-wide of nationwide level, however it is very possible. While the best option is searching for a high quality organic source sporting the USDA organic label, there are certainly alternatives to reduce your consumption of GMOS when it comes to non-organic food sources.”


Take Action! Become One of the Millions Against Monsanto!

Sign Organic Consumers Association's Truth-in-Labeling Petition:


On This Day:

Two big quakes rock California, Jun 28, 1992:

“Two of the strongest earthquakes ever to hit California strike the desert area east of Los Angeles on this day in 1992. Although the state sits upon the immense San Andreas fault line, relatively few major earthquakes have hit California in modern times. Two of the strongest, but not the deadliest, hit southern California on a single morning in the summer of 1992.

Just before 5 a.m. on a Sunday morning, a 7.3-magnitude quake struck in Landers, 100 miles east of Los Angeles. Because the Landers area is sparsely populated, damage was relatively minor given the intensity of the jolt. In Los Angeles, residents experienced rolling and shaking for nearly a minute. The tremors were also felt in Arizona, Las Vegas and as far away as Boise, Idaho.

Just over three hours later, a second 6.3-magnitude tremor hit in Big Bear, not too far from the original epicenter. This quake caused fires to break out and cost three people their lives. A chimney fell on a 3-year-old child and two people suffered fatal heart attacks. Between the two quakes, 400 people were injured and $92 million in damages were suffered. The physical damage was also significant. The quakes triggered landslides that wiped out roads and opened a 44-mile-long rupture in the earth, the biggest in California since the 1906 San Francisco quake.”



Misty and I went to get Jay, and had our walk down there.  When we got back here, Ray did some painting, and Jay and I worked on the fence to the walkway going to my backyard.  The lattice gate is now hung, but we haven’t cut the top of the fence level yet.  We will do that when we are finished with the other fence, too.  We started on the cross fence between the two back yards, but it got too hot to do much more yesterday.

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